Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig

2024/06/2909:15:32 sports 1343

There are so many activities at home now that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fish harvesting event in July is in full swing again. Come and join in!

There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The high temperature here is also 35-66 degrees Celsius. It was really too hot outdoors. Last time we went fishing! I basically had no food at night, so I wanted to go early in the morning and come back at night this weekend, but Brother Nai said it was too hot and fishing at night would be more comfortable.

prepares things in advance. They get off work on Friday afternoon. We went straight to the fishing spot. This time it was my husband and I, Brother Nai and Brother Nai’s colleague. Because I caught some crucian carp and big white striped at this location last week. Yukou is pretty good, so I continued to choose this location this time.

The water level this week has dropped by nearly 1 meter compared to when we went last week, and the fishing position has moved downwards again. But the water depth is still about the same. I still use a 5.4 meter deer pole, and the water depth is about 4 meters. When it comes to wild fishing, you never know what fish you will catch next. I want both size and size. Just use the 2.0+1.0 line set. The 0.8 Chimata is luminous at night. Wait until everything is ready. It was already dark. The weather is hot. There are also many people fishing at night. As expected, I basically had nothing to eat at night. The bait also has no mouth. I hung up a earthworm to try. My husband and Brother Nai said that there was no movement at all from their beauty. I saw that my vagina would turn red occasionally. But there was no obvious movement. I don’t know what kind of fish is testing. My husband said it was possible that the fish had caught the line. It’s already past 10 o’clock, but I still have no words. My husband went to set up a tent. My fishing position started to have a mouth, a slight pause. When I lifted the rod, it felt like it was hanging off the bottom. But he took it off immediately. I'm worried that I picked up the pole too early. after awhile. My float is moving again. Lift the pole and hang up a fish scale. Seeing that they were the scales of a large crucian carp, I immediately gained confidence. Staring at the float intently. Looking forward to catching fish soon. The hard work paid off, and finally I caught a crucian carp in my fishing position. It is unlikely that there were two or three liang, and I forgot to take pictures at night. After that, I was basically speechless and kept going until 12 o'clock. Then I went to rest first. My husband persisted until after one o'clock, but still got nothing.

There were many people fishing at night this time. My husband said it was hard to sleep, so he got up after 4 o'clock and started fishing. Finally, a crucian carp caught my fishing position. I didn't get up until 6 o'clock.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

It was cool in the morning, but there were still no fish. As it got brighter, small fish gradually began to eat, and the white strips started to be fished after 8 o'clock. There were no big fish, and the white strips were good. This year, the white strips were big and felt.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

I was thinking, last week I caught a crucian carp at night, and then I started catching crucian carp after noon the next day. Do I have to wait until after noon this week to catch crucian carp? Unexpectedly, I fished for a while, and there was one after 9 o'clock. Slowly drifting again, a beautiful crucian carp came ashore, so happy!

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

I caught five crucian carp last week. I said that this week’s requirements are not high, as long as I can catch five, it’s good to pull up the white ones, which is more fun than having no fish at night. After a while, crucian carp caught again. It seemed like today was not bad. These two times, the crucian carp I caught was basically the bait of earthworms. As soon as I fished for it, it was snatched by white stripes and could not reach the bottom.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

Brother Nai moved over and caught a crucian carp. At noon, my husband also caught a beautiful plate crucian carp.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

There are also beautiful horse mouth , small Luo Fei . When I fish, I am happy as long as there are fish, no matter the size.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

It’s really unbearably hot in the afternoon! The fish mouth is gradually getting worse. I caught 5 o'clock and closed the rod. Every time my husband closes the stall, I just throw a few more rods, hoping to catch a closing fish, but this time I didn't do it. I'll come back next time. Today The task was still overfulfilled. I caught six crucian carps, my husband four, and countless white fish, hahaha.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

Crispy white strips made by my husband.

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

The Patchouli crucian carp I made tastes pretty good!

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNewsNowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

The water has risen both times when I went fishing. Although it was cool at night, there was basically no food. It was better during the day.

Meizi wishes everyone a big crucian carp and a big carp! happy everyday!

Nowadays, there are so many activities at home that fishing friends are overwhelmed with things to do. The fishing activities in July are in full swing again. Come and join in! There has been hot weather everywhere recently. Some places even went up to 40 degrees Celsius. The hig - DayDayNews

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