Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply "double insurance" talents of "talent + hard work".

2024/06/3001:04:33 sports 1953

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. The emergence of a champion requires day-to-day training, and it also requires talent beyond ordinary people. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply "double insurance" talents of "talent + hard work".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 1 Xu Haifeng (born in 1957, now 65 years old)

At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Xu Haifeng won the championship in this event with a pistol slow fire score of 569 rings. This year was Xu Haifeng's first year entering the national team, and it was also the first Olympic gold medal China won in its Olympic history.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Xu Haifeng

As a person who has focused all his life ideals and aspirations on shooting since he was a child, Xu Haifeng made the Chinese shine at the Olympics with his own strength and hard work.

All of this is due to Xu Haifeng's unusual sensitivity since he was a child. When Xu Haifeng was a child, whether it was flying in the sky or swimming in the water, Xu Haifeng could always hit the target with the slingshot in his hand, and he never missed a single shot. It is precisely because of this talent that Xu Haifeng successfully entered the shooting arena at the age of 25.

Unfortunately, Xu Haifeng's physical condition has been declining since the Los Angeles Olympics. In 1992, his vision dropped to about 0.2 due to migrating retinitis, but Xu Haifeng still relied on his excellent ability to make a name for himself in the shooting world.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

From becoming an athlete in 1982 to retiring in 1995, Xu Haifeng won a total of 14 shooting gold medals. But this was not the end of his sports career. After retiring, he was quickly hired by the National Sports Bureau as the women's pistol coach of the national shooting team, and then he was hired as the head coach of the Chinese shooting team .

From contestant to coach, Xu Haifeng did not relax at all. He passed on all the experience and skills he accumulated to the team members. In the end, under the leadership of Xu Haifeng, the Chinese shooting team not only won multiple gold medals, but also broke three world records, earning the title of "Gold Medal Coach".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 2 Lang Ping (born in 1960, now 62 years old)

Speaking of the "gold medal coaches" of the Chinese national team, Coach Lang must be on the list. , a girl born in Tianjin, could be called an all-powerful figure in the sports world when she was young.

Lang Ping, who has been malnourished since childhood, is particularly outstanding in height and has always been much taller than his peers. At the age of 13, Lang Ping was selected by the Volleyball Office of the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium Junior Sports School and became a volleyball player.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Lang Ping when she was young

Although she was young at this time, Lang Ping never relaxed her demands on herself, and her skills improved very quickly. In 1976, the coach of the Beijing women's volleyball team went to the sports school to select students. Lang Ping was selected by the coach at a glance because of his tall figure and strong explosive power. Two years later, she was also promoted to the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Since 1979, Lang Ping has won many gold medals with the national team. From the Asian Games to the Volleyball Championships to the International Volleyball Invitational Tournament, Lang Ping improved himself step by step, and finally won many honors such as the "Best Attacker Award" and the "Outstanding Athlete Award".

In 1984, the 23rd Olympic Games kicked off in Los Angeles. In the final of the women's volleyball competition, the Chinese team and the always strong American team collided to compete for the ultimate winner of the gold medal.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

In the first half of the first game, the Chinese team opened the gap between the two teams with a score of 14 to 9 and successfully obtained the match point. At that time, the rule of the volleyball game was that the first team to score 15 points in each game would win. At that time, the Chinese team was only one step away from a "good start".

Just when everyone thought that the Chinese team could successfully win the first game, the American team suddenly chased five points in a row and successfully tied the gap between the two teams.

Soon, the Chinese team scored another point, forming a 15-14 situation, and once again got the match point. And the next point becomes crucial.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Just as everyone held their breath, waiting for the US team to serve, the server of the US team unexpectedly made a "header ball" by mistake, leaving Lang Ping waiting. Lang Ping, who already had an advantage in height, saw the volleyball flying toward him. He quickly jumped up and used all his strength to catch the ball! Finally, the Chinese team won the first game with a two-point advantage.

