As the saying goes: "A son-in-law has half a son, and a daughter is not as filial as a son-in-law." It is a law of heaven and a law of earth for a son-in-law to be filial to his parents-in-law. A son-in-law in Changsha funded the construction of a new house for his father-in-law,

2024/07/0201:56:32 news 1076

As the saying goes: "A son-in-law has half a son, and a daughter's filial piety is not as good as that of a son-in-law." A son-in-law's filial piety to his parents-in-law is a law of heaven and a law of earth.

A son-in-law in Changsha funded the construction of a new house for his father-in-law, but after the house was completed, the father-in-law sighed helplessly and walked away. The completion of a new house is a happy event in life. Why does my father-in-law sigh so much?

As the saying goes:

It turns out that the old man’s daughter married abroad, and his daughter and son-in-law were considerate of their difficult life and decided to fund the construction of a house for them in their hometown to enjoy their old age. The son-in-law came back in person to help with the design and construction, so that the father-in-law would not have to worry.

After the house was completed, my father-in-law went over to take a look. The exterior design of the house immediately made him feel cold. Although the son-in-law was busy and contributed money and effort, the house built was too different, and the appearance was incompatible with tradition.

As the saying goes:

Neighbors or people passing by laughed at the old man. The house was like a public toilet, low and old-fashioned. The old man was also very disappointed, but his son-in-law funded the construction and worked hard, so he couldn't say anything, so he had no choice but to sigh and walk away, unable to see Jiang Dong's father in his old age.

Judging from the video, the house construction is indeed different from the traditional style. The house is built in a bungalow style, with antique tiles on the walls, protruding steps in the foyer, and well-proportioned eaves. It looks quite beautiful. But the main reason is that the door fan of the house faces the road. To people passing by, it does look like a toilet in a public service area.

As the saying goes:

Seeing this, netizens also expressed their opinions. Some netizens said: From a distance, it does look like a public restroom in a highway service area. The son-in-law did not build it well, and it is normal for the father-in-law to sigh. Chinese and foreign aesthetics are different, and the appearance of the house is indeed a big flaw.

But some netizens said: My son-in-law built it in an American style. It looks novel and unique, and the whole thing is pretty beautiful. There are always some people who talk nonsense. Don't listen to those gossips, just live and be happy.

Netizens expressed their opinions, some praised the son-in-law for his good work, while others sneered and dismissed it.

As the saying goes:

It is true that many people now build small villas based on the European style. The traditional house building model is indeed not that beautiful. However, there are very few buildings built in the American style, so it is reasonable for my father-in-law to be dissatisfied.

In fact, the filial piety of the daughter and son-in-law is a lesson. Considering that the parents-in-law are old, building a bungalow will make it easier to travel. However, as the saying goes: the winds vary across a hundred miles, and the customs vary across a thousand miles. Different regions have different customs and customs. The son-in-law should let his father-in-law refer to the style of the house he designs, and the father-in-law should construct the house only after the father-in-law is satisfied. Otherwise, it will become a thankless effort.

As the saying goes:

If you can be filial to your parents, you will be a good son if you are filial; if you are filial to your mother-in-law, you will be filial and you will be virtuous.

Friends, do you think the houses built by foreign sons-in-law to honor their parents-in-law look good? What do you think about this?

(The picture comes from an online video, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it!)

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