This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to

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"Quoting the classics and following the rules, no matter how big the disaster is, it has nothing to do with me." This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of the ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if In addition to corresponding punishments for ineffective diagnosis and treatment, one may also lose one's life due to the emperor's slightest thought.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

During the years of the Northern Song Dynasty, a favorite concubine of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty suffered from a strange disease. She took many medicines but could not get better. When Long Yan was furious, the hospital had to ask the inexperienced Li Fang to block the gun. Song Huizong said: "I'll give you three more days. If you can't be cured, I'll behead you."

But Li Fengfeng said: "It only takes one night for me to cure the empress!"

Treat women's hidden diseases, medical clinics Li Fengfang, a young doctor who became famous in his first battle, was born in Bianliang (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province). Before entering the palace, he opened a small medical clinic at his home to treat people in the countryside. Because of his good medical skills and good attitude, he became popular among the neighbors. I am happy to go to him for medical treatment and medicine.

Most of the patients who come to see doctors are common diseases such as colds and fevers, but occasionally they encounter difficult and complicated diseases. Even if Li Fangfeng has no experience, he will actively try to treat them. In this way, his medical skills continue to improve, and his reputation becomes more and more famous.

One day, it was getting late, and when Li Fengfang was about to close the door, a woman suddenly walked in. She sat down opposite Li Fangfang. Not only did she hesitate when she spoke, but her face turned red. There is something unspeakable.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

It turned out that when this woman was giving birth, she suffered from postmenstrual cold and the menstrual blood flowed into the large intestine, leaving her with the hidden disease of hemorrhoids . She only felt slightly uncomfortable at first, but she didn't take it to heart.

Her condition had been in and out of control over the past few years, and it was difficult to talk about the disease, so she kept putting it off as long as she could. Now the pain has developed to the point where it is unbearable.

Li Fengfeng comforted her and said that no matter men, women, old or young, hemorrhoids can occur, and there is really no need to feel embarrassed. Since he has decided to treat it now, he must cure it completely.

With Li Fangfang's encouragement, the woman told her symptoms in detail. Li Fangfang listened carefully and asked some questions. Finally, he asked the woman to come and get the medicine in three days.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

Actually, Li Fengfeng had no experience in treating hemorrhoids. He only vaguely remembered reading relevant records in medical books. With a doctor's benevolent attitude, he decided to help her treat it. The reason why he did not tell the whole story was because he was afraid that she would lose confidence.

After sending the woman away, Li Fangfang immediately looked for prescriptions from a cabinet of medical books, and then prepared and tested medicines non-stop. The hard work paid off, and Li Fangfang quickly prepared a medicine that could cure hemorrhoids.

On the third day, Li Fengfang handed the medicine to the woman as promised and told her the details of the medicine and the precautions to drink as much water as possible and eat a light diet during the treatment.

The woman was convinced by Li's patience and meticulousness, so she took the treatment seriously as he said. On the fifth day of taking the medicine, her pain was significantly reduced, and she basically recovered in less than half a month.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

From then on, hemorrhoid patients from all over the country came to seek medical treatment. In the eyes of the people, Li Fangfang became a famous doctor specializing in treating difficult and complicated diseases.

The imperial concubine was sick with a strange disease, and if it could not be cured within three days, it would be a death penalty.

The news also spread to the palace. The leaders of the Imperial Hospital were moved. They needed a doctor with unique skills in case of emergencies, so they paid him a high salary. Invite Li Fengfang to serve in the palace.

During his time on duty, Li Fengfeng did not lose his spirit of hard study, and the rich collection of books in the palace made him feel like a treasure. Whenever he was free, he would get into the library like a bookworm to suck nourishment.

One day, a favorite concubine of Song Huizong suddenly fell ill with a strange disease. She coughed and gasped all night and had difficulty sleeping. The experienced imperial doctor in the palace treated her for several days, but she still didn't get better.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

A few days later, Song Huizong came to visit the beloved concubine. Although it was daytime, he saw that the thick bed curtains were still down, and the sound of a woman coughing violently could be heard from inside.

Song Huizong gently opened the bed curtains, and the scene in front of him shocked him. The concubine, who was originally as beautiful as a fairy, had her hair messy and spread out, her face was swollen like a plate, and she had become shabby.

Song Huizong was very worried about his beloved concubine's condition. He urgently summoned the imperial doctors to ask: "What disease does the imperial concubine have and when will it be cured?" The imperial doctors replied tremblingly: "The imperial concubine's illness came out of the blue, and the cause of the disease has not yet been found out... ."

