Record the growth path of a little leek investing in big finance, with a target annualized return of 15% and a trading strategy of bottom position + financing band. The last exchange before the holiday ended. The market opened lower and moved higher, with an increase of 0.42%. 2,

records the growth path of a small leek investing in big finance (banking, insurance, securities), with a target annualized return of 15%, and a trading strategy of bottom position + financing band.

1. Today’s profit and loss: floating loss -2893.20.

2. Today’s operations: No operations.

3. Solemn statement: This record is only used as an experimental field for long-term value investment, for some investors to refer to and compare to find a profit model that suits them, and to avoid the time-consuming and laborious experiment of long-term investment benefits. This is nothing more than any investment advice.

The last exchange before the holiday ended. The market opened lower and moved higher, with an increase of 0.42%. 2981 stocks in the two cities rose and 1666 stocks fell. Semiconductors and new energy vehicles led the gains, and heavyweight sectors such as cycle and finance continued to fluctuate sideways.

In the past two weeks, the market has been fluctuating upward in small steps, and the trend is good. Only big finance is really muddy and cannot hold up the wall, and it is stuck at the bottom. Hey, let's continue to hold on. I firmly believe that it is only a matter of time before the undervalued financial valuation returns. It may be late, but it will never be absent!

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Warm reminder: The stock market is risky, so be cautious when investing! The above content is purely for personal entertainment and blindness, and does not constitute any investment advice.