The county seat of Gaolan Prefecture is at the foot of Wuquan Mountain. The long water of the Yellow River, the babbling water wheel, swelled with energy, scooped water for irrigation, and raised the people of Gaolan Mansion. The ancestors of Wei Shanren had thousands of hectares

2024/05/2817:18:33 news 1944

The county seat of Gaolan Prefecture is located under Wuquan Mountain. The long water of the Yellow River, the babbling water wheel, swelled with energy, scooped water for irrigation, and raised the people of Gaolan Mansion.

Wei Shanren's ancestors had thousands of hectares of fertile land, maids, long-term and short-term workers in the yard, and countless tenant farmers.

There is a legendary story about Wei Shanren:

Shichuan had ten thousand acres of pear orchards after development, and it was Wei Shanren who won the bet. One day, the head of the opera house in Shichuan heard about Wei Shanren's story and wanted to set a trap for Wei Shanren.

Three pear farmers sued Zhang, the leader of the pear orchard (Zhang from a small household in Tiaocheng), saying that he was bullying the market and the pear farmers could no longer survive!

Gaolan Mansion already knows.

Wei Shanren said, I bought Old Man Zhang’s pear garden! It played into the hands of old man Zhang, and he succeeded. The pear farmer was grateful and worried about his pears.

By chance, a man from Jinchengguan was bored and took a piece of wood with flower sprouts of perfume pear on it. From then on, the Shichuan Ruan'er pear variety was born.

Wei Shanren was particularly curious and wanted to know what soft pear and perfume pear were, so he dressed up as a pear farmer and observed how the pear farmers operated.

In spring, the pear blossoms bring rain, and the peach blossoms bloom a little later than the apricot blossoms, with red peaches and green willows. A river is like a bend in Yuzhong District, Chongqing. It is moistened on three sides by Shichuan River, just like plugged into Jiangnan .

Pear farmers will till the ground after noon every day, loosen the soil, and plant melons, vegetables, radishes and so on under the trees.

After the flowers fall, the pear farmers can rest every day.

During the Dragon Boat Festival in May, pear farmers get busy, fertilizing, watering, and harvesting melons and vegetables. They can sell the excess melons and vegetables and enjoy themselves.

They carried the most plump melons and vegetables to Wei Shan's family in Shidong Temple . The housekeeper inevitably gave money to the pear farmers, and they went home with a few slings of money in their hands with great gratitude. Indispensable is to spend a few cents of Yokokawa soju, cut a few kilograms of pork, buy a three-yellow chicken , and go home to enjoy it.

Wei Shanren dressed up as a pear farmer and worked hard with the old pear farmer every day, using palladium, hoes, shovels, baskets, dustpans, and sickles to make them ripe. At first glance, he was a real pear farmer.

When these perfumed pears have just begun to bear fruit, the Pear Blossom Empress is asked to bless the harvest, compete with gods, perform social dramas, and pretend to be girls.

In the early autumn weather, watering is heavy and farmyard manure is applied. It is also an authentic local custom and is recorded in the "Gaolan County Chronicle".

During these two festivals, literati came to the pear tree garden to drink and compose poems. Their literary works also exaggerated the grand occasion of Gaolan's long history.

Wei Shanren did good deeds and accumulated virtues. The burden on the pear farmers was reduced. With Wei Shanren as their backing, they also gave them more money. They worked hard and did not miss the farming season, all thinking of selling them at a good price after the autumn harvest.

This soft pear is the tail of a scorpion in the whole of China - its only share. In addition to the long growth period, there are also unique processing techniques of storage, maintenance, care, freezing at high places, etc., which actually make the fruit change its color, flavor, shape, like a phoenix reborn from Nirvana, it is simply poetry!

The winter pears have all been picked, and the "sweat" of the fresh fruits has been removed, and they are placed in the fruit cellar. Soft soil and wheat straw are spread at the bottom of the cellar. Each golden pear is carefully placed like a formation of soldiers. Put them neatly, and when viewed from a distance, they look golden and shiny, making the pear farmers laugh away from the lice covered in them!

Go to the pear garden and see that the soft pear of the same color has to withstand the frost after August 15th. Then, the fragrance of the soft pear floats inside and outside the garden, refreshing and refreshing. It is said that the smell is very good. Children can be cured rhinitis . This is where the Perfume Pear comes from.

Five days after the frost , Old Mother Lishan and Gaolan Fangshen were invited to sing a three-day drama.Start picking!

These soft pears must be picked off one by one gently, only to see:

The big and small daughters-in-law show their magical powers

The old man's doll smiles

Busy farming all year round

Now the fruits are fruitful

Another spring, summer, autumn and winter After spring

the frost comes, the fragrance is fragrant again

and the wine is brought home in the wind!

After picking soft pears, the strong young man built a ladder and went up to the house. The pears were arranged neatly and covered with pointed wheat straw. Then he got out of the house and started drinking and playing sparrows! It was so lively with people shouting and drinking.

In the twelfth lunar month, you can get a food box with three layers of snow and ice after a few turns. It's very particular, a food box can hold 36 soft pears.

took a load and went to the Huangjiayuan area outside the camp gate to sell food. It was a sight to behold at that time.

This soft pear has changed from a yellow pear to a dark black fruit with a thin skin, a large core and a small core. It also contains a lot of sugar, warms the stomach and is immune to all diseases.

If you have a cold in winter, you don’t need to take medicine or see a doctor. Two soft pears can solve the problem.