It is said that "the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road". The success in the first game greatly increased the confidence of the girls of the Chinese team. In the next two games, they defeated the American team by a huge advantage and won this hard-won Olympic medal. Gold medal, successfully achieved the "three consecutive championships" of Chinese women's volleyball team . and Lang Ping himself also received the title of " iron hammer ".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

In 1984, the women's volleyball team won the championship

If Lang Ping encountered the best era of the Chinese women's volleyball team at this time, then when she became the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team in 2013, she was a bit "accepted when the army was defeated and ordered to be in danger" mean.

At this time, the Chinese women's volleyball team was in dire straits due to various problems. Not only were their results a mess, there were also various problems with their internal training. In order to inherit the spirit of women's volleyball team, 53-year-old Lang Ping solemnly wrote a sentence in the report of the competition for the head coach of Chinese women's volleyball team: "Inherit the spirit of women's volleyball team, get out of the trough, and create new glory!"

It is also by relying on With the "women's volleyball spirit", Lang Ping led the Chinese women's volleyball team back to the arena.. From 2013 to 2021, Lang Ping led the Chinese women's volleyball team to win an Olympic championship and two world championships, making the five-star red flag once again fly high on the women's volleyball court!

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

The women's volleyball team won the championship again

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 3 Li Ning (born in 1963, now 59 years old)

Speaking of Li Ning, most people today think of the "Li Ning" sports brand he founded, but as a person who has won 14 world championships, he is definitely worthy of the title. He is "one of the most outstanding athletes of the 20th century."

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Li Ning's sports career started very early. Born in 1963, he was selected into the Guangxi Gymnastics Team when he was 8 years old. Gymnasts are the bread of youth, and children who want to become gymnasts must practice various exercises from an early age. Therefore, Li Ning spent his entire childhood in gymnastics training halls.

is like what Edison said, "Genius is ninety-nine percent sweat and one percent inspiration." Li Ning has worked hard since childhood and finally won a battle line on the court.

In 1982, at the 6th World Cup Gymnastics , Li Ning, who was only 19 years old, won six world championships in the men's individual events, including the all-around, floor exercise, pommel horse, rings, vault and horizontal bar. . You know, there are only seven men's individual events. Li Ning's achievement of sweeping six events can be said to be "unprecedented and unprecedented". All the judges present were surprised. They had never seen such an all-around gymnast!

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Li Ning's "Myths and Legends" was successfully performed again at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. In this Olympic Games alone, Li Ning won three gold medals, two silver medals, one bronze medal and six medals in one fell swoop, becoming the Olympian with the most medals in the 23rd Olympic Games!

Not only that, now many gymnastics movements, such as "hanging from the back of the ring, hanging from the front with a right-angle support", have been named by the International Sports Federation as "hanging from the ring, hanging from the front", and "hanging from the ring, hanging from the front". , commemorates this gymnast who can be called "unprecedented and unprecedented" in the international sports world!

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 4Gao Min (born in 1970, now 52 years old)

Like Li Ning, when Gao Min first came into contact with sports, his parents and coaches wanted Gao Min to learn gymnastics. Gao Min has been tall since he was a child, with good body proportions. In the eyes of the gymnastics coach, this child is a good prospect at first sight.

But the children in the gymnastics training class have to go through stretching exercises such as leg press every day. To the 6-year-old Gao Min, this was boring and painful. Instead, she envied those little girls practicing swimming.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

html At the age of 39, Gao Min, who had not made any progress in gymnastics, was selected by Yang Qiang to join the diving team with his strong physical stability. It was also from that year that Gao Min found the direction of his life.

In just one year, Gao Min entered the Sichuan Provincial Diving Team under the guidance of Yang Qiang and began his career of winning championships and awards. Since winning two championships in the diving category at the 4th World Age-Group Swimming Championships in 1983, Gao Min has continuously won medals in various competitions and was successfully selected for the national team.

