The Mudan District Procuratorate took the "Year of Style Construction and Improvement" as an opportunity to strictly control "ideology", "service" and "discipline", adhere to the leadership of party building, focus on the main responsibilities and main business, pay close attenti

2024/07/0115:19:32 international 1640
Mudan District Procuratorate took the "Year of Style Construction and Improvement" as an opportunity to strictly control "ideology", "service" and "discipline", adhere to the leadership of party building, focus on the main responsibilities and main business, pay close attention to team building, and vigorously advocate the establishment of "strict The work style of ", true, learning, detailed, practical and fast" will promote the improvement of procuratorial work with style construction and improvement, and provide a strong judicial guarantee for the high-quality economic and social development of Mudan District .
The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

1. Strictly control the "ideological control" and build the soul in the leadership of party building.

First, adhere to the party’s absolute leadership. strictly implements the system of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters, and requested instructions and reported 7 reports to the Municipal Court and District Committee on major issues, major cases, and major matters in the procuratorial work. A leading group for party building work in the hospital was established with the chief prosecutor as the team leader, members of the party group as deputy team leaders, and directors of various departments as members, to effectively strengthen the party building in our hospital. According to the unified deployment of the district committee, more than 100 people were organized to carry out nucleic acid testing voluntary services in the community to help epidemic prevention and control, and more than 100 people were on duty at intersections to protect "intersection civilization."

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Go to the community to carry out voluntary nucleic acid testing services.

The second is to strengthen ideological and theoretical arms. strengthens the education of party members and builds a solid ideological foundation through party group theoretical center group study, " three meetings and one lesson ", theme party days, organizational life meetings , democratic life meetings, etc., and carries out 86 learning and education activities, and joins the party There were 8 swearing-in activities, and young party members were organized to visit the honor room and party member activity room of the hospital to inspire high morale. Actively participated in the district's " Chinese Dream , New Era, New Journey" publicity competition, and two party members won the second prize. Members of the party group actively participated in activities such as the "Three Meetings and One Lesson" and theme party days of their branch, and taught 7 party lessons.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Launched a publicity competition with the theme of "Chinese Dream, New Era, New Journey"

The third is the deep integration of party building and business. will elect the 4 party branches into 8 party branches, forming a management model of one department and one branch. Through " Peony Lecture Hall", "Mujian Night Talk" and "Party Member Online Class", we provide simultaneous training on party theory and business knowledge. A major discussion on "In-depth Integration of Party Building and Business" was held. Each branch carried out "Party Building +" activities 1-2 times a week based on its business expertise to reflect the effectiveness of party building in its work. The "Measures for the Assessment and Evaluation of Party Members and Police Officers" and the "Implementation Plan for Selection of "Original Inspection·Quarterly Stars"" were formulated to stimulate the enthusiasm of all party members in the hospital to learn from the advanced, catch up with the advanced, and start a business.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Peony Lecture Hall - Inviting experts to give lectures on corporate compliance cases

2. Strictly control "services" and faithfully perform duties in the judicial service for the people.

First, services ensure healthy economic development. handled 5 intellectual property cases, issued the "Plan on the Centralized and Unified Performance of Intellectual Property Prosecution Functions", established an intellectual property case handling team, and jointly carried out intellectual property protection legal policy promotion activities in enterprises and communities with the Municipal People's Government, and worked with The District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau countersigned the "Work Plan on Strengthening Collaborative Protection of Intellectual Property Rights." A leading group for corporate compliance pilot work was established, professionals were invited to provide police officers with compliance knowledge training for companies involved in the case, and regular joint meetings were held with relevant departments to form a joint effort.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Establish an intellectual property case handling team

The second is to properly manage complaints from the masses. received more than 225 petitions from the public, of which 10 were received by the prosecutor general, with a response rate of 100%, and 1 criminal complaint case was settled. The "Implementation Plan for the Party's Twenty-Twenty Major Stability Maintenance and Security Work of the Mudan District Procuratorate" was formulated, and the "Qinghui Studio" legal volunteer work team was established to provide a platform for retired veteran comrades to exert their remaining energy. Strictly implemented the leadership of the hospital to handle the first petition in a package, insisted on "hearing all the hearings that should be heard", and invited 74 people's supervisors to our hospital to participate in 76 public hearings. Accurate policies were implemented to relieve people in need, 24 judicial assistance cases were handled, and 172,000 yuan in relief funds were distributed.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

The "Qinghui Studio" legal volunteer work team was established.

The third is to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law. carried out 11 legal education activities in schools, government agencies, enterprises and communities, educating more than 5,000 people and distributing more than 500 rule of law textbooks.The prosecutor general interpreted the "Central Opinions" and the "Three Regulations" to cadres across the region, released legal knowledge and typical cases through ", two micro and one terminal ", and carried out law popularization through activities such as Constitution Publicity Day and Anti-Fraud Publicity Month. One person was hired as the "Heze City Women's Federation Women's and Children's Rights Protection Volunteer Service Team Leader", and one person was awarded the "National Advanced Individual in Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children".

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Carry out the "Rule of Law into Campus" activity

3. Strictly control "discipline" and implement precise policies in team building.

First, improve the strict management mechanism. formulated the "Year Activity Plan for Style Construction and Improvement" and "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Party Group's Self-Building". Enable and DingTalk to check in and attendance, and report attendance status regularly. Standardize the leave system and modify the authority of leaders to approve leave. We will improve the performance evaluation method of our hospital, appoint cadres based on their actual performance, and favor "go-getters" and "advanced generals" in terms of cadre selection, rank promotion, annual assessment, etc., so that "flat cadres" cannot rest. Criticize the departments and police officers who make changes in the implementation of the party group's decisions, fail to abide by work disciplines, and fall behind in work and study.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Party Group's Self-Building"

The second is to train troops based on positions. ordered more than 9,000 newspapers and books for police officers, selected 4 police officers to study in the city hospital, and arranged for 23 police officers to cross-post. A special class for typical cases was established, and one case was selected as a typical case in the province and one case was selected as a typical case in the municipal hospital. Actively carry out "learning training competitions", run Peony Lectures and Mujian Night Talks, and make good use of platforms such as Starlight Classroom,, the website of the Advanced Procuratorate, and public accounts to acquire knowledge. There have emerged 15 advanced models such as "the province's outstanding collective for the integration of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in the ecological environment" and "the province's outstanding prosecutorial assistants".

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

A case from the First Procuratorate was selected as a typical case of ecological protection in the provincial hospital.

The third is to strengthen education on clean governance. dispatched a discipline inspection team to supervise and inspect the annual activities of improving the work style of our hospital, and promptly supervised and dealt with the problems discovered. Regular disciplinary inspection and supervision meetings are held every month. The leader of the disciplinary inspection team made an integrity report at the school-wide party style and clean government education conference, signed a "Responsibility Letter for the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government" at every level, had a heart-to-heart talk with 9 police officers on their integrity, and issued a letter to the police officers' families. In response to the letter, members of the party group separately carried out home visits on integrity and organized police officers to learn the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" for Political and Legal Police Officers in the New Era. 52 police officers filled in the "Three Provisions" to build a "firewall" for judicial integrity.

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

held a mobilization meeting for the "Year of Style Construction and Improvement"

The Mudan District Procuratorate took the

Text: Liu Guang

Editor: Huang Yamin

Coordinator: Chao Jie丨 Review: Song Wenting

Produced by: New Media Studio of the People's Procuratorate of Mudan District, Heze City

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-Heze Mudan District People’s Procuratorate-

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