In addition to self-blame, shame is mostly inflicted by others. When we explain this matter, we often give an example: two people have a dispute, and one person says, "You are crazy!"

2024/05/1203:42:32 psychological 1689

The incidence rate of depression in my country is 5%-6%, making it the number one mental illness.

They will feel like "I'm bad", "I can't do anything well", "I'm sorry for my parents"... This interacts with the pathological characteristics of depression itself, dragging people deeper into the quagmire.

In addition to self-blame, shame is mostly inflicted by others. When we explain this matter, we often give an example: two people have a dispute, and one person says,

And the culprit of everything is stigma .

But where does the shame come from?

In addition to self-blame, shame is mostly imposed by others. When we explain this matter, we often give an example: two people have a dispute, and one person says, "You are crazy!" (or mentally ill, or crazy) That must be a curse word.
If two people have a dispute and one person says "You have a heart attack!" (or have a cold, or something else), it should not be a curse. Maybe I'm still concerned. There is no need to explain why one of

is a curse and the other is not, because everyone understands the cultural connotation.

Why are mental illnesses labeled?

. Equating all mental illnesses with "schizophrenia", "schizophrenia", "antisocial personality" and other diseases that bring huge negative social impact.

2. Unlike most people, people who don’t understand something will always be scared. We all know that even those with schizophrenia are not necessarily very aggressive, nor are they "alien" who will attack others or even kill others at any time. However, because of this difference and understanding, people will be afraid. When we are scared, we have an automatic reaction, which is to attack or avoid.

3. Excessive focus on the possible negative consequences of depression.
The publicity of depression in recent years has made more people aware of depression, but at the same time, it has also made more people aware that severe depression can affect their lives and may even lead to suicide.

Once a suicide due to depression occurs, the family, school, and work unit will become the target of public criticism, and people will inevitably talk about it with disgrace.

Therefore, I especially want to suggest that people around me have more understanding and acceptance. His family, his friends, and even society should have more understanding and acceptance of depression (including many other mental illnesses), and less contempt and rejection.

A large number of foreign studies have confirmed that its cause is the same as other physical diseases and has a great relationship with genetic susceptibility. Getting rid of the "stigma" is conducive to depression treatment. Let depressed patients be brave enough to speak out about their condition. The most important thing is to eliminate the sense of shame.

As a relative or friend, you first need to understand that depression, like colds and fevers, is a very common and normal disease.

Relatives and friends need to convey this understanding to patients and support them to actively receive treatment in the hospital; let patients understand what depression is like and realize that there is no difference between themselves and others.

In addition to self-blame, shame is mostly inflicted by others. When we explain this matter, we often give an example: two people have a dispute, and one person says,

Secondly, family and friends should give them timely help in life and work, so that they can feel the care of the people around them.

In addition to the support of family and friends, society and the media should also play their due role. Society and the media should increase the publicity of medical knowledge about depression, popularize mental health and mental health knowledge, increase publicity efforts, enhance people's understanding of depression, be more understanding and tolerant of patients, eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and make Patients with mental depression get rid of the stigma.

In the treatment of depression, medication is the main treatment and psychological counseling is supplemented. When a patient successfully gets rid of the stigma, the most important thing is to actively accept treatment. The current treatment methods for depression in the international medical community are mainly drug treatment, supplemented by psychological counseling.

Psychotherapy and drug therapy are both commonly used clinical methods to treat depression, but psychotherapy is of limited help to patients with depression. Mild depression may be solved by simple psychotherapy, but moderate and severe depression The disease definitely requires medication.

In addition to self-blame, shame is mostly inflicted by others. When we explain this matter, we often give an example: two people have a dispute, and one person says,

Psychotherapy mainly includes interpretive therapy, supportive therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and so on.Psychotherapy can only play an auxiliary role, and ultimately medication is still needed to effectively alleviate depression. Note: Click "500 Internal Server Error" to get free online answers to your psychological confusion!

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