But after entering the national team, Gao Min realized that his previous foundation, talent and even hard work were not worth mentioning. There are countless people here who are better and work harder than her.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

In order to catch up with everyone's progress, Gao Min is the first person to come to the training hall every day, and the last one to leave. After Gao Min's hard training, her performance finally improved a lot. One year after entering the national team, at the age of 16, she stood on the championship stage of the fifth World Swimming Championships, ushering in the "high-sensitivity era" of women's diving competitions.

From the springboard diving champion at the World Swimming Championships to the Olympic champion, Gao Min has won 11 world championships and two Olympic champions in his sports career. Such achievements are beyond the reach of many divers.

In 1992, Gao Min, who had won more than Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 0 medals, chose to retire, leaving behind a legendary story about the "Queen of Diving".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 5 Deng Yaping (born in 1973, now 49 years old)

If the previous people all have certain talents in their own fields, then when Deng Yaping first came into contact with table tennis, no one was optimistic about her, even Some people think she is the least suitable player for table tennis.

The reason is very simple. This little girl who was born in Zhengzhou, Henan is not tall, only 1.55 meters. You must know that the length of a person's arm has a very important relationship with his height. Deng Yaping, who is 1.55 meters tall, has the length of her arms spread which is not conducive to the use of skills in table tennis matches.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

However, Deng Yaping, who was born in a table tennis family, has a father who was a table tennis player in Henan Province. In order for his daughter to inherit his "mantle", Deng's father formulated a special training method for the young Deng Yaping.

Since Deng Yaling was six years old, she was trained by her father to use the horizontal racket and forehand attack, which was not much higher than the table tennis table. This special training method made Deng Yaping suffer a lot, but it also made her serve fast and hard.

However, the hardest part is yet to come. Even though Deng Yaping has laid a solid foundation since childhood, the provincial team rejected her several times because of her height. However, being shut out did not discourage Deng Yaping. She endured all the training pains that ordinary people could not bear, and even used her small body to challenge two male sparring partners at once.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Gold will always shine, even if it does not meet ordinary people's expectations. In 1986, the Henan Provincial Team finally agreed to secondment Deng Yaping to the provincial team. In order to demonstrate her abilities, Deng Yaping won the team and individual championship medals for Henan Province at the national championships at the end of 1986.

In 1989, Deng Yaping, who had been transferred to the national team for a year, qualified to team up with Qiao Hong to participate in the World Table Tennis Championships women's doubles competition. It was also in this World Table Tennis Championships that Deng Yaping relied on the spirit of "a calf is not afraid of tigers" to bring her "quick, accurate and ruthless" playing style to the extreme, becoming the youngest player in the history of national table tennis One of the world champions.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

, a short girl who was "disliked" by others at the beginning, used her own strength and sweat to prove her position in the history of table tennis to everyone. During Deng Yaping's 14-year sports career, Deng Yaping has been firmly ranked first in the world table tennis for eight consecutive years. Even today, Deng Yaping is the female athlete who has "maintained the longest time".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 6Liu Guoliang (born in 1976, now 46 years old)

In 2016, the 31st Olympic Games kicked off in Rio. The Chinese table tennis team, which has always been known as the "strongest on earth", has attracted the attention of fans from all over the world since the beginning of table tennis competitions.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the outstanding performance of the Chinese team, Liu Guoliang, who is serving as the head coach of the Chinese table tennis team, actually became popular first.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

It turns out that a Taiwanese netizen posted a post on a table tennis forum, asking who is the fat guy sitting behind the Chinese team who doesn't know how to play? It seemed like he was the one who didn't understand football the most.

Soon, Liu Guoliang's title of "the fat man who doesn't understand football" became popular all over the country, and Liu Guoliang's record in the table tennis world was once again discovered.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Like Deng Yaping, Liu Guoliang's father also loves table tennis very much. The difference is that Liu Guoliang was selected to train with the national youth team when he was 13 years old. In 1991, he was directly promoted to the national team.