Song Huizong was immediately furious and loudly rebuked the incompetence of these people. At this time, a senior imperial physician quickly recommended Li Fengfeng to the emperor, saying that this person specialized in treating difficult and complicated diseases, but he was not qualified enough so he did not let him. He came for consultation.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

In this way, Li Fangfeng made his debut as the "shield" of Taiyuan Hospital.

However, after Li Fangfeng checked the imperial concubine's pulse and asked her, he could not tell the cause of her illness. At this time, Song Huizong was really angry. He said, "Aren't you very good at medicine? I will give you three days. If you can cure her, My beloved concubine will be beheaded."

Li Feng's legs weakened and he knelt heavily on the ground. He kowtowed and said that he would find a solution within three days...

Having said that, this disease makes it so difficult. The entire Taiyuan Hospital was helpless, and he had never heard of it, but the emperor only gave him three days. I am afraid he is doomed this time.

Li Fengfeng walked on the road in a daze, thinking about the days when he ran a small medical clinic in the past. Although the income was not as rich as it is now, he was carefree and would not risk his life or fortune.

After returning home, Li Fengfang told his wife about the princess, and said that this time she might have to part ways. His wife was extremely sad after hearing this, and the two could only hold each other's hands and cry.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a crisp hawking sound outside the door. Among them, the three words "cough medicine" instantly pulled Li Fengfeng out of the abyss of despair.

He immediately ran out and stopped the charlatan hawking medicine, and bought ten prescriptions of medicine from him. According to the doctor, coughs were prevalent in the city, and this folk remedy cured many people.

Since he couldn't develop a prescription to cure the imperial concubine after all his life's study, this folk remedy was his last hope no matter whether it was effective or not, so Li Fengfeng didn't ask any more questions.

After returning home, Li Fangfeng immediately opened the medicine package and looked at it. He could not identify how many medicines were used in it. He only knew that the medicine was light blue in color. He speculated that this herbal medicine was crude in nature and would cause diarrhea in the internal organs after taking it.

In order to test the "side effects" of the prescription, Li Fangfang decided to try the medicine himself. In order to increase the dosage, he combined three pills into one pill and took it. After taking it, there were no adverse reactions, and he was relieved.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

On the third day, Li Fengfeng sent medicine to the palace. Song Huizong asked him: "Li Fengfang, three days have come, can you do anything?"

Li Fengfang replied: "Wei Chen has prepared the medicine for the empress. Please give her the medicine." These three medicines were taken in two doses."

The imperial concubine was very worried that she would fall out of favor, so she asked anxiously: "After taking your medicine, when will I regain my appearance?"

Li Fengfeng said quickly: "Empress. Don't be impatient, it only takes one night after taking the medicine."

Song Huizong and the imperial concubine were doubtful about this. After all, a group of experienced imperial doctors were helpless, but they had no other choice. After Li Fengfeng left, Song Huizong ordered The man gave medicine to the imperial concubine.

Miraculously, after taking the medicine, the concubine’s cough symptoms immediately eased a lot, and she slept deeply that night. The most important thing was that her face was swollen and rosy the next day.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

Song Huizong looked at his beloved concubine who had just recovered from a serious illness, and said happily: "This Li Fengfang said he would be cured in one night, but he was really cured in one night. Call him into the palace quickly, I want to reward him heavily."

The reward is still worrying, Spending a lot of money to buy the secret recipe

Li Fengfang had just escaped a disaster, and was immediately rewarded and promoted. He was very happy at the time, but after leaving the palace, he discovered that something was wrong. If the emperor asked about the origin of the prescription, he would not know anything about it. , that is the crime of deceiving the emperor.

So Li Fengfeng quickly asked his wife to prepare wine and food, and he went to the streets to find the doctor who was selling medicine that day. After finding the doctor, he invited him to his home and gave him warm hospitality.

After talking, Li Fengfeng learned that the doctor's prescription was accidentally obtained by him in the military camp. After he retired from the army in old age and had no other skills, he could only sell medicine to make a living, so Li Fangfang proposed to buy the secret recipe with a lot of money.

The doctor laughed loudly after hearing this: "I have a penny-a-penny prescription, so why spend a lot of money to buy it? I tell you, you only need to use a new tile to burn the clam powder until it is red, and then add a little indigo."

Rice Finally, at Li Feng's insistence, the doctor took a certain amount of remuneration and left.

This is not only the mantra of the leaders of the imperial hospital on TV, but also a true portrayal of ancient palace doctors, because accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. As an imperial physician, if the diagnosis and treatment are ineffective, in addition to  - DayDayNews

After Song Huizong learned about this, he praised Li Fengfeng and encouraged him to collect more effective folk remedies. The story of Li Fengfang's successful cure for cough was also included in "Chuanya" and became a guide for future generations to study folk . Fangyi 's first-hand information .

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