This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of

2024/07/0112:47:32 news 1231

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

Yi Zhongtian was exposed as suspected of "poisonous teaching materials"? The news of

indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered.

Yi Zhongtian, a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator, was once a professor of the Chinese Department of the College of Humanities of Xiamen University. Although he has retired now, his influence is still very great.

Yi Zhongtian was once called an "academic star."

In 2006, he became famous in one fell swoop by giving lectures on " The Most Important Persons of the Han Dynasty " and " Yi Zhongtian's Appreciation of the Three Kingdoms " at CCTV's " Hundred Forums ". In 2008, he lectured on " and the contention of a hundred schools of thought among pre-Qin scholars on ". In 2013, he started writing "Yi Zhongtian History of China".

Yi Zhongtian’s lectures and books are good at telling historical figures and events through his unique thinking and unique language, with a relaxed and playful language style. In Yi Zhongtian's works, the seriousness of history is eliminated.

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

The book that was exposed by the media as a "poisonous textbook" is called " Yi Zhongtian Chinese Classic Stories ". This is a series of books that are positioned as "children's books for primary and secondary school students" from the perspective of the reading target.

According to new Yellow River media reports, historical figures in the book "Yi Zhongtian Classic Chinese Stories" were drawn into caricatures, but many of the characters and dialogues were vulgar and were also suspected of insulting historical figures.

netizens reported that the main problem with this "poisonous textbook" is that it is "vulgar", mainly focusing on the pictures accompanying the story. Some of the pictures have dialogues between characters, and words such as foot washing and picking up girls often appear in the dialogues.

Example 1:

The king asked: "How did that girl sing the ditty last night?"

The attendant replied: "If you don't drink at night, your life will be in vain."

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

Example 2:

The emperor held a man in his arms Woman, and said to herself: "I don't do anything except pick up girls and go to bars, so I am called Han Gaozu ."

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

Example 3:

A woman massaged a man's feet, and the man drank and said: " Brother, after drinking this cup, why don’t you also take a foot bath? Those two girls ("Zhi" is a typo, the correct spelling should be "子") are good."

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

They put what modern people do on the ancients. . Some people say this is an innovation, while others say it is a tarnishing of a historical figure. In Yi Zhongtian's view, this may be a joke, but it is probably inappropriate for such words to appear in children's books for primary and middle school students.

Children cannot tell whether this is really a joke or real history, so it will disturb their historical understanding and think that historical figures are not serious in this way. The most important thing is that students can easily imitate this vulgar language. If it is used in life, it will have a great negative impact on students' learning, behavior, and values.

Many netizens said that it would definitely be inappropriate for children to read such words, and they were unwilling to let their children read such books and paintings. Why was such a vulgar and inappropriate picture allowed to be published?

As a famous scholar, writer and professor, Yi Zhongtian should understand the importance of books for the healthy growth and correct guidance of children; in the process of ridiculing historical figures, what kind of value should the author convey to the students? ? This is a question that should be thought about deeply.

Thinking and understanding modern life in relation to historical figures and historical events can indeed be regarded as an innovative interpretation; but is it appropriate and appropriate to incorporate vulgar things in modern society into children's books? Is it correct?

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

Of course, judging from the content and writings of the book, I think it is very likely that Yi Zhongtian was cheated by the publisher.

Publishing House contacted Yi Zhongtian to cooperate in editing the book, and Yi Zhongtian was responsible for writing the article content. At the same time, the publishing house contacted a painter named Hu Yongkai to cooperate, and Hu Yongkai was responsible for the illustrations and paintings of the book.

Hu Yongkai's illustrations and paintings were created based on the content of Yi Zhongtian's article. From here, it seems likely that Yi Zhongtian and Hu Yongkai have no direct connection. The main problem with the book lies in the illustrations and paintings. Yi Zhongtian may not have reviewed all the illustrations and paintings.

It can be seen that Yi Zhongtian is very likely to be deceived by the publishing house and the illustrator Hu Yongkai.

Hu Yongkai, Chinese Artists Association member, China National Academy of Painting researcher, member of the Art Committee of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the Chinese Literature and History Research Institute, vice chairman of the Art Committee of the Guoyun Wenhua Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Ministry of Culture, and art exchange of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Researcher of the Academy, Vice President of Beijing Haihuagui Painting Academy, and Founding President of Hong Kong New Art Society.

From these titles, it seems that Hu Yongkai has a very high status and a great influence. But judging from these works of his, ordinary people really can't appreciate them.

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

The biggest feature of Hu Yongkai's works is that he is good at painting women, and the biggest feature of the women in the paintings is "big breasts".

Whether it is ancient or modern, whether it is Han or ethnic minority, most of the women in the works show the characteristics of "big breasts". Perhaps it is this adult perspective and thinking that influenced Hu Yongkai's illustrations and paintings in "Yi Zhongtian's Classic Chinese Stories".

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

In Hu Yongkai’s paintings, the outline of a woman’s breasts is very prominent.

If this is the personal style and unique pursuit of Hu Yongkai’s paintings, there is nothing wrong with it. However, it would be inappropriate to reflect this personal style in the accompanying pictures of "Yi Zhongtian Chinese Classic Stories".

In the accompanying picture, there is a painting: a man lifts a red hijab for his wife on their wedding night. Both of them were sitting on the bed. The man was shirtless and wearing something similar to women's underwear. He stretched out his right hand to uncover the woman's head. The woman was naked, wearing only a red bellyband, which highlighted the obvious outline of her chest. After removing the hijab, the woman turned back and looked at the man affectionately.

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

This kind of wedding night scene has never appeared in children's books for primary and middle school students. On the wedding night shown in previous books, two people were usually sitting on the edge of the bed. The man and the woman were both wearing wedding dresses. The man took off his hijab very happily, while the woman lowered her head shyly. Compared with

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

, the former conveys a kind of vulgarity and vulgarity, while the latter conveys a kind of civilization and etiquette.

If Yi Zhongtian had really reviewed this book and its accompanying pictures, I believe he would have discovered the huge aesthetic differences. Such a vulgar and obscene picture is not even recognized by ordinary netizens. As a famous scholar, would Yi Zhongtian approve it?

If the responsibility is to be investigated, the responsibility of the author of the picture, Hu Yongkai, should be greater than that of Yi Zhongtian. Of course, Yi Zhongtian should also think about his own problems. There are so many typos in the dialogues with pictures in the book. Wouldn’t that affect students?

Dear netizens, what do you think about this?

This news indeed shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. However, after reading his teaching materials, some problems were indeed discovered. Yi Zhongtian is a well-known Chinese writer, scholar, and educator. He was once a professor of the Chinese Department of  - DayDayNews

[Pictures from New Yellow River Media and the Internet, infringement and deletion]

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