As an athlete who entered the national team at the age of 15, the young Liu Guoliang did not lose at all to the veteran athletes who were much older than him.

As the first athlete in history to use pen-hold and horizontal hitting techniques in official competitions and win, Liu Guoliang achieved the "Grand Slam" in the World Table Tennis Championships, World Cup and Olympic Games when he was 20 years old. Not only did he become The first "Grand Slam" winner in the history of Chinese table tennis, and together with Kong Linghui , are known as the "Twin Stars" of the Chinese table tennis world.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

After retiring, Liu Guoliang has been serving as the coach of the Chinese table tennis team. He has trained many world-famous players such as Ma Long , Zhang Jike , Wang Nan , Fan Zhendong , and contributed to the development of table tennis in China. , made a huge contribution.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 7 Guo Jingjing (born in 1981, now 41 years old)

In 1988, in order to let her picky daughter Guo Jingjing eat more, Fan Yumei threw her to a training base in Baoding to start diving training. Unexpectedly, this gift actually sent out a world champion.

With her talent and love for diving, in 1993, at the age of 12, Guo Jingjing was selected into the national diving team and began her career as a new generation of "Diving Queen".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

In 1995, Guo Jingjing, who was only 14 years old, stood on the platform of Diving World Cup . Although this was her first time participating in a competition, Guo Jingjing did not have any stage fright. With her extremely powerful take-off, Guo Jingjing won 4 gold medals in this competition and became a rising star among the Chinese diving pairs. Rising Star.

However, since then, Guo Jingjing's career has fallen into a trough. Although Guo Jingjing has represented the country in various competitions many times at this stage, except for winning the "women's synchronized three-meter springboard" and mixed team championships in 1999 with her senior sister Fu Mingxia , Guo Jingjing has never won any individual competition. of gold medals.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Guo Jingjing, who had fallen into a trough, had the thought of giving up, but looking at the springboard for which she had struggled for so many years, Guo Jingjing felt a lot of unwillingness.

After calming down, Guo Jingjing began to carefully analyze her own advantages. She slowly discovered that her understanding was higher than others.Although Guo Jingjing is not as perfect as others in many movements, no matter how difficult the movements are, Guo Jingjing can learn them extremely quickly.

After discovering this strength of hers, Guo Jingjing felt like she had found a treasure. She began to change her movement style, taking advantage of her strong take-off and good coordination of movements to become more and more brave in challenging various difficult movements in competitions. . The members of the

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

team looked at Guo Jingjing's nearly perfect performance in challenging difficult moves every time. They couldn't help but sigh and gave Guo Jingjing the nickname "Guo Daxia".

Facts have proved that Guo Jingjing has indeed maximized her advantages and created the myth of winning 31 championships in 14 years. participated in four Olympic Games and became the first female athlete to win six medals in Olympic diving, creating her own "Guo Jingjing Era".

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 8 Lin Dan (born in 1983, now 39 years old)

Lin Dan is the only one in Chinese history who has won the Olympic Games, World Championships, All England , Asian Championships, National Games , World Cup, Asian Games, Sudirman A Grand Slam player who won the Thomas Cup " cup team competition and was dubbed " Super Dan " by fans.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

He was born in 1983 as if he was born to exist for badminton. When Lin Dan was five years old That year, he found the sport that suited his taste best - badminton.

html He entered the amateur class at the age of 35. Because of his excellent physical fitness, he was recruited by the Fujian Provincial Sports School. In 1992, Lin Dan started formal training at the age of nine. , won the men's singles championship in the national youth competition in 1995. After a short trial training, 12-year-old Lin Dan officially entered the door of the Bayi Badminton Team and became a People's Liberation Army athlete.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

As he entered a new era. Over the millennium, Lin Dan also entered the national team and won his first men's singles championship in the 2004 Swiss, Ying Denmark , China, and National Opens. Since then, he has started to dominate the badminton world step by step. Road

Twenty years of sports career, twenty world championships, double lap slam is Lin Dan’s answer for the motherland and sports. The salute is his response to fans after victory as a soldier. The audience loves His arrogance and love for him never give up.

