Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring.

2024/06/2909:16:33 sports 1217

It is somewhat unbelievable that the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

As a two-time world champion, Bird planned to return to boxing last year. Unfortunately, he was rejected when he applied for a boxing license. The relevant departments believed that his age and condition no longer allowed him to appear on stage, especially as the health report issued by the doctor showed that , Bird suffers from a severe neurological disease and it is indeed difficult to play on the court again.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

However, Bird was not discouraged. He continued to work hard while undergoing treatment, and applied for a boxing license again at the beginning of this year. This time he succeeded. He originally planned to have a super middleweight fight against Eric Man in March. , this Maan has a professional record of 11 wins and 4 losses, 6 KO opponents, and has not won since 2019. He was once defeated by Edgar Berlanga, a heavy gunner in his category, and was knocked down in just 62 seconds. Sorry, it would be very interesting for Bird to fight Marne. People want to see what it would be like for Bird to drop down to super middleweight at a lot of age? Unfortunately, this contest could not be staged for unknown reasons. There are rumors that Bird was overwhelmed in training and eventually gave up the game.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

Although boxing fans were a little regretful that Bird could not compete with Ma En, after calming down, they felt that it was okay not to have this match. That is, although Ma En is not a good player, he is only 30 years old, so maybe he will It was a serious blow to the 51-year-old Bird, not to mention that Bird had been away from the game for 13 years. If something happened, it would be more than worth the loss.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

At that time, Byrd was a small boxer in the heavyweight boxing world. His peak weight was in the range of 210-215 pounds, and never exceeded 220 pounds. However, Byrd was a typical example of a small-to-big boxer in his category. He and Klitschko brothers, Evander Holyfield , Andrew Golota , Gamili McLean, and David Tua have all fought against each other, and he is the first to finish the big goal Litschko's boxer has defeated Tua , Holyfield and others. However, Bird paid a heavy price for the confrontation despite his obvious physical disadvantage. Now his injuries illustrate the problem.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

Bird said: "At that time, no one could compete with me below the heavyweight class, so I moved up to the heavyweight class and paid the price. After retiring, I experienced more than 10 years of pain. A few years ago, I double He couldn't stand with his legs apart, so he had to make huge changes to reach today's level. "

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

Today's Bird has a vicissitudes of life, and his beard has turned white. His weight reduction to 163 pounds is indeed quite amazing, considering that he just did it in 1993. When he entered professional boxing, Bird weighed only 169 pounds. In order to restore his health and improve his physical condition, Bird changed his eating habits and stopped eating all foods that made him allergic, such as sugar, wheat, dairy products, etc., and even used marijuana for treatment. In 2020, California medical expert Aaron Cameron treated Bird through radio audio therapy and achieved great success. Afterwards, as his body gradually recovered, Bird decided to return to boxing.

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

It is unclear whether Bird will continue to try to return to the game. He told reporters: "I just want to tell people that it is never too late to achieve your goals and dreams. My reactions now are quite sharp and my strength is amazing. , I am more focused than before. I think there is no problem in fighting in the boxing ring again. I hope to make it a reality.”

Somewhat unbelievably, the 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion Chris Bird has dropped his weight to 163 pounds after two years of transformation, and he is still looking forward to returning to the ring. - DayDayNews

The reality is that Bird’s comeback may end badly. Thank God, I hope this is just the plot of a novel. , if Bird is beaten unconscious after his return, who should he blame?

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