Recently, the Tianjin Urban Construction Commission issued the "Notice on Ordering Tianjin Zhongsen Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. and other 21 construction companies to rectify their qualifications within a time limit", ordering your unit to complete the rectification

2024/06/2602:49:33 news 1685

Recently, the Tianjin Urban Construction Commission issued the "Notice on Ordering Tianjin Zhongsen Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. and other 21 construction companies to rectify their qualifications within a time limit", ordering your unit to complete the rectification within 3 months. At the end of the rectification period, your unit has not yet Meet the qualification standards for construction industry enterprises. On June 13, 2022, our committee issued the "Announcement of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee on the Withdrawal of the Second-Level Qualification of Electronic and Intelligent Engineering Professional Contracting of Tianjin Huijian Construction Engineering Co., Ltd." and mailed it to your unit.

Recently, the Tianjin Urban Construction Commission issued the

According to the provisions of Article 28 and Article 30 of the "Construction Enterprise Qualification Management Regulations" (Order No. 22 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development), our committee will withdraw and cancel the electronic and intelligent electronic and intellectual property rights held by your unit in accordance with the law. The second-level qualification for engineering professional contracting shall be announced to the public as invalid. Please return the construction enterprise qualification certificate held by your unit (including original and copy) to the qualification licensing authority within 10 working days from the date of the announcement.

Recently, the Tianjin Urban Construction Commission issued the

According to public information: Tianjin Huijian Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Legal representative: Pang Moufei, registered address:

Hedong District, Tianjin City, business scope: construction engineering construction; construction professional operations; cultural relics protection engineering construction; construction Intelligent system design; construction project supervision; construction project survey; construction labor subcontracting; construction project design ; cultural relic protection project design; cultural relic protection project survey; residential interior decoration; real estate development and management. (Projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments. Specific business projects are subject to the approval documents or licenses of relevant departments) General projects: sales of construction machinery and equipment; leasing of construction machinery and equipment; mechanical equipment Leasing; landscaping project construction; project management services; earthwork construction; professional design services; technical services, technology development, technical consultation, technology exchange, technology transfer, and technology promotion; labor services (excluding labor dispatch); building cleaning services ;Planning and design management; Advertising production; Advertising release; Advertising design, agency; Conference and exhibition services; Wholesale of hardware products; Retail of hardware products; Sales of building materials; Wholesale of kitchenware, sanitary ware and daily necessities; Furniture sales; Kitchenware, sanitary ware and daily necessities Retail sales of miscellaneous goods; sales of knitted textiles; Internet sales (except for sales of goods requiring licenses); sales of industrial textile products; wholesale of shoes and hats; retail of shoes and hats; sales of chemical products (excluding licensed chemical products); sales of machinery and equipment ; Sales of arts and crafts and ceremonial items (except ivory and its products); sales of daily necessities; sales of electronic products; sales of household appliances; sales of metal materials. (Except for projects that require approval according to law, business activities can be carried out independently with a business license in accordance with the law)

Source of information: Tianjin Housing and Construction Network/Construction Market Department, Qichacha

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