In the past 20 days, all three children have had colds and fevers... I take care of them during the day, but at night I dare not go to bed because I am afraid that the fever will be severe in the middle of the night. I hold on for a while and touch them in the first half of the n

2024/06/3007:06:32 news 1946

In the past 20 days, all three children have had colds and fevers... I take care of the children during the day, but at night I dare not sleep for fear of the severe fever in the middle of the night. I hold on for a while and touch them in the first half of the night, and I have to wake up regularly in the second half of the night. Sometimes the alarm clock doesn't work. He was woken up by the child. When she has a fever and feels uncomfortable, she will get up and wake me up. She is a very smart little chubby girl. The first time I was woken up by her, I could feel that her body was as hot as a "little stove". I lost all sleep at once and quickly got up to give her medicine. He used water and a towel to wipe her whole body to cool her down, while wiping her hands that were still shaking from fear. I knew that it would take about 2 hours for the medicine to take effect. During this period, I didn't dare to stop for a moment. I kept comforting Pangpang and wiping her, for fear that she would resist violently.

According to what the doctor said before, she would need to infuse fluids for three days. Today is the third day. It seems that her condition has improved in the past two days. Considering that she was so frightened that she kept crying every time she went to the hospital and resisted desperately when the needle was inserted. She used all her strength and cried at the top of her lungs. Because of her struggle, she was given two injections of medicine and six needle holes... so pitiful! After communicating with the doctor, I didn’t go there today!

During this period of time, I have been physically and mentally exhausted and have been spending a lot of money. When asked for money, he would always say no. He has a very strict mouth and won't say anything else. In fact, I know whether he has money or not. He won a lottery last week, and her parents kept it secret from me. I saw it was listed today, and it will increase for a few days next week. The money earned in one day is enough for me. It's just that he never offered to give me money, not even once, but when the children needed money, he said no when asked. I told him this question many times: "When you have money, give me some. I don't know when you will pay your salary, and you never tell me. I always want a salary of two hundred or three hundred." It takes many times to get it. Do you know it yourself? I hope you can give it to me if you have it..."

In the past 20 days, all three children have had colds and fevers... I take care of them during the day, but at night I dare not go to bed because I am afraid that the fever will be severe in the middle of the night. I hold on for a while and touch them in the first half of the n - DayDayNews

Maybe it is as he said, he has no money for the time being (but that is also because he paid for the stocks after winning the lottery) If the money is paid, all the money will come out after selling the stock next week.) He thought I didn't know about his winning the lottery, but unfortunately I found out. That's fine, even if it is as he said, the monthly expenses are high and the pressure is high, it will just let him know how embarrassing it will be when I take care of the three of them alone in the future! It also saves him from having to bear all the burden when he still doesn’t understand the children’s situation and difficulties! Now that we haven't left yet, he should bear more weight. Even if he doesn't give it, I can't give up the idea of ​​asking him for money. Thinking about how difficult it will be to take care of them alone in the future, I can't spend all the money now. How will I raise three children in the future.

If he didn't make such a fuss, he would have a house to relax in, two cars, three children, a son and a daughter, what a happy family it would be. But he just doesn't think about things, takes himself so seriously, is selfish and only loves himself! If you don't live with me, you will abandon the three children like this. You won't come back to see the children for a month or two. Even if you come back, you will still play with yourself and ignore them. The whole family is like this, and it just so happens that his mother is spoiling him and letting him go out to eat, drink and play at night and sleep during the day. Haha, I only stay at home for two or three days during the Spring Festival and National Day. I don’t stay overnight when I come back. Last year, my estimated monthly expenses were between 10,000 and 15,000. But in the past few months, I have been told that I have no money. I deserve it. When I had money, I worked hard. I couldn't stop eating, drinking and having fun. Now that I don't have money, they give me all kinds of prevarications. If we had discussed everything more and worked together to live like before, I don’t think the word “no money” would have come out of his mouth at all. All I can say is "If you don't seek death, you won't die"!

In the past 20 days, all three children have had colds and fevers... I take care of them during the day, but at night I dare not go to bed because I am afraid that the fever will be severe in the middle of the night. I hold on for a while and touch them in the first half of the n - DayDayNews

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