There is a very realistic point of view in "The Voice": Love can be discussed apart from life, but marriage cannot be discussed. Marriage is life. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, bitter and spicy, after all, when ordinary people do ordinary things, they cannot do

2024/07/0315:41:33 hotcomm 1594

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There is a very realistic point of view in

There is a very realistic point of view in "The Sound of the Earth" called: Love can be discussed apart from life, but marriage is not, marriage is life.

What is life? Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, bitter and spicy, after all, when ordinary people do ordinary things, they cannot do without the word "money". Love that only talks about money seems ridiculous, but love without talking about money seems stupid. Life is just for a few taels of silver, and the drama of a penny stumping a hero. People who have never experienced the downturn in life will not understand the bitterness of the bottom.

So, you see, those celebrities from the upper class, even though they have played countless games in the world, they still marry the beautiful ladies in the end. It used to be called "well-matched", but now it's called "business marriage." Even these well-to-do families still have to be "tacky", let alone ordinary people. "Being well-matched" is the bottom line. If allowed, "climbing high" is the best.

The story of Cinderella marrying the prince can only exist in fairy tales.

There is a very realistic point of view in

What does it mean to be a good match? Of course, it is not limited to money and power in the narrow sense, but also includes cultural accumulation, life concepts, behavioral styles, interpersonal relationship models, etc. However, these spiritual matches do not mention money at all, but they are inseparable from money. . In the contemporary era of openness, freedom and equality, people have to be so "careful" about their marriage and love. So in feudal society, children of powerful and wealthy families like Ximen Qing must be even more careful.

We have mentioned Ximen Qing’s sobriety in our previous articles. His shrewdness in his future career is worth learning. Then, in the marriage of his children, a relationship chain can bring honor and benefit to the family. On top of that, he couldn't be hasty. Many times seemingly careless decisions were made after careful consideration by him.

For example, Sister Ximen marries very casually.

The first chapter of the opening chapter explains the whereabouts of Sister Ximen in just a few lines. It turns out that when Ximen Qing's late wife was alive, Tuo Wen's wife found Chen Jingji, the son of Chen Hong, the in-law of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army Admiral Yang, but she didn't wait for him to come through. , she passed away, leaving Sister Ximen undecided. Ximen Qing was too busy flirting with Pan Jinlian again, so he was delayed. It was not until after marrying Meng Yulou that Mrs. Wen was entrusted by the Chen family to come over to talk about the marriage. Only then did Ximen Qing remember that Sister Ximen had even prepared a dowry, but now it was too late to get married. Fortunately, Meng Yulou brought her As a dowry, Ximen Qing simply borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha and sent his daughter away.

Sister Ximen just got married hastily, as if the person she married was dispensable, not worthy of a page describing the wedding scene, and not worthy of Ximen Qing understanding what kind of person the other party was.

There is a very realistic point of view in

But in fact, the author went out of his way to tell the readers that the background of this Ximen son-in-law is "The in-laws of Admiral Yang, the eight hundred thousand imperial army" , which has already explained Ximen Qing's attitude to the readers. He didn't need to know what kind of person Chen Jingji was, his character, or his character. As long as he was Admiral Yang's in-laws, even if the other party was a rooster, Ximen Qing had to let Sister Ximen go and pay homage.

At this time, Ximen Qing could barely be regarded as a wealthy gentleman in Qinghe County . He was not as good as the superiors but more than the inferiors, so he had to curry favor with the powerful if he wanted to advance himself. Level jumping is a step-by-step process, just like climbing stairs. No matter what method you use, from the first floor to the top floor, you have to pass through the intermediate floors.

The combination of the wealthy gentry and the wealthy gentry could not give rise to other classes. In the dynasties at that time, whether it was the Song or the Ming Dynasty, the status of the wealthy gentry was not as popular as today's entrepreneurs. Ximen Qing is greedy for power. He is not satisfied that Ximen Mansion is just a merchant's home. Therefore, although Chen Hong and Admiral Yang have to take eighteen turns on the mountain road, they can still have some connection with the imperial court. Just this little connection is enough. He uses this relationship to get to know people in the next circle. This is how

’s network of contacts expanded.

