Confined space, exciting plot, immersive experience... "Escape Room" and "Script Killing" are very popular among young people. Some of the pornographic, violent and bloody content, dark chases with electric shocks, and inability to ensure the safety of facilities are harmful cont

2024/05/2421:53:33 news 1455
Confined space, exciting plot, immersive experience...

Confined space, exciting plot, immersive experience... "Escape Room" and "Script Killing" are very popular among young people. Some of them include pornographic violence and blood, dark chases with electric shocks, and unsafe facilities, etc. Content and security risks cannot be ignored.

Recently, five departments including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly issued a notice to include for the first time new entertainment business formats such as "script killing" and "escape rooms" that have developed rapidly in recent years into management.

■Explanation of terms

What is "script killing"

The term "script killing" originated from the Western banquet live role-playing "murder mystery". This is an emerging form of entertainment in which players play the characters in the script in their hands. Guided by the host, they will sort out clues through plot reasoning and evidence collection, and jointly find out the real culprit in the case. The number of participants ranges from 4 to 8 people.

What is "Escape Room"

" Escape Room " is a puzzle game with two versions: online and offline. Offline is a real-life version of the escape room experience in real scenes. The main plot is that the player is trapped in a "secret room". The player must find the key items in the "secret room", and use these items in a correct and flexible combination to find clues, that is, passwords, keys, or other items or answers, and finally use The clues continue to search for the next clue until finally escaping from the "secret room".

■ Data speaks

The "Development Status and Market Research Analysis Report of China's Script Killing Industry in 2021" released by iiMedia Consulting shows that the urban population aged 10 to 19 is the potential consumer group of the script killing industry. Data from

's "2021 Physical Script Sales Consumption Insight Report" shows that more than 70% of consumers are young people under the age of 30, of which students account for the highest proportion, reaching 28%.

■ Policy supervision

In the notice jointly issued by five departments including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, it is clarified that information such as scripts, names, authors, introductions, age ranges and other information used in business premises shall be subject to informative filing.

specifically proposed to strengthen the protection of minors: requiring scripted entertainment business venues to use scripts to set age-appropriate prompts and indicate the appropriate age range; if the scene is not suitable for minors, a prompt should be given in a prominent position; except for national statutory holidays , rest Outside of Sunday, winter and summer vacations, scripted entertainment business venues are not allowed to provide entertainment services to minors. Written by Zhang Hong Liu Yanfeng Comics by Zhang Yongwen

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