"Jealousy is an annoyance to others' luck." Jealousy is a psychological tendency to exclude or destroy others' superior status. It is a fierce emotion containing hatred.

2024/02/1920:49:33 psychological 1283

"Jealousy is a worry about the luck of others."

Jealousy is a psychological tendency to exclude or destroy others' superior status. It is a fierce emotion containing hatred.

Jealousy is most likely to occur between people of equal status, similar age, and the same degree. In fact, everyone has varying degrees of jealousy. It is normal to pay attention to other people's evaluation of themselves and hope that they will live better than others. However, If you don't see others as better than you and exclude others, you are narrow-minded.

Psychologically, jealousy will lead oneself to negative aspects. The continuous development of jealousy will distort one's psychology, gradually lose normality, turn from jealousy to hatred, and then adopt some unfair means or even despicable means. To do harm to others will harm both others and yourself.

Jealous people are most likely to be jealous of those whose subjective and objective conditions were similar to or inferior to themselves in the past. In the eyes of jealous people, new achievements and new advantages achieved by people who are similar to themselves or who were inferior to them in the past are often seen as comparing their own incompetence or posing a threat to themselves, so they will be worried, angry, and resentful. .

Why are people jealous?

people’s desires and needs. Everyone has their own desires and needs. When desires are not met, a kind of frustration and lack of self-confidence will arise. Especially if we cannot get it temporarily, but others have achieved it first, we will have a feeling similar to our own. The mentality of hating others for not having enough.

The second is comparison. Sometimes it’s not that we can’t get what we want, or that our lives are worse than others, but that we always focus on what others have, and when we look back, we don’t have what we have, and we ignore what we have. "Happiness", I always feel that others are better than myself, and I feel psychologically unbalanced.

The third is a matter of character. Generally, people with strong jealousy are narrow-minded, suspicious, inferior, introverted, and psychologically unbalanced. They just can't see others being better than themselves, and they can't see others being good at their own incompetence and inaction. They always feel a little uncomfortable when they see the progress of others. They even maliciously slander others and destroy their reputations. Seeing the pain of the slandered person, Their psychology will be balanced.

Jealousy is a feeling that makes people feel sad. When it is serious, people will naturally have the emotion of hatred. Negative people will allow these emotions to turn into aggressive behavior and damage relationships.

The famous German medical scientist Gerhard once said: "Most people who are prone to jealousy will have poor appetite, low appetite, low mood, shortness of breath, depression in the chest, various diseases, and reduced work efficiency."

It is said that when people When jealousy arises in the heart, it will stimulate the person's pain center, causing the body's immune function to decline, and the body's ability to resist diseases to decline, and diseases will follow one after another.

If you find that your jealousy is relatively strong, you need to adjust your heart in time, evaluate yourself objectively, and turn jealousy into motivation.

Because the person being envied is actually not perfect, and neither are we. If he is richer than you, maybe he doesn't have as much leisure as you do. Don't just take everything at face value. When you stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, the people watching the scenery are also watching you upstairs. When you lament the beautiful scenery in front of you, maybe you are also the scenery in the eyes of others.

What you have may be what others envy. Everyone's life cannot be perfect. Don't be jealous of others, pay more attention to yourself.

Balzac said: "The envious person suffers more than any unfortunate person. The happiness of others and his own misfortune will make him extremely painful."

People who are jealous of others always like to torture themselves with the advantages of others. , they start from being jealous of others and end up destroying themselves. Jealousy is actually self-harm.

One day, an angel came to the home of an old couple and said to them: "Because of your innocence and kindness, God has decided to let you make three wishes.

But there is a prerequisite: no matter what you wish for, your neighbors will also receive double blessings at the same time.

The old couple was very happy after hearing this, and said, "Give me a hill of ready-made rice, so that we don't have to cultivate it this year!" "

Early the next morning, sure enough, there was a hill-like pile of rice in front of the door. It was so plentiful and full. The old man was very excited! But he thought that the barn would not be enough, so he planned to go to the town to buy wood to expand the barn. .

Only halfway through, he met his neighbor. When he asked, he found out that he was also going to buy wood to build a barn. He danced and said, "Wow! Today there suddenly appeared two hills of rice in front of my house. I won’t have to farm this year or next year!

Suddenly, the old man felt jealous, wishing that the neighbor in front of him would disappear from sight. A week later, the angel came again, and the old couple made a second wish.

They said to the angel: "We hope God can give us childless people a lovely baby. "Ten months later, they gave birth to a baby and were about to tell their relatives and friends the good news. Unexpectedly, before they even stepped out the door,

saw their neighbor coming in with a red egg and said excitedly. : “My wife gave birth! I really didn’t expect that we would have children, and they would be twins! "The old couple felt bad after hearing this. They looked at the red eggs sent by the neighbor and couldn't eat them at all.

That night, the angel visited again and asked them to express their third wish. The old man said angrily: "I request God cut off one of my arms! "The angel was startled!

The old man then said bitterly: "I want to make the complacent guy next door lose both hands and be unable to do anything for the rest of his life, haha. "

Jealousy is a poison. It will distort people's minds, blind people's eyes, and make originally peaceful and kind-hearted people look hateful. This kind of psychology will ultimately hurt ourselves.

Jealousy is like a knife, do you think You pierce it on others, but you actually pierce it into your own heart!

People may not be able to avoid jealousy in their lives, but we can get out of the narrow self-centered mentality, accept and understand others, and expand We should be broad-minded and generous, and face life with a healthy attitude. The so-called "selfless heart is broad".

The most important thing is to know yourself correctly and don't belittle yourself. Each of us is unique in the world. There will never be another you.

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