The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama "Blue Life an

2024/07/0219:23:33 hotcomm 1743

Junxi and Eunxi grew up together and have been "brothers and sisters" for 14 years.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The elder brother Junxi is very doting on the younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother.

But one day, Junxi and Eunxi's carefree life was broken.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

It turns out that Eun-hee was held in the wrong arms in the hospital when she was born. She is not a child of this family, and Xin-ai is Jun-xi's biological sister.

Enxi and Xin Ai returned to their respective places, and Junxi's family moved to the United States. Junxi and Enxi's "brothers and sisters" have not seen each other for many years, but they are all missing each other.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

After Junxi returned to China, he inquired about the whereabouts of Eunxi. The two reunited with tears in their eyes. Junxi and Eunxi fell in love irrespective of "ethical principles".

The sadomasochistic love between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama "Blue Life and Death" made the audience burst into tears at the time, but rewatching this drama made a new "discovery": when Junxi returned to China, there was As for his fiancée, he and Shen Youmei are already engaged.

In other words, while Junxi was discussing marriage with Shin Youmei, he was also in love with his "first love" sister Eunxi. From the current perspective, Junxi and Eunxi's behavior hurt too many people.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

I used to think that Shen Youmei, who was entangled in Junxi and refused to let go, was annoying with her crying. Now when I look at Shen Youmei, I realize how pathetic and pitiful she is.

Shen Youmei loves Yin Junxi, but with all due respect, not many normal people can bear Shen Youmei's love, because her methods of retaining men are so chilling.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Love"

"Blue Love" The cruel truth about love: Even without Eun-hee, Shin Yoo-mi can't keep Jun-hee.

1. Like-minded Junxi and Youmei

Junxi and Youmei are well matched and like-minded.

Both of them grew up in good family backgrounds, have similar values, and both majored in art. They have relatively many topics in common. Judging from all aspects, Junxi and Youmei are a good match.

Junxi met Youmei when he was studying in the United States. At that time, Eunxi was just a hazy first love in Junxi's mind. Junxi did not give up the chance of love because of Eunxi, so Youmei entered his life. .

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

But Junxi does not love Youmei. As a master of painting, Junxi has never painted Youmei. Even if Youmei asked him to paint her portrait, Junxi was unwilling to do so. Unwillingly.

Junxi is cold and polite to Youmei, but Youmei loves Junxi deeply.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

After the two got engaged, Youmei gave Junxi a studio, but Junxi did not tell Youmei in advance that he had other plans for work; Junxi was confused about many things. He will not take the initiative to tell Youmei, including Eunxi moving in with him.

But Youmei also tolerated Junxi in all this. The virtuous Youmei would come over every now and then to deliver meals to him. Unfortunately, Youmei's efforts could not get the same reward from Junxi.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

2, Don't be the "ostrich" in love

Youmei is smart. She has long known that Junxi does not love her, but even if she cannot get Junxi's heart, she still wants to stay. People who live in Junxi.

After Youmei discovered that Junxi loved Eunxi, Youmei chose to "cleverly" hide the relationship for Junxi and deliberately told Junxi that "Eunxi was dating Han Taexi."

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Junxi will not leave as long as it is not revealed. Shin Youmei's "ostrich" behavior in love is actually deceiving herself and deceiving others.

When there is a problem in a relationship, everyone cannot be happy just by "whitewashing it".

Youmei's repeated evasion of the fact that Junxi does not love her will only make herself sink deeper and deeper. It is better to face it bravely and stop the loss in time.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Youmei's sincerity can't cover Junxi. People who don't love you have thousands of reasons to leave you. Even if there is no Eunxi, there will be other people and other reasons.

You can't bring lifeless feelings back to life if you continue to compromise on your own. Love is a matter between two people. No matter how good a one-man show is, it is just wishful thinking and asking for trouble.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

3. Love yourself first before loving others

The most extreme thing Shen Youmei did for love was that she frequently hurt herself because of falling out of love.

Youmei has been frail and sick since she was a child, but she has repeatedly mutilated herself for Junxi, an unworthy man, in an attempt to win Junxi's love by using the old-fashioned method of "seeking death."

The heartbreaking reality is that the more distorted the behavior of showing love, the further it will push the other person away.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Youmei, who is always ready to commit suicide, will "dissuade" the loved one sooner or later. Everyone wants to have an emotionally stable partner, not a dangerous product that can explode at any time.

Youmei sacrificed her own health and "threatened" Junxi to love her. When a woman reaches this point, she has lost everything.

There are people like Youmei in reality. They value love very seriously and cannot survive without love. In fact, in our long life, we will meet more than just this person, and love is not the only meaningful thing.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

A girl with a high education level, talent, and a good family background does not need to find a sense of presence in Junxi.

Youmei hurt Huahua's right hand for Junxi. It can be said that she was reckless and cut off her future, betting her life that Junxi would support her.

puts her hopes in life on a ruthless person. It is better to be strong and independent. With Xiaomei's ability, why should she depend on others? She can completely support herself.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

4. Try not to let the previous generation "involve" in your love.

Another wrong thing that Youmei did was that she should not let her mother get too involved in her love affair with Junxi.

Youmei would report her worries to her family every time she was ignored by Junxi, and her mother would worry about her without saying anything. It would not do any good for the relationship between the two to recover.

What else can the "mother-in-law" do besides blaming Junxi.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Love cannot be achieved through pressure from elders. Youmei is very clear about the problem between her and Junxi: it has nothing to do with the families of both parties, it has nothing to do with misunderstandings and conflicts, it is simply that he does not love her. .

Allowing parents to "participate" in young people's love will not only add chaos and increase the possibility of more drama, but will also make both parties more embarrassed.

Adults should have the correct mentality and ability to face love. A woman like Youmei has to turn to her mother for help when encountering problems. Even if Junxi marries her, she may not be able to bear it after marriage.

The brother and sister have a very good relationship. The older brother Junxi is very fond of his younger sister Eunxi, and the younger sister is also very dependent on her brother. The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi in the classic Korean drama

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"


Shin Youmei in "Blue Life and Death" is a woman who has been tortured by love. Her "persistence" not only hurts herself, but also suffocates Junxi.

Crying can't move people who don't love it, and extreme measures are even less advisable.

Before loving others, please learn to love yourself first.

Love is not everything in our lives, only love that goes in both directions is meaningful.

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