1000 grams of duck feet, 50 grams of chili, 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 20 grams of refined salt, 20 grams of rock sugar, 50 grams of peppercorns, 2 grams of star anise, 20 grams of green onions, 10 grams of ginger, 1 gram of fennel, 3 grams of thirteen spices, 2 leaves, 10 grams

The weather is getting hotter. Do you often don’t know what to eat and your appetite has decreased? At this time, you need some food that can stimulate your appetite. Today, the editor will introduce to you a super dish that goes with rice. It is simple to make, spicy and delicious, and it is so delicious that you can’t stop eating it! What is it? It's spicy duck feet. Even if you have never tasted Wuhan’s spicy duck product, you must have heard of it. It is really spicy and delicious, and can be eaten with meals or as snacks. No need to go out to buy duck anymore, the editor has found a recipe for spicy duck feet for everyone. If you follow this method, the duck feet will be delicious and the taste will be moderate. You can also use this method to make other duck products! Friends who are interested, don’t hesitate, long summer nights are all about beer and it, let’s learn together!

Spicy duck feet

By vivian3261


1000 grams of duck feet, 50 grams of chili, 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 20 grams of refined salt, 20 grams of rock sugar, 50 grams of pepper, 2 grams of star anise, 20 grams of green onion, 10 grams of ginger, 1 fennel Gram, 3 grams of Sanxiang, 2 pieces of bay leaves, 10 grams of soy sauce

Cooking steps:

1.2 pounds of duck paws are washed, then blanched, washed with clean water...

2. Put onions and ginger in a casserole...

3. Then put all the seasonings into the pot...

4. After cooking for 40 minutes, transfer to the iron pot and turn to high heat to reduce the juice!

5. Simmer for a while...

6. It is basically ready to be taken out of the pot...

7. Take it out of the pot and plate it

Cooking Tips:

Duck meat is rich in protein and is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Duck meat is rich in niacin, which is one of the two important coenzymes in the human body. At the same time, duck meat contains more B vitamins and vitamin E than other meats, and the protein content is much higher than that of livestock meat. The fat in duck meat is moderate, and its digestion and absorption is relatively high. Tips for purchasing duck feet: 1. Look at the appearance: the skin of duck feet of good quality is white and shiny, with no residual yellow hard skin. 2. Look at the texture: the texture is tight, the surface is slightly dry or slightly moist and not sticky. If the duck feet are dark and dull and the surface is sticky, it means that the duck feet have been stored for too long and should not be purchased.

Do you prefer to eat duck feet or chicken feet?

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