He is a "new generation" politician in Japan and has survived four reshuffles in Abe's cabinet. He is an extreme right-winger and goes to the Yasukuni Shrine almost every year to "worship ghosts."

He is a "new generation" politician in Japan and has survived four reshuffles in Abe's cabinet;

He is an extreme right-winger and goes to the Yasukuni Shrine almost every year to "worship ghosts";

His personal hobbies are extremely Rich, shooter, Taro Dumb, and comic head are all tags;

He is the current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Japan Taro Aso . What impressive things has he done? Why can he become an "evergreen tree" in Japanese politics?

"Yangtze News" Spring Festival special program "Faces of the World", today specially invited commentator Chen Fei , to tell the story of how Taro Aso went from a playboy to an "evergreen tree" in Japanese politics.

"Crazy words and deeds" continue

"As a politician, you don't care about motives. What matters is the results. No matter how correct the motives are, Hitler, who killed millions of people, failed after all."

Such remarks came from a country. Speaking from the mouth of the deputy prime minister, and actually at an internal party seminar, Taro Aso's words in August 2017 caused quite a stir not only in Japan, but also internationally.

Not only defends Nazism, as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Abe government, Taro Aso visited the Yasukuni Shrine three times in 2017. This is also the fifth consecutive year that Taro Aso has visited the Yasukuni Shrine since 2013.

Why is Taro Aso’s words and deeds so outrageous? Who influenced his far-right political influence?

From playboy to Japanese Prime Minister

Although he does not have a good reputation internationally, Taro Aso has a very high reputation in Japan. Not only because he often speaks nonsense, but also because of Taro Aso's own unique experience and his own "family halo" - he is a veritable "relative of the emperor".

Despite his distinguished background, Taro Aso suffered three consecutive defeats when running for Prime Minister . In 2008, he finally realized his dream of being Prime Minister, but he lost power less than a year after taking office, and it also ended The Liberal Democratic Party had been in power for 50 consecutive years. history, and was labeled as a sinner of the Liberal Democratic Party. How did he get to this point step by step?

is good at flying saucer shooting and has competed in the Olympic Games.

Politics is not Taro Aso’s only label. He also has a unique hobby: flying saucer shooting.

Taro Aso once broke Japan's domestic record in flying saucer shooting, and also won the individual and team championships in the Mexico World Shooting Championship in 1974.

In addition to flying saucers, Taro Aso also claims to be a "comic fan". He once claimed that he reads 20 comic books a week. In 2015, it was also revealed that public funds were used to purchase a second-hand set of " One Piece " comics.

What impact did hobbies like this have on Taro Aso’s career in politics?

Abe formed his cabinet four times, but Taro Aso remains standing.

Although Taro Aso has suffered repeated setbacks in Japanese politics, he has been somewhat smooth sailing in recent years. From the end of 2012 to now, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has formed his cabinet four times, and important positions such as Defense Minister, Foreign Minister, etc. have been replaced in turn. However, only Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso has become the "roly-poly".

In addition, Taro Aso also started a new faction in 2017, establishing a new faction - "Shikai", which is the second largest faction of the Liberal Democratic Party after Shinzo Abe's "Hosoda faction". Is Taro Aso issuing an challenge to to the Abe regime?

At 23:00 on the evening of February 20th, please lock in the Hubei Satellite TV Yangtze River News. The Spring Festival special program "Faces of the World" will be presented to you!

is locked on Hubei Satellite TV's "Changjiang News"! ! ! The broadcast time of the column is -

Monday to Friday, Sunday: every night

23: 00

Saturday: night 21: 25

Editor of this article | Du Ruixue

Visual creativity | Du Ruixue

Chief editor of this issue | Xiong Xiuqi

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