Just like what he wrote in his farewell article: "I also want to say to all of you who are working hard to pursue your dreams, always keep your desire and keep your bow full. Go for it! The blood is unquenchable and the steps never stop! "

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 9 Liu Xiang (born in 1983, now 39 years old)

In 2004, in the men's 110-meter hurdles at the Athens Olympic Games, as a yellow man with black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin, Liu Xiang stood among a group of black people like It's like being an outlier. Indeed, before Liu Xiang appeared, the 110-meter hurdles had always been the domain of black people. They were born with the gene of fast running.

However, on August 27, 2008, Liu Xiang, a Chinese, The speed of 12 seconds 91 broke the Olympic record, refreshed the best performance of the Chinese in the hurdles, and broke the physical limit of the yellow race in the short distance competition. It can be said that Liu Xiang is not only the pride of the Chinese people, but also the pride of the Chinese people. It is the pride of Asians.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

As a "flying man" who has made Asians look up to the whole world, Liu Xiang not only achieved world-renowned achievements in the Olympic Games, but also became Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 10m with Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 1 championship titles. The first and only athlete in the history of hurdles to achieve a Grand Slam.

As such a great hurdler, there is no doubt about Liu Xiang’s talent. More importantly, he has perseverance as a track and field athlete. As an athlete, years of training have caused Liu Xiang's Achilles tendon to have problems early on. Every time he runs, it means danger and pain for him.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

But Liu Xiang has never been afraid of these difficulties. He has received treatment again and again, and has stood on the field against huge public opinion and physical problems again and again, writing the myth of the Chinese people on the field.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 0 Sun Yang (born in 1991, now 31 years old)

Before Sun Yang, swimming had always been the domain of white people. After Sun Yang, no one said this anymore. 1htmlSun Yang, who was born in 2991, inherited the tall genes of his parents and is much taller than his peers. Even his bed had to be customized . It is precisely for this reason that Sun Yang was selected by the swimming coach who went to the kindergarten to select candidates and successfully entered the swimming team.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Unlike others who became famous at a young age, Sun Yang, who was selected into the national team in 2007, did not win any awards for a long time. But this is normal, because in previous swimming competitions, almost no Chinese have won the competition.

Until 2010, Sun Yang, who had been a professional athlete for six years, won the men's 4×100-meter freestyle relay championship with his teammates at the Asian Games. This is the first time Sun Yang has won the World Series.

It is not only a team competition. In this Asian Games, Sun Yang also won his first Asian Games gold medal from a Japanese athlete, breaking the Japanese's 56-year monopoly on this event.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

At the same time, in the next men's 1500-meter freestyle final, Sun Yang set a new Asian record with a time of 14 minutes, 35 seconds and 43, even less than one second away from the world record.

At that time, the 19-year-old Sun Yang became famous in one battle. Not only did many Chinese people learn about the name "Sun Yang", but the world's swimming community also noticed this "full bloom" young swimmer.

Sure enough, in the World Swimming Championships a year later, Sun Yang once again signed up for men's 400m freestyle, men's 800m freestyle, men's 4×200m freestyle, men's 1500m freestyle and many other events, and in All of these events won medals.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

In this World Championships, Sun Yang not only won his first world championship, but also became the first "double champion" for Chinese men's swimming in the World Championships!

In 2012, the London Olympics kicked off, and Sun Yang successfully won two golds, one silver and one bronze in the Olympics, becoming China's athlete with the most medals in the Olympics.

