Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s

2024/07/0118:22:32 hotcomm 1005

JO Chef Hello everyone, in this issue we are going to talk about the first stand-in of the protagonist group Polnareff - Silver Chariots (シルバーチャリオッツ).

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

Silver chariot stand-in panel (picture from B station)

Bobo calls himself a French gentleman (pun intended), and the stand-in also reflects this very well. The stand-in image is a knight with a Western sword in full armor. On the panel, the advantage lies in attack speed, and with attack speed-oriented weapons such as the Western Sword, the advantage is maximized. The main attack method is the high-speed thrust of the Western sword. In the third part, many enemies were killed by the silver chariot. It can be said that apart from Platinum, the stand-in has taken the most lives.

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

has no special abilities. All attacks are basically done by the avatar himself, but when the speed reaches the extreme, it is also very powerful. When he first appeared, Yin Zhan showed us his strength (fancy style), using a Western sword Quickly slashing to split the flames and stringing together five copper coins in the air, it can be said that the accuracy of the silver battle is also very good. The speed is so fast that it can split or even bounce flames, which is almost the ultimate in speed.

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

At the same time, Yin Zhan can also take off his armor during the battle (naked clothes plus critical hits), and further improves his speed by sacrificing his defense (this armor doesn't seem to have any defensive effect), so fast that he can even appear The clone (used once, but never appeared again. Sure enough, everyone worked hard when beating teammates)

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

In addition to the advantage of speed, Bobo's silver battle also has a hidden (chicken-stealing) move, which is to use Western The core of the sword is shot out like a sword, but there is only one core, so it needs to be recovered manually, otherwise the combat ability will be lost, so it is a move that will win with one hit. Part 5 Selective Amnesia Forgot this trick.

Finally, let’s talk about the two special forms of the avatar,

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

The strongest form of Bobo Silver Battle

The first is when fighting Anubis, Bobo is controlled, and the summoned avatar appears in the form of dual-wielding weapons. It can be said that at this time Yin Zhan's offensive nature is the strongest, and it can be said to be Yin Zhan's strongest form (as expected, he works hardest when fighting teammates). Yin Zhan is also very talented in dual-wielding weapons.

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

The other one is Seth. The silver battle summoned by the juvenile Bobo, emmmmm. . . It doesn't have much offensive power, but it's just cute. The panic look on its face and the sword that can't be hardened because it's still young are really interesting.

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack relies on thrusts, but Bobo's soft sword can be fired on the wall. It bounces back multiple times, but at the same time it can hit a wall through multiple stabs (the battle with Vanilla Ace). What is the principle of this? If you have any opinions, you can post it in the comment area.

Okay, that’s it for Chariot. Now that the stand-ins for the protagonist group have been introduced, let’s start introducing the villains in the play. Although the villains in the three films are not very strong, they each have their own characteristics, which are more or less given to the protagonists. The group has brought some trouble, and the adventure here is officially about to begin. In addition, the update time may be changed from 8 am to 5:30 pm. Then, as a rule, ask for three consecutive rounds.

Finally, let’s appreciate Bobo’s unique skills - the most difficult jojo stand in all jojo, wave stand (wave stand on the sea platform)

Finally, there is a confusing point here, which is about the hardness of the Western sword. The Western sword itself is a soft sword, and its main attack is thrusting, but Bobo's soft sword can do a lot of things on the wall when it is launched. It bounces back once, but at the s - DayDayNews

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