Create a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in the university town, form the "Seven Color Bridge" local school party building alliance, and promote social governance interconnection in the university town... In recent years, Guangfulin Street has firmly grasped the uniq

2024/06/2922:52:32 international 1632

has built a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in university towns, established a "Seven Color Bridge" local school party building alliance, and promoted social governance interconnection in campus towns... In recent years, Guangfulin Street has firmly grasped the unique advantages of gathering universities and continued to inspire and release The science and technology innovation source function of universities in the university town promotes mutual empowerment and integrated development of local and university parties in party building integration, urban construction, social governance and other aspects. "Universities are a gathering place for human resources, intellectual resources and scientific and technological innovation resources. With seven university campuses, they are a unique resource advantage for the economic and social development of the streets." said Lu Fang, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and office director of Guangfulin Street. , it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation between streets and universities in an all-round way, and strive to create a "community of destiny" with deep integration of local schools and universities.

Create a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in the university town, form the

Integrated development requires the guidance of party building. In 2017, Guangfulin Street and the universities in the jurisdiction established the "Qiseqiao" regional party-building alliance. Over the past five years, the local school and the school have effectively integrated party building positions, service resources, and talent teams to promote the orderly flow of various elements, making the "Seven Color Bridge" truly a bridge of connection, cooperation, and development for both parties. In the past five years, the street has cooperated with 7 universities and more than 100 co-construction units, serving 100,000 teachers and students. Last year, the sub-district and 7 universities established a physical cooperation platform for the "Local-School United Front Community" and carried out 6 project cooperation projects, including pairing up teaching in communities with ethnic minority students and universities supporting local basic education. At the same time, the establishment of the party-building alliance has also brought benefits to residents in the jurisdiction. During the epidemic, senior psychological experts from Donghua University , Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology and other universities used psychological counseling "cloud classrooms" to help residents correctly understand their mood reactions and respond rationally to information related to the epidemic, effectively alleviating psychological pressure.

Create a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in the university town, form the

The "Mass Entrepreneurship" cluster in Songjiang District University Town is one of the "one corridor and nine districts" in the Songjiang section of the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor. The concentration of innovation elements in universities has become a "booster" for the development of the street economy. Guangfulin Street gives full play to the disciplinary advantages of various universities in the university town, and strengthens local-university cooperation in the incubation of scientific and technological enterprises, the transformation of innovative achievements, and the cultivation of innovative talents. The Shanghai Songjiang Yangtze River Delta Industrial Technology Research Institute of the University of Science and Technology of China, Donghua University National University Science and Technology The Park and Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology National University Science and Technology Park Songjiang Branch have been launched one after another, and four consecutive Songjiang University Town Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Expositions have been held to form an "entrepreneurial nursery + incubator + accelerator" system and successfully create a characteristic entrepreneurial community in Shanghai. Last year, the growth rate of sub-district local fiscal revenue ranked first in the region.

Create a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in the university town, form the

The deep integration of local schools is inseparable from the interconnection of social governance. Last year, Guangfulin Street and Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts signed a memorandum of cooperation on joint construction and improvement of urban quality. The Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts leveraged its advantages in design and cultural creation and jointly launched the "It's That Little Cutie" sculpture, etc. Urban landscape works inject cultural and creative vitality into urban space. The Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts and Wenxiang Mingyuan Community jointly built a building group autonomy project and carried out 20 "beautiful corridor" designs and star rating activities to beautify the corridor space and promote neighborhood harmony. In addition, the street also cooperated with the East China University of Political Science and Law legal education team to produce short legal education videos to promote seven aspects of rent disputes, labor disputes, etc., organized multiple rent-related policies and legal knowledge interpretation sessions, and promoted the implementation of the rent reduction and exemption policy for state-owned assets. Benefiting 356 merchants, 83 rental disputes involving non-state-owned and collective asset merchants were resolved, involving an amount of more than 3.3 million yuan.

Create a mass entrepreneurship and innovation cluster in the university town, form the

"During the '14th Five-Year Plan' period, Guangfulin Street will promote the comprehensive construction of University Science and Technology Park through the four-layer strategy of 'talent construction, space creation, supporting support, and implementation guarantee' to achieve the agglomeration of national-level innovation elements and promote Songjiang New Town and Songjiang University Town are deeply integrated with 'science and technology, humanities and ecology', and jointly build a 'twin city integration' core functional area to further promote the high-quality development of the street." Lu Fang said.

■Reporter Han Haifeng Text Yue Cheng Photo courtesy of Guangfulin Street

■Editor Wang Hongxia Ding Yijie

■Column editor Chen Yan ■Column editor Zhou Yangbo

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