How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance

2021/08/1622:37:05 psychological 865

The book "The Power of Positive Emotions" says:

"We don’t feel positive emotions because of our full life and good health, but our sincere positive emotions create a complete and healthy life."


Positive emotions have a very important impact on our lives, such as the following three points.

How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance - DayDayNews

1. Positive emotions can expand thinking and horizons

We are like flowers, and positive emotions are like sunshine.

When exposed to sunlight, the closed petals of the flower will slowly unfold.

People are the same. When they are in positive emotions, they will become open-minded, more willing to express, and more willing to discover more beautiful things.

Recall that when we are in a good mood, our thinking will be more active, we will be more comfortable in dealing with problems, and we are more willing to open up, communicate and communicate with others, and at the same time, like to accept new things and learn more. knowledge.

On the other hand, when we are depressed, we may not want to do anything, we are too lazy to think, do not want to see anyone, just want to stay at home alone, may not even be interested in playing mobile phones, just mechanically call The game.

It can be seen that positive emotions can make our thoughts and actions more open and inclusive, and take the initiative to establish better social relationships with others.

How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance - DayDayNews

2. Positive emotions help us build a better future

Positive emotions not only help us broaden our thinking and horizons, but also allow us to come from four aspects: psychology, mental habits, social connections, and physical health. Build a better future.

There is an example named Nina in the book.

Nina is working hard,This puts a lot of pressure on her.

As a result, anxiety and irritability come uninvited. Not only can the work not be completed efficiently, but the relationship with colleagues has also become worse and worse.

Thinking of this, Nina became even more troubled and became increasingly impatient with her husband and son.

What’s more serious is that this has affected her health. She often has headaches and stomach pains. She has been preparing for her second child for several years, but she has not been able to do so.

How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance - DayDayNews

Later, by chance, after Nina took part in the meditation practice, Nina's condition gradually improved significantly.

She is no longer so negative and pessimistic, but has learned to accept those negative emotions and gradually improve her positive emotions.

For example, psychologically, she is more confident and tenacious, willing to accept work challenges and take the initiative to solve problems;

mentally, she knows how to empathize and learn to think about him from the perspective of her husband, so she has an intimate relationship More harmonious;

socially, she actively opens up her heart, communicates frankly with colleagues and friends, and the interpersonal relationship is getting better and better;

learns to relax after meditation practice, feel more comfortable, no more headaches, Stomach hurts, and later successfully conceived the long-awaited baby.

When I saw this example, I was very excited.

Yes, the power of positive emotions is very powerful, and it will make your future better!

How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance - DayDayNews

3. Positive emotions can make us indomitable.

Author Barbara said that the most critical difference between people with resilience and those without resilience is their positive emotions.

Resilience is an internal resource that grows over time, and positive sentiment drives this growth.

The author found through research experiments that when faced with difficulties and frustrations, most of the time people will have various negative emotions. At this time, the positive emotions function like a reset button, which can help you quickly clear out the negative emotions.

Those who can maintain positive emotions and are more resilient,Will enhance the resilience of more quickly and see the better side of things.

Therefore, positive emotions allow us to look at setbacks and failures with hope, give us the strength to recover from difficulties, and make us stronger and stronger.

How much do positive emotions affect us? After reading these 3 points at a glance - DayDayNews

Each of us has the power to turn positive emotions on or off for ourselves.

Please believe that when you plant the seeds of positive emotions, you will reap a prosperous life!

(the picture comes from the Internet, invaded)

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