Since the start of the lecturer class, I often meet people who say in private that they want to join the lecturer class, but they are afraid that they will not be able to learn, have no confidence, and have low self-esteem. One or two people said this before, so I suggested to th

Since the start of the lecturer class, I often meet people who say in private that they want to join the lecturer class, but they are afraid that they will not be able to learn, have no confidence, and have low self-esteem.

One or two people said this before, so I suggested to them not to rush and take a look. Then he stopped talking.

Why do you say this? Because the people we need are people we really want, not people who are anxious in and try it in . After all, every lecture in the lecturer's class is followed by three days of practical practice.

It is basically difficult for people with impetuous hearts to perform.

Now I ask more questions and find that this is a common problem for many people.

will analyze it carefully with everyone.

Do you still remember the action framework we have been talking about in previous courses?

If you don’t remember it, please remember it carefully.

Thinking produces action, action produces results, and results guide thinking.

This is the basic framework and must be kept in mind.

When we feel unconfident, it is a symptom of illness.

Because each of us is self-sufficient. To be healthy, we should be positive, upward, generous and enthusiastic.

And our low self-esteem, fear, and lack of confidence are symptoms. When you are sick, you need to solve the problem from the perspective of thinking, cognition, and origin. How to solve the original problem of


1, belief.

All low self-esteem comes from your belief system. If you are not confident in yourself, you will inevitably not truly believe in everyone.

The way to solve this problem is that the butt determines the head.

To be more civilized, the location determines the idea.

If you want to be a lecturer, you must first put yourself in the position of a lecturer. That way, your thinking will be completely different.

For example:

You work in a company. When you first joined the company, your position was a novice, and all you were thinking about was how to quickly integrate into the company and improve performance.

When you take the position of manager or director, you may be thinking about team building and the like.

When you sit in the position of general manager, you think even more differently.

If we want to be lecturers, we should think about problems according to the thinking of lecturers.

What does the instructor do? What do we do?

Just do it. If you do it more, you will naturally become a lecturer.

2, cognitive.

We decided to become lecturers, but we still didn’t take action. There is always a stuck point in my heart.

This is a cognitive problem. What is


Remember the most important thing. The essence of a lecturer is to spread valuable things.

But many people may just think that lecturers can bring goods, lecturers can brainwash people... and so on.

Because of his inner cognition, he did not dare to act.

This is all your own problem.

needs to be changed.

The way to solve this problem is two words: medium

Make sure that the lecturer is a medium, a communicator. The characteristic of

as a medium and communicator is that you don’t need to have too many ideas of your own. If there are too many subjective ideas, the objective value will be easily discounted. This will lead to bad results.

When the results are not good, a vicious cycle will occur in your thinking, and you will feel that you are not suitable to be a lecturer. Leading to lack of confidence.

But when we really disseminate the results of people's things directly, don't always think about originality, don't think about adding personal understanding.All original works of

are the products of practice makes perfect. If you are not even proficient, how can you make perfect work? This requires a process.

3, thinking

When your belief is that you are a lecturer, you can find the knowledge you think the lecturer needs to learn and practice.

When your cognition knows the essence of a lecturer. You will think correctly about what the lecturer should do and how to learn.

If you think correctly, your behavior will naturally be correct. Symptoms such as fear, inferiority, and lack of confidence will disappear naturally.

So, the conclusion is that if you want to participate in the special alchemy training camp for Jin Chan Hui lecturers, you can just go to the course schedule. If it is the value you want, then you will be a lecturer of Jin Chan Hui. Just learn what you think is valuable and spread it out.

As soon as you change your mind, you will find that your inferiority complex, lack of confidence, fear, etc. are all gone.

is ready. It’s useless to talk too much, just come if you understand!

Liu Yang

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