Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough.

2024/07/0113:45:33 news 1965

Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. - DayDayNews

 【Written in front】

 Compared with the complex interpersonal relationships in the organization, the grassroots company is a pure land. Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. What’s very interesting is that this kind of experience is often more unforgettable for us, and the emotions involved are the truest and deepest.

Pure relationship, simple happiness, and lifelong friendship.

Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. - DayDayNews

  (324) Gongzhu Gossip

I have never played the poker game "Gongzhu", and I always thought it was mysterious, elegant, and a bit unattainable.

Suddenly one day, a comrade who claimed to be an expert told me that Gongzhu is a type of bridge . While I was inexplicably surprised, I was also a little complacent: Isn’t it just bridge? I can do it too, it's no big deal.

In the border defense force , when entering the rank of officer, pig arching has become one of the compulsory courses for amateurs. If you don't want to do it, you can do it, but your leaders or chiefs at all levels are happy to do it. If you have something to do, you can do it a few times. Although you enjoy the leisure of being a "spectator", you can guarantee that there will be no "three shortcomings" one day. What about the "one" situation? Seeing that the chief is about to leave disappointed, will you go up or not? No matter whether you bite the bullet or face death as if you were going home, I'm afraid you have to "enter the pig pen" calmly, and you may even have to happily eat the "pig" (the Queen of Spades). Remember, the leader has a pig, so you can't do it randomly. Be careful of the "dragon face getting angry", there will be a "transformer" (10 of clubs) to increase the pressure for you.

According to the old platoon leaders of the Fifth Company, last winter, that is, at this time, the Fifth Company was in the midst of "pig-gong". Several cadres got together and made big and special arches, so that "the pen was full of fat pigs." After that, the "out of the pot" bleeds, buys wine, groceries, and eats and drinks. It doesn't matter whether there is pork head meat in the dish to go with the wine. The fun is not in "eating" but in the process of "eating".

It seems that it is because of the crisis. Today at noon, the three platoon leaders who all live in the third class gathered together and worked together to teach Platoon Leader Wei Zhong how to do it. During this period, the patience of Platoon Leader Guxihegu and I was really good, and we almost helped each other hand in hand. Think about it, we are training a potential pig master. (Written in Luoguhe Village, Mohe County, on December 8, 1998)

(325) Go away, decadentism

When I was in the third year of high school, I heard a widely circulated saying: Jia Pingwa published a book The masterpiece that can be ranked among the Nobel Prize for Literature and is called " Wasted City ". At that time, I really wanted to see this world-shaking work that might bring great honor to the Chinese people, but I never had the chance. To be exact, it was impossible to buy such a best-selling book in my hometown town at that time.

After joining the army, I still see some people highly esteeming "The Wasted City". When I was attending the military academy in Shenyang, there was a young man from Hunan named Long Weiping in the class. He liked Jia Pingwa's literary works and often did free publicity for "The Wasted Capital", claiming that the book was a rare masterpiece of realist writing; he did not read "Abandoned Capital". "Abandoned Capital" simply cannot correctly understand today's society. Admittedly, what he talks about most is Zhuang Zhidie's loving relationship with Tang Wan'er, Qiu Yue and others. Long Weiping also admitted that "The Wasted City" is a bit more decadent, but it is still a good book. At that time, he borrowed a tattered copy of "The Wasted Capital" from nowhere, but except for him, none of the other brothers in the class went to "shake hands and make peace" with Master Jia.

In the past few days, I saw the old platoon leader Gu Xihe holding a intact copy of "The Wasted City" and reading it. I couldn't help but take it over, but after only reading more than ten pages, I felt like I couldn't stand it anymore. It is full of sexual hints such as "the author deleted three hundred and fifty words here". Rather than exposing the ugliness of society, it is more about promoting lewd and reasonable weird tunes.