But southerners don’t believe it!

has the following little story:

This warlord is a Hunanese with the surname Zhang. He is naturally brave and can fight swiftly. He is often the first to rush to the forefront of the soldiers with a gun. He has a strong physique, is good at running and can eat. He looks like a typical soldier who came from the army. He does not believe in evil and loves to eat Hunan peppers and Sichuan peppers. After he became the governor of Gansu Province in Gaolan Prefecture, Gansu Province, he also enjoyed Gaolan local peppers.

One day, Governor Zhang took a few soldiers to hunt for water ducks in the area of ​​ Yantan . It was the middle of winter, and there was heavy snow in the sky. They didn't catch a few wild ducks, but a wild boar shot a fat one. The Governor was very worried. Happy, he found a willow tree and chopped off the thick willow branches with his saber. The three soldiers took turns carrying the wild boar back to the Governor's Mansion.

The Warlord ran too fast while chasing the wild boar and broke out in a sweat. When he returned to the Warlord's Mansion, he felt very happy. He kept walking back and forth in the yard and vividly told the maids and soldiers of the Warlord's Mansion, "What's the matter?" It is rare to go to the kitchen and give instructions to the chef on how to cook wild boar meat.

Wearing hunting clothes and sweating, he walked around the governor's house. The governor returned to the main room, drank a bowl of tea from the Hezhou Third Fort, and sneezed several times. He was picked up by two soldiers inexplicably. Go to the bedroom and fall asleep.

I fell asleep for two days and two nights in a row, making the governor's wife restless because the governor had rules that she must abide by: never take medicine if you have a cold!

Madam was anxious, but the old lady saw it, but she was not in a hurry. She said to Madam with a smile: "Madam, don't be anxious, I have a good recipe that will ensure that you wake up!" Madam said angrily: "Prescription ? He won’t take medicine!”

The old lady still had a smile on her face and said calmly: "It's not about taking medicine, it's about eating pears!" The governor's wife is also from Hunan. In her concept, she only eats pears in autumn. How can there be pears in winter?

But the Overseer is still sleeping soundly, so just believe her for once.

My old lady is from Shichuan, Gaolan. She knows that rhubarb can relieve fire and reduce fever. The warlord is just sick of the wind and cold. If the fever doesn't go away, he will fall into a drowsy state.

The old lady went to Huangjiayuan and bought several kilograms of fine soft pears. She took them to my wife's room, opened them and frightened her: she saw a bunch of black fruit-like things, which looked rotten. She was very angry, "Did you just buy this shit to fool me?" "Throw it away quickly!"

The old lady was not in a hurry, and slowly explained that you will know later. She went to the kitchen and fetched a few basins and bowls. She took a ladle and poured water into the basins, which was about half full of water. She fetched a few soft pear pears and soaked them in the basin. After about half an hour, the surface of the soft pear pears appeared. Covered with a layer of transparent ice! Mrs.

was stunned. What kind of magic is this? Why is the fruit frozen? The old woman smiled and gently knocked open the ice, and neatly peeled off the thin black skin. She took the bowl and filled the pear with a small spoon. She gently broke the pear into pieces, picked out the core, and held it with both hands. Holding the bowl, he handed it to the lady.

Mrs. took the spoon to taste, ah! It was an experience I had never experienced before. It was as thin as sand, sweet as honey, and sour as vinegar. The fruit juice went straight down the throat like a thread into the gastrointestinal tract, and the saliva slipped out unconsciously. The pulp and pulp of the fruit reached the pit of my heart, and my whole body was refreshed. I felt light and healthy, and indescribably comfortable!

Mrs. hurriedly asked someone to give the Overseer a large bowl of pear soup. The Overseer drank the bowl in a daze and lay down again. There was not much time, about half the time it took to burn the incense, the warlord sat up from the bed, stretched, and said lazily, "I had a good sleep!" Everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud...

The warlord passed A few days later he learned that a bowl of soft pear soup relieved his high fever.

This warlord is in really good health and has great trust in soft pears. Every winter in the twelfth lunar month, he buys some good soft pears and eats them.

In the winter of this year, Governor Zhang received an order from the President to go to Taiyuan to garrison the camp. He would change the defense on the fifth day of the first lunar month. The Governor wanted to eat more soft pears to satisfy his cravings.

He was a rough man to begin with, but he also imitated the common people. Instead of using water to freeze the soft pear, he peeled it directly with his hands and ate thirteen large soft pears in succession! After eating thirteen pears, the warlord felt that his eyebrows were tight, his stomach and intestines were cold, his hands and feet were numb, his tongue was stiff, and he could no longer speak clearly. Mrs.

was very frightened. He hurriedly found the old lady and explained the situation. The old lady pursed her lips and smiled, "Master Governor is drunk!" The lady said angrily: "Nonsense! You didn't drink today!" The old lady hurriedly bowed: "Madam, don't be angry, blame me for not making it clear. The Overseer ate thirteen frozen pears, which froze his stomach and made him feel like he was drunk. He put the Overseer on the bed, covered him with a thick quilt, lit the fire in the room, and said nothing, just fall asleep! On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the military governor left and went to Taiyuan to take charge of the military governor. However, the interesting story of Ruan Erli getting drunk and the military governor came to Gaolan Mansion!

Ruan'er's pear became famous far and wide for a time, and Gaolan Shichuan's Ruan'er's pear was the best. It is still popular today. As a unique winter fruit, it nourishes all living things in Gaolan Prefecture.

The county seat of Gaolan Prefecture is at the foot of Wuquan Mountain. The long water of the Yellow River, the babbling water wheel, swelled with energy, scooped water for irrigation, and raised the people of Gaolan Mansion. The ancestors of Wei Shanren had thousands of hectares - DayDayNews

Ruan'erli's true appearance

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