Leaving your hometown, how do you feel about living in a new city?

2021/08/1622:33:13 news 1522

Late last night, a dog bark in the community awakened my sleeping self, but it did not arouse my disgust or discomfort. On the contrary, it reminded me of living in a new city and living in my hometown after I left my hometown. What changes have taken place, and what kind of feelings have it felt.

We are in an ever-changing era. Many people have left their homeland for many years, some have settled in a new city, some are working hard on the way to settle, and some are hesitating whether to return to their homeland or settle in the future Some people even tell themselves firmly that they want to go back, and a small number of people have already taken action.

Leaving your hometown, how do you feel about living in a new city? - DayDayNews

I believe that many people left their hometowns in order to learn more about society and experience life in big cities, so that their values ​​can be released on a broader stage and live an extraordinary life. So resolutely left his homeland, embarked on an unknown journey, came to a strange city, and started a life chasing ideals.

Life needs financial support. Work has become the only way to integrate into the new city, and it also determines the future direction of most people.

Here, the most active is the colleague group, and it is often the colleague group that starts their new city life. The unfamiliar city, the unfamiliar environment, and only the colleagues who come into contact with each other every day, build a bridge of friendship for my soul, make my face appear more laughter, and lose the initial sense of loneliness.

Compared with the living groups in the countryside, there is a clear difference. This is not the childhood playmates, not the elders’ growing adherence, not the conservative thinking, but the playmates who appear with new faces, and they are outstanding leaders. Pioneers are in a good picture of being positive and aggressive.

Leaving your hometown, how do you feel about living in a new city? - DayDayNews

This kind of life lasts for a period of time. For various reasons, some people often leave here with the experience and lessons here, or change the city, or return to their hometown, and choose Belong to their respective new lives.

People who stay here often buy a house and settle down, or have such an idea. Of course, some people consider only making money and going home to develop in the future. No matter what you think, living here for a few years,Often the living environment is basically fixed, and no one will move to play every day.

There is a phenomenon in life like this. I don’t know if you have experienced it. We were woken up by a dog barking last night. In rural areas, we often think whether someone has come, especially in the middle of the night. , You need to listen carefully to see if there is anything outside.

After all, before entering the new century, the countryside was not as stable as it is now. Thefts sometimes occur at night and sometimes hurt. Therefore, keeping dogs is commonplace in many rural households, which is convenient for guarding homes to warn thieves and fully demonstrates the lack of security in rural life.

Now, the life of the city, let us have no such worries. Although there are many people around, safety basically does not need to be considered. The community has security guards patrolling day and night, and countless cameras are scattered throughout the community to ensure the safety of the owner’s property, even if it appears. Regardless of the problem, you can also monitor and view the records, provide useful information about the problem, and help solve the problem.

Compared with the previous theft in the countryside, it can only be recognized as bad luck. It has indeed improved a lot. It is not just a comfort in the soul, but is now supported by the advanced technology and the power of face recognition and other technologies. Of course, there are surveillance cameras in rural areas, but compared with the refined management of cities, there is still a lot of room for improvement in rural areas.

Insert a sentence, some people in the community have dogs, which is entirely a pet nature, and it is just another form of release of love. Only this love requires civilization.

Leaving your hometown, how do you feel about living in a new city? - DayDayNews

Here, the infrastructure is sound, you can exercise in your free time, the infrastructure in your hometown is relatively lacking, and the frequency of use is not too high.

Daily rest time, watching a thrilling movie, food from all over the country and even the world can be tasted here. In recent years, popular script killing, escape room and other activities are also located in major business circles.

Daily travel, entertainment and relaxation can all be satisfied here. Here, our spiritual world can be infinitely enriched.

Compared to the stable life in my hometown, I can’t give myself such a rich experience.This may be the comfort of staying in the city!

Living in the city, although the competition is fierce, the atmosphere is upward, which is beneficial to your own ability development

Living in the city, although there are more people, the living environment is solid, which is conducive to your physical and mental health;

Living in the city, although it is not a steady rise, but it enriches one's spiritual world and is beneficial to the shaping of the soul.

I have cultivated my ability to endure hardship, endurance, positiveness, and upward mobility, adapt to the ever-changing society, and feel the beginning of the second life.

is very different from the original intention of setting foot in the new city. It has broken away from ideals and returned to reality.

This is perhaps the best explanation for city , which has contained its own body and also contained its own soul!

How does it feel to live in a new city when you leave your hometown?


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