There is a very realistic point of view in

What's more, Chen Hong's family is a comprador and can be regarded as a cooperative unit of the imperial court.

Since then, Ximen Qing has gradually moved towards an official career.

After Ximen Qing married his last wife Li Ping'er, he welcomed his second heir, Brother Ximen Guan. The reason why he was called Brother Guan was because at the time of his birth, Ximen Qing happened to be promoted to Deputy Punishment of Qinghe County. He believed that the child brought good luck, so he valued Ping'er and his son even more.

But Ximen Qing is different from the past. Compared with the marriage of Sister Ximen, he is now in the officialdom. When choosing an in-law, he will definitely look down on someone with conditions like Chen Hong.

So, what are his standards?

Ximen Qing is having wine in the upper room. Yueniang waited for everyone to come in, said all blessings, and sat down. All the maids came and kowtowed. Yueniang first told her what she wanted to get married at today's banquet. After hearing this, Ximen Qing asked: "How many guests are there at the banquet today?" Yueniang said: "There is the wife of Shang Juren, the wife of Zhu Xuban, Cui Qin's mother, and two nieces." Ximen Qing said, "It's okay to get married. "It's just not a good match."

Many dignitaries came to Ximen Guan Ge's Full Moon Wine . Among them, the daughter of Qiao Dahu's family was about the same month old as Guan Ge. When they saw the two children playing with each other, they got married together. Get off the in-laws. This marriage was not made by Ximen Qing himself, but by Yueniang, as the master of Ximen Qing's harem, who beheaded her first and then settled it. Therefore, Ximen Qing felt very dissatisfied when he heard that it was Qiao Dahu.

" Ximen Qing said: "It's just a marriage, it's just that I don't want to move with you. Although the Qiao family has this family affair now, he is just a wealthy man in the county, a man in white. You and I now live in this official position and are in charge of affairs in the yamen. We're going to get married tomorrow, and he's wearing a hat during the banquet. How can he get along with me, a government official? Very indecent! The day before yesterday, Zhang's family in Gangyang, Jingnan, and Yingli, repeatedly rushed to marry me, saying that their daughter was only five months old and was the same age as our child. I thought he didn't have a mother and a son, and he was born in the same room, so I didn't accept him. I didn't want to have sex with his family. ”

There is a very realistic point of view in

Needless to say, Ximen Qing’s power and prominent position in Qinghe County. He is the biggest overlord in the local area. Those who can come to Ximen Qingzhong to participate in the party are naturally either rich or noble, so regardless of the banquet, Any marriage is the icing on the cake, but for Ximen Qing, he finally broke away from the gentry class, how could he return to the original point?

's few words of complaint about Yueniang revealed his thoughts. In Ximen Qing's view, Qiao Dahu is a commoner, and he is already an "official household." In his current status, the marriage and love of his children go beyond a simple money relationship, and are overshadowed by

Ximen. Qing also said: "The day before yesterday, Zhang's family in Gangyang, Jingnan, and Yingli, rushed to marry me again and again, saying that their daughter was only five months old and was the same age as our child. I thought he didn't have a mother and a son, and he was born in the same room, so I didn't accept him. "Zhang's family and he were both official servants, so they should be well-matched, but Ximen Qing disliked the other lady for "having no mother and a son who was born in the same house", so he refused the marriage.

There is a very realistic point of view in

There is a difference between a son marrying a wife and a daughter marrying. Yes, Ximen Qing, as a representative of patriarchal thoughts in feudal society, has a clear distinction between his class logic and his concubines. Just as he can marry a prostitute as his concubine, but he must have an innocent woman as his wife.

In the episode "Getting married to Qiao Dahu", the author conveys the "little words and great meaning" contained in the novel to the readers through casual plots like this, and also portrays the characters of Ximen Qinghe Wu Yueniang and others more vividly. Full, for example, whether Wu Yueniang's hasty marriage was intentional or not, it is worth exploring. It also reveals the tragedy of involuntary marriage in feudal society. An infant has already determined the fate of his life... ...

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