According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m

2024/07/0114:57:33 hotcomm 1685

According to the latest opinion polls, after Shinzo Abe was assassinated, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the Kishida government's support rate also soared to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the Abe assassination case, and nearly a week has passed since the incident, and many questions still have no answers. However, judging from the results, Kishida Fumio is obviously the biggest beneficiary of Shinzo Abe’s assassination.

The biggest beneficiary of Abe 's death: Fumio Kishida

The Liberal Democratic Party won a decisive victory in the Senate election. According to a poll conducted by Japan's " Yomiuri Shimbun ", the Japanese people's support rate for the Kishida government rose to 65%, an increase of 8 percentage points from the survey at the end of June. A poll conducted by Kyodo News, another Japanese media, also showed that the Japanese people’s support rate for the Kishida government reached 63.2%, an increase of 6.3 percentage points.

In the Yomiuri Shimbun survey, nearly 80% of voters (79%) hope that Fumio Kishida will stay in office for at least two years, or become a key figure in deciding the final candidate in the next election of Liberal Democratic Party president. This is because Fumio Kishida is currently campaigning for "amending the pacifist constitution," which is what Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated, had always wanted to do during his lifetime. Therefore, many supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party and Shinzo Abe regard Fumio Kishida as Abe's successor.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Although Shinzo Abe has resigned as prime minister, he is still the leader of the Abe faction, the largest faction in the Liberal Democratic Party. Before leaving office, Abe was keen to maintain an ultra-loose monetary policy, significantly increasing government spending and opposing Fumio Kishida's fiscal policy philosophy. There is speculation that after Abe's assassination, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida may gradually and significantly reduce government spending and change Japan's quantitative easing monetary policy, because the biggest stumbling block against Kishida's economic reforms is no longer there. A researcher at the National Policy Research Institute of Japan said: Kishida Fumio can finally get rid of the shadow of his predecessor and can do what he has always promised to do but could not do.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

In general mystery novels: "The murderer in a murder case is often the biggest beneficiary of the case." Now that it has been nearly a week since the incident occurred, there are still many unsolved mysteries about Abe's death, which makes people question why the efficiency of the Japanese police is so low, and worry whether there is any deeper conspiracy behind it.

One of the mysteries of Abe’s death: Why was the on-site security so full of loopholes?

Abe was shot dead on a busy street in front of Nara train station. In order to canvass votes for the election, the road was not blocked. There were cars passing by on the road, and Abe could be seen from all directions. Under normal circumstances, there would be a large election vehicle equipped with loudspeakers behind Abe to separate Abe from the crowds and vehicles behind him. However, at the time of the incident, this large election vehicle, which often appears at campaign events, did not appear. at the crime scene.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

There is usually an election car to cooperate with Abe

Interestingly, although the election car was not there, Abe’s security personnel did not adjust Abe’s security plan. Everyone still chose to turn their backs to the main road, completely exposing Abe’s back to murderer. At that time, Abe was standing on a podium about 50 centimeters high, and he was very conspicuous in the crowd. There were about 14 people around him, including his security, Nara Prefecture local police and officials from the Liberal Democratic Party. But no one around Abe noticed the murderer approaching Abe, which was very unusual.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

No one noticed that the murderer was not far away.

In addition, the security personnel responded very slowly. It was not until the murderer approached Abe on foot that he fired two shots in the back and threw the murderer to the ground. Why didn't Prime Minister 's security guards, who were supposed to be well-trained to fight one against ten, not protect Abe with their bodies after the first shot was fired, but instead let the murderer get closer and fire the second shot? Even Japan's " Asahi Shimbun " wrote in an editorial: The Japanese police are all to blame for Abe's death.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Abe’s security guard always turned his back to the murderer

Mystery of Abe’s death No. 2: Why did the murderer fire two shots and only hit Abe?

