Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat

2024/06/2923:37:32 sports 1342

Even before the draw for this year’s World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designated as second tier teams. In terms of strength, they are certainly a first-tier team, but who makes their ranking unsatisfactory? Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the other six teams in the second tier, except the Netherlands and Germany, which all teams are afraid to avoid.

In the end, Spain and Qatar became the unlucky ones, drawing Germany and the Netherlands respectively. As soon as the draw results came out, everyone lamented the bad luck of Spain and Qatar. So many second-tier teams missed the draw, and only two teams were drawn. It was really unlucky. It turns out that the so-called king bombers of Germany and the Netherlands were Spain and Qatar.

Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat - DayDayNews

However, if you look at the problem this way, it is too superficial. It is true that Germany and the Netherlands are the kings of bombing, but are they bombing Spain and Qatar? Or was it other group opponents that were being bombed?

may not.

Let’s put it this way, even though Spain was drawn against Germany, it did not affect their group advancement at all. Looking at Japan and Costa Rica in the same group, these two teams can be said to have eliminated the smell of German bombs to the greatest extent. Originally, Germany and Spain were in the same group, and the atmosphere of death was very strong. But when Japan and Costa Rica are mixed together, they appear much gentler. For example, if Japan and Costa Rica are replaced by Serbia and Uruguay , this group will immediately be promoted to the top death group.

Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat - DayDayNews

In a nutshell, Japan and Costa Rica are not qualified due to their insufficient strength, so there is a high probability that they will not be able to influence the qualifying situation of this group. Spain and Germany advancing together is the most likely outcome for this group. Of course, if you insist on giving the example of Costa Rica’s counterattack in the 2014 World Cup, I have nothing to say.

Therefore, although Germany is the king of bombing, they cannot bomb Spain. Because even if Spain loses to Germany, they can still advance to the top 16 with their wins over Japan and Costa Rica.

What Germany really wants to explode is actually one of the promotions in the matchup group. As for whether it is first or second in the group, it depends on where Germany ranks.

Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat - DayDayNews

is in Group F opposite Group E, where Germany is located. The two top teams in Group F are Belgium and Croatia . These two teams are the teams that Germany is likely to bomb. How to say this? You know, Belgium and Croatia were third and runner-up in the last World Cup, and they are both strong teams, so their goal for this year's World Cup cannot be limited to promotion in the group. Therefore, if they stop at the top 16, they will be considered a failure.

But if they encounter Germany, there is a high possibility that they will stop there. This is why it is said that Germany bombed one of them.

Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat - DayDayNews

In fact, for strong teams, the probability of them capsizing in the group stage is very small, so from the beginning, they will consciously analyze the opponents that may encounter in the quarter-finals. From this perspective, after seeing Germany in Group E, the most unhappy people are not Spain, but Belgium and Croatia. Because they know that after their group advances, they will most likely encounter Germany. This is Wang Zha's correct interpretation.

As for Japan and Costa Rica, they are not yet at the level where they can be discussed together. In other words, even if Germany is not placed in Group E, but another European team, it will be very difficult for them to advance. This has nothing to do with whether Germany is king or not.

Even before the draw for this year's World Cup, some people described Germany and the Netherlands as the best teams in the second tier. Since the World Cup draw is divided into tiers based on world rankings, Germany and the Netherlands, which are ranked after eighth, are designat - DayDayNews

In the same way, seeing that the Netherlands is assigned to Group A, the team that is most worried may be England in Group B. If one of them wins the first place in the group and the other wins the second place in the group, then they will inevitably face each other in advance in the quarter-finals. This is a scene that fans of both teams are very reluctant to see.

Of course, no one can guarantee that the two kings will not encounter an upset.If teams such as Qatar and Japan can create miracles, maybe the two kings will flame out in the group stage. If this is the case, the happiest countries may also be England, Belgium and Croatia.

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