We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do? What is his relationship with the young master? Let’s talk briefly today: First, the bookboy plays the role of accom

2024/06/3015:32:33 news 1572

We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do?

We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do? What is his relationship with the young master? Let’s talk briefly today: First, the bookboy plays the role of accom - DayDayNews

What is his relationship with Young Master?

Let’s talk briefly today:

First, the bookboy plays the role of accompanying the scholar, studying with the scholar, traveling around, and reciting poems.

We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do? What is his relationship with the young master? Let’s talk briefly today: First, the bookboy plays the role of accom - DayDayNews

Second, help the master with housework, which is similar to the current nanny, and is similar to what maids did in ancient times. Serving tea and water, doing laundry and folding quilts. Take good care of your daily diet and daily life.

Third, help take care of the study room. The person who organizes the study must not be illiterate. He must know some words and have some cultural background.

We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do? What is his relationship with the young master? Let’s talk briefly today: First, the bookboy plays the role of accom - DayDayNews

Fourth, protect the young master like a bodyguard. Many bookboys have a kind-hearted appearance and look ordinary, but in fact they have special skills and can protect their masters at critical moments.

Fifth, the strategist behind the prince, the person who makes suggestions, is somewhat similar to the guest minister.

We often see in costume dramas that a young master (scholar) from a good family always has a little book boy with him. Many people ask, what does this book boy do? What is his relationship with the young master? Let’s talk briefly today: First, the bookboy plays the role of accom - DayDayNews

Sixth, in order to satisfy the physical desire of the young master (scholar).

In ancient times, family upbringing was very strict and family traditions were upright. It was very inconvenient for women to accompany them to Beijing to take exams.

can make it much more convenient for scholars to travel with them. It not only has the above functions, but can also relieve some of the scholars' needs.

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