As the elderly population in our country continues to increase, the mental health of the elderly has attracted more and more attention from society. Many elderly people have varying degrees of psychological problems. Most of these problems are caused by the loss of a spouse, chil

With the continuous increase of the elderly population in our country, the mental health of the elderly has attracted more and more attention from society. Many elderly people have varying degrees of psychological problems. Most of these problems are caused by the loss of a spouse, children working away from home, old age and frailty, a decline in social status, and the belief that they have become a burden on the family and society.

Widowhood will increase the mortality rate

The pain of widowhood in the elderly has become a cruel fact that many people must face up to. According to statistics, the number of elderly people who lose their spouses and lead to psychological imbalance and death is 7 times that of ordinary elderly people. Research by psychologists also proves that the death of a spouse is the most shocking event in life, especially for older adults.

"Empty nest" has become a common problem among urban elderly people.

As society ages, there are more and more “empty nest” elderly people. To have a happy old age, it is particularly important for the elderly to adjust their mentality. First of all, you must learn to care for yourself and find a way that suits you, such as contacting the outside world and releasing the residual heat of society. In addition, it is also important to learn to adjust yourself and establish a regular life.

The psychological gap after retirement.

Many elderly people have just retired from their jobs and will feel a certain sense of loss. If you cannot adjust your mentality at this time, it may lead to a series of psychological problems. From a family perspective, family members can accompany the elderly to participate in cultural and sports activities to distract their attention and enrich their spiritual and cultural life. From a social perspective, community neighborhood committees strengthen the cultural construction of the elderly in the community and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly. Organize some group activities such as fishing, planting flowers, and raising birds.

Depression becomes an “alternative killer”

Depression is one of the most common functional mental disorders in the elderly. Depression is very common among older adults, and suicide among older adults is often associated with depression.