Have you ever felt like this: When you come home and see a messy room, your scalp feels numb, and you feel extremely depressed. Even looking at a house full of messy rooms, your whole person is full of anxiety. I don't want to throw away the things at home, and I keep buying new

2024/06/2720:47:33 news 1324

Have you ever felt like this: when you come home and see a messy room, your scalp feels numb, and you feel extremely depressed. Even looking at the messy room, your whole person is full of anxiety.

I don’t want to throw away things at home, and I keep buying new ones and adding old ones, so that the whole house is full of clutter.

What I want to share with you today is " Breaking off from others" by the well-known Japanese writer Yamashita Eiko . This book explains how to gradually break away from things, interpersonal relationships and one's own thoughts, so as to make one's work more efficient and make one's own life more efficient. The circle is cleaner.

1. Clean up things to make life clearer

There is a story about a beggar who lived in a dirty house and sat on the roadside in filth all day long begging for food. He never thought about changing this. everything.

Until one night, he met a little girl selling flowers. The little girl gave him the unsold flowers, and he immediately took the flowers in high spirits.

He himself did not expect that someone would send him flowers, even though they could not be sold by others. He was really happy. When he took the flower back to his place of residence, he carefully placed the flower in a bottle filled with water and looked at the flower carefully.

He suddenly felt that this messy room was not worthy of such beautiful flowers, so he cleaned the room. After cleaning the room, he saw that the windows were particularly dirty, so he wiped the glass of the windows clean. .

After he finished all this, he looked at the bright and clean window and saw himself in the mirror with unkempt hair and dirty clothes. He decided to take a bath, change into clean clothes, and stand with a completely new look. In front of the mirror, he felt happier than ever before.

He began to reflect on himself again: He is so young now, should he go out and find a job? You can’t live by begging forever! In this way, a flower changes a room, a person's mental outlook, and his life.

You should clean up unnecessary items in time. Not only will the room look tidy, but your mental environment will also be quite refreshing.

Research shows that vision is an important source of influence on the brain's senses. Living in a disorderly, dirty and messy environment makes such people prone to irritability and inefficient at work. Seeing where you live will tell you what's going on in your heart, and who you are. the status of interpersonal relationships.

Just like what is said in this book: The trick to buying something is not whether it can be used? But do I want to use it? Streamline the necessities in your life so that every item can serve a purpose instead of just being there and reluctant to throw it away.

After knowing this truth, I immediately cleaned out the cabinets at home, the clothes I had not worn in several years, and the items that were basically unused. I disposed of what needed to be dealt with and gave away what needed to be given away.

When unnecessary things are removed from this home, the space suddenly becomes larger, the air in the room seems to flow, breathing becomes smooth and natural, and it does not feel so blocked.

This is the concept that the author insists on: in the process of constantly insisting on separation, the air in the residence will flow and the metabolism will accelerate. At this time, you will naturally feel particularly comfortable.

2. Simple and efficient social networking, making the circle cleaner

In a program, Qian Feng complained Wang Han: Why did you delete all my WeChat messages? Wang Han replied: I even deleted the WeChat accounts of Chen Kun , let alone you? This answer is really no one else.

He said: When he has more than 100 people on WeChat, he will feel very irritable and uneasy, and he will promptly clear out the people he has no contact with. The whole person will be much more relaxed and life will be much more comfortable.

It can be seen from Wang Han's circle that his WeChat circle is filled with his family, leaders or very good friends. If they have a distant relationship with him, they will ask him to leave WeChat.

If a circle cannot inspire you with positive energy, or it is constantly consuming you, why should you maintain it? Why do you still want to stay in this circle? It's better to leave this circle altogether.

German poet Goethe famously said: "The greatest sin of man is to be unhappy."

When your network of contacts is very wide, you may live someone else's life. When your network of contacts is very small, you may return to the life of others. my own life.

I sorted out my WeChat circle of friends and cleared out all the people I had no contact with and those with whom I had a bad relationship. My mood suddenly became brighter, I became more efficient in doing things, and my mental environment began to become broader.

If you don’t interact with the WeChat circle or have inconsistent views, delete them all and clean them up, so that you can get a clean circle and high-quality connections.

Everything you look at are memories, and everything you think about is the past. Only by letting go of your obsession can you return to peace.

It is said in the "Tao Te Ching": For learning, day by day, for Tao, it will be damaged , and it will be damaged again, so that it will lead to inaction.

3. Know the trade-offs to make your mood more stable

After watching the video of the beating incident in Tangshan some time ago, it was really shocking. It's still very scary to think about it. I didn't expect that a man would harass a girl in broad daylight. The girl acted to protect herself, but she didn't expect that the man would resort to violence.

If this man had the ability to control his emotions, would he still behave like this? If this situation occurs in the family, will it be good for his family?

Being with someone who is emotionally stable is like having a supporter. Being with someone who is emotionally unstable is like a time bomb that may explode at any time, leaving you feeling terrified and terrified all day long.

In this life, we live a life of stable emotions, not because of someone or something, where the mood fluctuates up and down, causing you to have negative emotions or angry emotions. You should stay away immediately.

Everyone will lose their most precious things one day, so don’t be reluctant to throw away some things. When you reach a certain point, you have to throw them away regardless of whether you want to let go or not.

Only by constantly practicing how to let go in daily life, and truly breaking off your dependence on a certain item mentally and spiritually, will you not feel real pain.

When I finish these three things, I feel that life has become a lot easier. Only when you give up can you get something. Only in the process of constantly moving forward can you have space to let what you want come in.

The things that are powerless should be put aside, the things that have no destiny in life should be given up, and the annoying obsessions in the heart should be let go.

Have you ever felt like this: When you come home and see a messy room, your scalp feels numb, and you feel extremely depressed. Even looking at a house full of messy rooms, your whole person is full of anxiety. I don't want to throw away the things at home, and I keep buying new  - DayDayNews

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