When Xu Lu participated in the program "Let's Fall in Love", she formed a couple with Qiao Renliang. The two also showed off their affection on the show. Everyone called them the "Panic CP". Many people thought they would really be together. Who knew that after the show ended, th

2024/07/0219:41:32 hotcomm 1325

Xu Lu formed a couple with Qiao Renliang when she participated in the program "Let's Fall in Love". The two also showed off their affection on the show. Everyone called them "Panic CP". Many people thought they would really be together. , who would have known that the two would draw a clear line after the show ended. It really makes people lament the entertainment industry's ability to show off, but this show also made Xu Lu gain a lot of fans.

When Xu Lu participated in the program

Xu Lu has always been known for her long hair, and her short hair style is also very cute. On May 13, Xu Lu posted a photo on Weibo. She said: "#天记鲁片# In the future, you will definitely thank yourself for your hard work now! Come on ️Xu Xiaolu " Xu Lu made herself P Cute and cute looking. Some netizens left messages saying: "From the time Mr. and Mrs. Panic started to like you to now Song Qiaoqiao, I will always support you silently", "Nice short hair!! Super beautiful!!"

When Xu Lu participated in the program Another netizen left a message saying: " This photo really looks like Go Eun Hee

Go Eun Hee’s short hair style is like this, do you think it looks like it?

When Xu Lu participated in the program

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