Sun Yang's excellent results in all aspects surprised the world swimming star Phelps. Phelps found and analyzed all of Sun Yang's game videos. Only then did he discover the most terrifying thing about Sun Yang.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Whether it is a 400-meter race, an 800-meter race, or a 1,500-meter race, Sun Yang can use any swimming method to maintain an extremely relaxed state in the water. For Sun Yang, all long-distance competitions are just the sprint of the last 100 meters or 200 meters.

In a relaxed state, Sun Yang's legs are very explosive. Even when facing an ultra-high-definition camera, Sun Yang's calves can make beautiful splashes like propellers and move forward rapidly in the water.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Phelps was also impressed by his ability. It is with this talent and ten years of hard work that Sun Yang successfully won the first "Best Male Swimmer" medal for Chinese swimming and became a swimming superstar.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 1 Shi Zhiyong (born in 1980, now 42 years old)

In 2008, when the Beijing Olympics was held, every Chinese person was filled with pride. The athletes who participated in the Olympic Games are each full of fighting spirit for medals in their own events. However, Shi Zhiyong, who is 28 years old this year, has different goals.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

As a child from the countryside, Shi Zhiyong has been a "strong man" since he was a child. Not only can he lift things heavier than himself, but he also has strong explosive power.

In 2004, Shi Zhiyong successfully won the gold medal in the men's 62kg weightlifting competition at the Athens Olympics with a total score of 325kg.. As the champion of that year, before the start of the 2008 weightlifting competition, everyone thought that Shi Zhiyong would win another gold medal for the Chinese team this year.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

However, at this time, Shi Zhiyong understood that he had been suffering from back injuries for many years and now no longer had the ability to fight again. The reason why he stood on the stage of the competition was to fight for his junior brother Liao Hui " cover".

In the weightlifting competition, the weight and method of each lift are precisely designed by the team behind the athletes. Therefore, in addition to the comparison of weight, there is also a competition of "strategy". In order to lock up this gold medal, the Chinese team sent two people, Liao Hui and Shi Zhiyong. But in fact, only one person has the ability to make gold, and unfortunately, this person is not Shi Zhiyong.

After Shi Zhiyong disrupted his opponent's weightlifting policy, Liao Hui successfully won the gold medal. Shi Zhiyong regretfully left the Olympics.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

From Olympic champion to "green leaf", Shi Zhiyong truly interpreted the Olympic spirit with his actions. For a team, is never just its own victory, but also the efforts of everyone. Even if the final victory is not yours, as long as your teammates can stand on your shoulders and move to a higher position, that is glory.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply 2 Quan Hongchan (born in 2007, now 15 years old)

At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, with an amazing "splash disappearing technique", Quan Hongchan successfully took over the " dream team " "She is known as the "new sister" of the Chinese swimming team.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

She joined the national team in 2020. In less than two years, she has won 5 gold medals in three world competitions and became the "face" of the Chinese diving team.

The achievement of "Splash Disappearance Technique" is not only the result of her own jumping ability, waist and abdominal ability, and body flexibility being much higher than ordinary people, but also the foundation laid by her ten years of hard training.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

The moment Quan Hongchan entered the water

The children in the diving team are not very old, but Quan Hongchan can endure hardships better than everyone else. She will never be a little bit proud because her talent is better than others, but rather than others. Others came to the training ground earlier.

In Quan Hongchan, we see the tenacious struggle and forge ahead of China's new generation of Olympic athletes, and we also see the sense of honor and mission they carry when they fight for their country.

Some of these Olympic athletes have talents beyond ordinary people, but more of them have the perseverance to train and fight day after day. It is this combination of "talent + hard work" that allows them to achieve one after another. In an Olympic arena, a myth belonging to the Chinese people broke the stereotype of the "sick man of East Asia" in the eyes of the Western world.

Since 1984, Chinese athletes have returned to the Olympics and produced many champions. Among China's Olympic champions, the following are simply

Athletes going to the Olympic Games

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