Tiantian is a girl who cares very much about her figure. She has to look in the mirror seven or eight times a day to see if she has gained weight. Although her colleagues in the company think she has a very beautiful figure... Excessive concern about her appearance will cause It

Tiantian is a girl who cares very much about her figure. She looks in the mirror seven or eight times a day to see if she has gained weight. Although her colleagues in the company think she already has a very beautiful figure... she is overly concerned about her appearance. It will bring about anxiety, and when this anxiety even begins to affect social interaction and life, it will evolve into "ugliness syndrome", which is the body image disorder we are going to talk about today.

People with body image disorder generally have the following three aspects of behavioral performance:

·Compulsive behavior, compulsively repeating some specific, time-consuming behaviors, such as constantly looking in the mirror as mentioned above, and then being picky about skin, and street. Compare with people on the Internet or models in magazines, frequently put on makeup, etc.

·Safety behavior, covering up body parts you don’t like to avoid embarrassment or humiliation, such as wearing hats, glasses, etc.

·Avoidance behavior, they often avoid social situations for fear of others saying they are ugly.


When growing up, most people with body image disorders have suffered negative comments about their body or self-image from others, and have even suffered neglect or abuse in childhood for these reasons. .

For example, peers make fun of them and give them appearance-related nicknames, or some parents take their dissatisfaction with their own body image out on their children and like to comment negatively on their children's bodies. When parents focus on their children's unique talents and intrinsic values, coupled with unconditional love, they can provide a solid foundation for a lifelong positive body image.

How can we overcome adult individuals with body image disorders? Here are 8 methods you can try.

·Change the way you think about your body, shift the focus from evaluation and criticism to care and appreciation, inspire a positive body image based on your existing image, and focus on how strong and healthy your body is, rather than on how strong and healthy your body is. insufficient.

· Correctly understand your appearance, what can actually be changed, what cannot be changed, and what changes are not suitable. Everyone is not perfect.

·Focus on being kind to yourself and taking care of yourself, such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and living with people who like you.

·When you are denying your body, firmly remind yourself to stop this thought. You still have many unique parts, such as your talents, beliefs, and humor. Don't let your body become everything to you.

· Find a trusted adult to talk to and ask him to tell you what he sees in you. You will see a different version of yourself

· Ask yourself "the qualities you are proud of, what excites you, what achievements you have made, and others." What to Appreciate About You,” etc., provide opportunities to see yourself positively, feel empowered, stop attacking your body, and feel content with yourself.

·Imagine your friend is going through what you are going through. What would you say to him? Sometimes we may be more kind to others than to ourselves.

·Realize that it’s not your body that’s wrong, it’s your thoughts.