A few days ago, news that the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet and attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant partie

2024/06/2921:32:33 sports 1499

A few days ago, the news that the 2022Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet, and also attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant parties that the 19th Asian Games 2022, originally scheduled to be held in Hangzhou from September 10 to September 25 this year, Postponed. The new date will be officially announced after consensus among the Olympic Council of Asia, the Chinese Olympic Committee, and the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee. Two months later, news about the date of the Hangzhou Asian Games finally became clear. According to reports, the specific time of the Hangzhou Asian Games may be officially announced next week. As soon as the news of

A few days ago, news that the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet and attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant partie - DayDayNews

came out, many netizens made predictions about the hosting time. Some netizens said that it will most likely be planned to be held from September 10 to September 25, 2023. The previous 2020 Tokyo Olympics was also postponed by one year. There is also speculation that considering the impact and development of the domestic epidemic, the Hangzhou Asian Games may be shortened or extended. As for when the Asian Games will be held, the Olympic Council of Asia, the Chinese Olympic Committee, the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee and other parties need to discuss and decide together to determine the best plan. Regarding this, if the date is to be announced next week, when do you think it is most likely to be?

A few days ago, news that the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet and attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant partie - DayDayNews

Conjecture 1: The end of this year

The 2022 season is the first year after the Tokyo Olympics. For most sports teams, completing the replacement of the old with the new and running in the main lineup is the top priority. Many sports teams of the Chinese Legion have completed their Paris Olympic debut, including the Chinese diving team, swimming team, gymnastics team, badminton team and basketball team. The competition tasks for this season have basically been completed. If the epidemic is effectively controlled, it is not impossible for the Hangzhou Asian Games to be held at the end of this year.

A few days ago, news that the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet and attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant partie - DayDayNews

Conjecture 2: September 2023

Based on the history of previous international or intercontinental competitions, a one-year delay is the most common. If the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games is scheduled to be held from September 10 to September 25, 2023, the event organizing committee, participating teams, athletes, etc. will have more time to prepare. Judging from external reactions, there are also stronger calls to postpone the event for one year. And in one year's time, the domestic epidemic situation will be effectively controlled, and hosting the Asian Games at this point in time is the most ideal choice.

A few days ago, news that the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games will be held next week spread like wildfire on the Internet and attracted the attention of many fans. On May 6 this year, the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Asia decided after consultation with relevant partie - DayDayNews

Conjecture 3: December 2023

Although the probability of the Hangzhou Asian Games being held during this time period is low, considering the 2024 Paris Olympics, it is not ruled out that the Asian Olympic Council, the Chinese Olympic Committee, etc. will use the Asian Games as a An important stage for military training. After the Asian Games, after a half-year break, each team was able to compete in the Paris Olympics with its strongest lineup.

(shopkeeper Luo)

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