"The Wasted City", a second-rate work written by a first-rate writer? (Written in Luoguhe Village, Mohe County, on December 9, 1998)

  (326) Taking advantage of

In the army, there is almost an unwritten rule: whether you are a soldier, you are directly promoted to , or you are an officer who graduated from a military academy. Or a sergeant, including a soldier who is directly converted into a professional sergeant, as long as you are paid, you will get some "blood", that is, treat your superiors and peers to a meal and drink. Otherwise, if someone is going to quarrel with you all day long, the endless scoundrel energy will make you finally take out your wallet obediently: "I surrender, can't you do it?"

According to the tradition of the army, it is usually half a year after the order is given. Back pay. In this way, you can get thousands of dollars at once. A banquet costs only three to two hundred yuan, which is naturally a drop in the bucket, so don't worry too much.

For example, the Fifth Company has four new cadres with new salaries this year, platoon leaders Xu Qingguo, Li Jiansheng, and Wei Zhong, plus division chief Han Shouyuan. The first person to "wage war" against them was Captain Cui. He cheerfully suggested: "You just pay a hundred yuan each and treat the big guys (referring to the company cadres and volunteers ) to a meal." Although this has not happened until now. It hasn’t been realized yet, but I think it’s worth it. What can you do in the face of tradition?

Among the four people, Li Jiansheng and I were in the same batch. He was directly promoted by the soldiers, so his salary was paid a full year earlier than me. After dinner, Dai Xiaojun and Hu Changjun, who were in the same batch as the regiment, and I went to Li Jiansheng to "settle accounts" and asked him to treat us in advance. At that time, Li Jiansheng was washing clothes in the house. The three of us broke into the door and shouted angrily: "What do you mean? You won't show anything after your salary is paid?" "It's okay to eat a piece of bubble gum !"

Just now At first, Li Jiansheng was at a loss, but then he understood something: "Bubble gum? There is it in the drawer."

Almost at the same time, the three of us expressed strong opposition: "How can that be done?" and then broke up with a bang to show our attitude.

Li Jian was extremely happy: "Tomorrow, okay?".

We said we don’t care and let him take care of it himself. (Written in Luoguhe Village, Mohe County, on December 10, 1998)

  (327) Reorganization

There is an old saying in the army, which is that "cadres gathered together are not as good as soldiers."

With the deepening of the new round of military adjustment and reform, the number of cadres in the border defense force was suddenly overstaffed. In a small company, there were as many as seventeen or eight officers, large and small. Among them, the regular cadres of our fifth company were actually There are 15 of them! Therefore, how to manage cadres well has become a headache for officials at all levels. From military divisions to border defense regiments, from regiment political offices to company party branches, after veterans retire, strengthening cadre management has been put on the agenda.

Wulian’s approach may be very unique. Friday's caucus activity time is all used for democratic evaluation of cadres (limited to ranking officers), and it is the soldiers who exercise the right to evaluate. Company Commander Cui explained the significance of this review: "It is natural for cadres to supervise soldiers; it is natural for soldiers to supervise cadres. We just want to form such a mechanism to change the past phenomenon where soldiers did not dare to say anything."

Understandable reasons, democracy The review was not conducted publicly with much fanfare. The soldiers just wrote on paper and then handed it to the company commander. Beforehand, Captain Cui said to the soldiers: "You don't have to worry about anything. Just write whatever you want. Don't worry, only the instructor and I can see this. No one else can."

The results of the review, The "gold content" is naturally quite high. The company party branch also took advantage of the situation and carried out a "reorganization" of the platoon leaders, saying that it wanted some platoon leaders to change their environment, saying that staying in one place for too long was not good for the collective or the individual, etc.

For a time, the cadres seemed to have become an unstable factor in the company. (Written in Luoguhe Village, Mohe County on December 11, 1998)

Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. - DayDayNews

Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. - DayDayNews

Here, the boundaries between officers and soldiers, superiors and subordinates are not so obvious, the way to get along with each other is also very simple, and even the way to deal with conflicts is very direct and rough. - DayDayNews

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