Huiminrong Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the establishment ceremony of the "Red Dandelion" volunteer service team and a performance event to report on the results of education for the elderly. Sun Shuguang, member of the Standing Committee of

2024/07/0313:26:32 international 1989

Huiminrong Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the establishment ceremony of the

Huimin Fusion Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the founding ceremony of the "Red Dandelion" volunteer service team and a performance event to report on the results of education for the elderly. Sun Shuguang, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Director of the Organization Department, and Director of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres, attended the event.

During the event, Sun Shuguang delivered a speech, announcing the establishment of the "Red Dandelion" volunteer service team and presenting the flag to the volunteer service team.

Huiminrong Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the establishment ceremony of the

The event pointed out that veteran cadres are valuable assets of the party and the country. In recent years, under the scientific guidance of the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee, the veteran cadres of Huimin County have worked hard to innovate, brainstorm for changes, and continue to deepen the connotation of the "Red Dandelion" party building brand. The majority of veteran party members and comrades have given full play to their unique advantages and expertise, Actively participating in volunteer service activities such as grassroots party building, epidemic prevention and control, cultural inheritance and caring for the next generation, a large number of the most beautiful veteran cadre volunteers have emerged, such as Zhao Fulin, Li Xiangyang, Du Qingli, Zhang Suzhen, etc., who have continued to warm and touch the city of Huimin with practical actions. City.

The event emphasized that the establishment of the "Red Dandelion" Volunteer Service Corps marks that the volunteer service work of veteran cadres in Huimin County has stood at a new starting point, achieved a new leap, and entered a new stage of organized and standardized operation. It is a better way to give full play to the veteran cadres. It is an innovative and precise strategy that serves the economic and social development of the county. Doing a good job in volunteer service for veteran cadres has a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. All levels and departments must serve at the forefront, take the initiative, actively promote the construction of the "six people-benefiting" volunteer team, further improve the mechanism, polish the brand, and make the county's veteran cadres Volunteer service work has taken on a new look and made new progress.

Huiminrong Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the establishment ceremony of the

Huiminrong Media News (Reporter: Zhang Zhijie) On July 14, Huimin County held the establishment ceremony of the

After the ceremony, everyone watched the performance reporting on the results of education for the elderly.

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