On February 7, the first day of work, in order to enable all employees to further familiarize themselves with and master basic safety knowledge and effectively and orderly promote safety production work in the New Year, the State Grid Yichun Shanggao County Power Supply Company c

2024/07/0316:14:33 hotcomm 1835

On February 7, the first day of work, in order to enable all employees to further familiarize themselves with and master basic safety knowledge and effectively and orderly promote safety production work in the New Year, the State Grid Yichun City Shanggao County Power Supply Company launched a 2022 safety regulations popularization for all employees. Test. At 11 o'clock in the morning, the company's safety supervision department convened all the company's middle-level cadres to take a centralized examination on the 16th floor. In the afternoon, personnel from each department took centralized examinations in batches. The examination was based on the principle of "what to do, what to test" and based on the responsibilities and work requirements of each position. It is carried out at different levels, by majors and by key points.

On February 7, the first day of work, in order to enable all employees to further familiarize themselves with and master basic safety knowledge and effectively and orderly promote safety production work in the New Year, the State Grid Yichun Shanggao County Power Supply Company c - DayDayNews

On-site centralized examination picture

It is reported that the safety examination is organized by the company's safety supervision department. The examination is conducted in the form of a single-person, single-seat closed-book examination. The examination is based on the principle of "high standards and strict requirements" and fully combines the professionalism of the position. characteristics and formulate examination content. At the same time, the results of this exam will be included in the year-end personal work evaluation. Those who fail the exam will take a make-up exam until they pass. Examinations put an end to "formalism" and "going through the motions" to ensure the authenticity of examination results, truly promoting learning through examinations and applying what they have learned, so that employees can change from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe, I know how to be safe, and I can be safe." "Change in thinking, effectively improve the consciousness of safety work and the ability to analyze and pre-control hazard sources on the job site, and establish a solid ideological defense line for safety.

This is the first exam held by the State Grid Yichun Shanggao County Power Supply Company in 2022. It has effectively enhanced the consciousness, enthusiasm and initiative of all employees in learning the "Safety Regulations", and improved the safety production awareness of all employees. It has created a strong atmosphere of "everyone pays attention to safety and everyone pays attention to safety", laying a solid foundation for achieving the company's annual safety production goals. (Zhong Huifang)

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