Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun.

2024/07/0313:24:32 international 1847

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

html On July 14, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Anand, chairman of the BRICS International Forum in India, said in an interview with the media that Turkey , Saudi and Egypt may soon join the BRICS mechanism.

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had already discussed membership expansion. He believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun.

In addition, Argentina and Iran are also interested in joining the BRICS. According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran and Argentina have submitted membership applications to BRICS . Many countries are interested in joining the BRICS. With positive intentions, perhaps in the near future, the 5 BRICS countries will become the 10 BRICS countries!

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

In this regard, Ivan Abramov, a member of the Amur State of the Russian Federation, also told reporters that the news of other countries joining is a positive signal. The BRICS countries can create a new currency to replace the US dollar!

At present, China, India and other countries among the five BRICS countries are currently the largest emerging economies and occupy an important position in the world economy. If the BRICS countries successfully expand their membership, it will significantly enhance the BRICS’ role in the world. In terms of influence, alone, in terms of total population, the BRICS countries will reach about 3 billion people, occupying half of the world!

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

In response to the expansion of the BRICS countries, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin also previously stated that as this year’s BRICS chairmanship, China actively supports the BRICS countries in starting the membership expansion process and expanding " BRICS + " cooperation. China will push all BRICS parties to continue in-depth discussions on the issue of membership expansion and formulate standards and procedures for membership expansion on the basis of consensus, and looks forward to more like-minded partners joining the BRICS family.

The outbreak of the new crown epidemic has profoundly changed the global political and economic order and accelerated the transformation of the world's political and economic landscape. As representatives of emerging economies, the BRICS countries will also play a huge role in promoting the transformation of global economic governance.

But the future is bright, but the road is tortuous. Western forces led by the United States are still bucking the trend in the great global changes, constantly disrupting the stability of the international financial market, acting in reverse, launching wars everywhere, and engaging in hegemony and Power politics creates divisions and conflicts around the world, plunders wealth, and brings huge turmoil and disaster to the world!

As the cornerstone of U.S. hegemony, U.S. dollar hegemony has caused many adverse effects on the economic development of other countries. No matter how much the U.S. government blocks it, global de-dollarization is unstoppable. Abramov’s “creating new currency” Guess it is also in line with this trend.

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

In July 1944, the establishment of the Bollington Woods System established the priority of the US dollar in international monetary settlement. Although the US dollar was decoupled from gold in 1971, it still could not shake the dominance of the US dollar, and It continues to this day.

Relying on the hegemony of the US dollar, the United States is domineering around the world and plundering the labor wealth of people all over the world. Currently, the debt of the US government has exceeded the 30 trillion US dollar mark. If this were applied to other countries, perhaps the economic system It collapsed long ago, but the United States is still "confident."

The fundamental reason is that the US dollar occupies an absolute dominant position in the world. Whenever it faces a major economic crisis , the United States will use the usual method of large-scale debt printing and money printing to respond and pass the crisis to the whole world, making Global funds are flowing back to the United States, but other countries have become "a mess."

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

The abuse of dollar hegemony by the United States has become the norm. Whenever a major geopolitical crisis occurs, the United States will fan the flames and take advantage of the opportunity to reap benefits. This was extremely obvious in the Ukraine crisis that broke out this year.

The war between Russia and Ukraine caused a sharp rise in global energy prices, fueling the global inflation crisis. The Federal Reserve took the opportunity to raise the benchmark interest rate to a range of 0.25%-0.5%, once again starting the search for global wealth. For the sake of its own selfish interests, the United States continues to add fuel to the flames of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and disrupts the global financial market. Its methods can be described as extremely despicable!

Almost all countries have been persecuted by the hegemony of the US dollar. Global de-dollarization has gradually become the consensus of all countries in the world. Even Saudi Arabia, which has a good relationship with the United States, is actively "decoupling" from the US dollar. In March this year, foreign media reported It is rumored that Saudi Arabia will use RMB to settle its oil trade with China, challenging the hegemony of the US dollar.

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

Saudi Arabia also refused to follow the United States in imposing sanctions on Russia and refuted the United States' proposal to increase oil production. In fact, the United States has never faced Saudi Arabia seriously. The Biden administration even publicly called the Saudi royal family a "pariah," which further expanded the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia. The rift between.

Now the United States wants to use Saudi Arabia to suppress oil prices and maintain the global hegemony of the US dollar. However, Saudi Arabia has been deeply harmed by the United States and has long seen through the ugly face of the United States. It has no credibility with its allies and is trying to establish unipolarity. The illusion of the world will surely be shattered!

The United States is bent on engaging in zero-sum game and does not allow other countries to share development interests. As representatives of developing countries, the BRICS countries have been targeted by the United States, which unreasonably discredits the normal economic and trade activities of the BRICS organization and slanders the member states. Development results: After the Ukraine crisis broke out, the United States and other Western countries openly "robbed" Russia's overseas assets by quickly freezing hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. In an instant, Russia's oil wealth was wiped out, feeding these Western plunderers in vain. those.

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

After that, Russia also accelerated the pace of de-dollarization. Dollars were plundered all over the world. If the BRICS countries can get rid of the hegemony of the dollar and establish their own currency system, they will not repeat the mistakes of Russia and avoid being The United States is once again squeezing wool.

This is also conducive to the internationalization of the RMB. As the world's largest developing country, China's economy can still achieve growth despite the global downward crisis, which reflects the great vitality of China's economic development. The RMB exchange rate is stable and has been Accepted by many countries, the RMB will surely play an important role in new international financial settlement methods in the future!

However, it is not easy to create a new settlement system. The BRICS countries are still in the process of exploration, and there is also obstruction from the United States. The hegemony of the US dollar has long been entrenched, and it is impossible to oust it from its hegemony in the short term. , and even for a long time to come, it will be difficult to eliminate its impact on the global economy.

Anand also said that from June 23 to 24, the BRICS countries had discussed membership expansion, and he believed that countries such as Turkey should be able to join the BRICS organization in the near future because the process has already begun. - DayDayNews

However, as the strength of the United States and other emerging countries waxes and wanes, the U.S. dollar will inevitably decline, U.S. dollar hegemony will eventually withdraw from the stage of history, and the international community will establish a new, fairer and more reasonable political and economic order.

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He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and Co - DayDayNews

He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and Co

Yu Chenghui: Keep a close eye on the goals and tasks, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, highlight the results and effectiveness, and resolutely win the war of epidemic prevention, control and annihilation with quick control and strictness.