The Chinese women's volleyball team is about to return to China. This time the women's volleyball league has ended. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals. It is indeed a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team shot this time is the youngest playe

2024/07/0123:09:32 sports 1790

The Chinese women's volleyball team is about to return to China. This time the women's volleyball league has ended. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals. It is indeed a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team was photographed this time with the youngest players playing in the international arena, but young players The problems on the court are indeed very serious, and there are also many mistakes on the court. This is also a key factor that makes it difficult for the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the game. Players from some traditional strong teams, such as , Brazil, , the United States, and Italy, are in particularly good condition on the court. Moreover, the veterans are very experienced and the young players are growing up very quickly. This is also similar to the Chinese women's volleyball team. One of the biggest factors in the gap!

The Chinese women's volleyball team is about to return to China. This time the women's volleyball league has ended. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals. It is indeed a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team shot this time is the youngest playe - DayDayNews

The Chinese women's volleyball team will prepare for the postponed Asian Games next. The Asian Games is also a good opportunity for the Chinese women's volleyball team to show its strength. In this lineup, players like Wang Yinglu and Wang Yizhu have absolutely no choice on the court. A very good result for the Chinese women's volleyball team. In the next Chinese women's volleyball team's games, players like these who cannot perform well on the court should have no chance to continue playing for the Chinese women's volleyball team. The Chinese women's volleyball team will still have to adjust its strongest lineup before it can prepare for the 2023 Olympics. Therefore, the Chinese women's volleyball team is currently in the player growth stage and is also a lineup adjustment stage!

The Chinese women's volleyball team is about to return to China. This time the women's volleyball league has ended. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals. It is indeed a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team shot this time is the youngest playe - DayDayNews

Then we also hope that the Chinese women's volleyball team can give up some inexperienced young players in this lineup adjustment. After the less cultivable young players, the Chinese women's volleyball team can play a super high technical level in the next games and move towards the original peak period! The Chinese women's volleyball team is about to return to China. This time the women's volleyball league has ended. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals. It is indeed a pity that the Chinese women's volleyball team shot this time is the youngest playe - DayDayNews

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