Now we all know that the murderer Toru Yamayama used homemade weapons. Although he served in the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, he had little shooting experience, and his homemade weapons were also very crude. The weapons he fired were still loaded with many weapons. Homemade shotgun with pellets. Therefore, the accuracy of its weapon is not high, but judging from the results, this weapon with low accuracy is as deadly as a precision rifle.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

The murderer’s homemade weapon

According to the video at the scene, the murderer was only 7 meters away from Abe when he fired for the first time, but he fired 6 projectiles and did not hit any target at the scene. When the second shot was fired, he was only 5 meters away from Abe. Two of the six shot bullets hit Abe's vital parts without any bias. The murderer fired two shots in a row, a total of 12 shotguns. Why were there more than a dozen bullets around Abe? No one was injured, but Abe was shot dead. Is this really a coincidence?

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

The murderer’s gun used a shotgun-like design

It is also worth noting that five days after the incident, the Japanese police remembered to investigate ballistic traces, and found some on the facade of the parking lot 90 meters away from the shooting site. The bullet holes, according to Nara Prefecture police, were located approximately 4 meters, 5 meters and 8 meters above the ground. However, the number of bullet holes currently announced by the police is not the same as the number of shotgun blasts fired by the murderer. Does this mean there is another gunman at the scene?

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

The Japanese police only started collecting evidence five days after the incident

Whether the killer’s homemade shotguns could fly so far and penetrate the 90M parking lot exterior wall is also a question worth considering. After the incident, the Japanese police did not After collecting and summarizing ballistic traces all at once, why did it take so close to a week before I thought of investigating whether there might be ballistic fraud?

The third mystery of Abe’s death: Are there any problems with the rescue at the scene?

According to reports, Shinzo Abe was still conscious after being shot for the first time, but the medical staff at the scene were obviously not prepared for first aid and did not stop Abe’s bleeding immediately. Instead, they started cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This is very strange. It is possible that the blood vessels in Abe's body could rupture and he would eventually die from severe internal bleeding.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Why did the medical staff at the scene keep performing CPR on Abe?

According to common knowledge in first aid, when a patient has chest trauma, such as a car accident or a fall, lung contusion , laceration and open wound, chest compressions cannot be performed, because doing so may cause severe bleeding, tension pneumothorax or infection, etc., accelerate the patient's death. At the scene of the crime, a rescuer wearing a yellow shirt had been performing CPR on Abe, as if he was worried that Abe's internal bleeding was not enough. Moreover, the helicopter did not arrive nearly an hour after Abe was shot. Was the rescue opportunity deliberately delayed?

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Judging from the hospital’s final statement, Abe’s cause of death was a gunshot wound that touched his heart, resulting in “heavy bleeding” that could not be stopped. So this shotgun evaded everyone with a very low probability and went straight to Abe's heart, ultimately leaving the doctor unable to do anything? Does this possibility really exist?

The fourth mystery of Abe’s death: The murderer originally wanted to take action on July 7, but why did he suddenly give up?

According to the latest investigation, on July 7, the day before the assassination of Abe, Yamashita Tetsuya went to Okayama with a gun. At that time, Abe was giving an election speech in Okayama, and multiple cameras captured him appearing near Abe's speech venue. It is unclear why it abandoned its plan to assassinate Abe in Okayama.

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Think again of Shinzo Abe and Fumio Kishida’s attempt to amend the " Peace Constitution ". We Chinese all know what happened on this day in history, July 7. The murderer Toruya Yamashita chose this day to try to assassinate Abe. This is brilliant The political timing is even more questionable.

Mystery No. 5 of Abe’s death: Why did the media immediately deny that the murderer was politically related?

Shortly after the assassination of Abe was arrested, the Japanese media began to announce that the murderer's motive had nothing to do with politics. Why did the Japanese media begin to announce in advance that the assassination had nothing to do with politics before the police announced the results of the investigation? Who else but the Japanese government has such great ability to cover up this kind of cover-up?

According to the latest opinion polls, after the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Japan's current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida won the Japanese Senate election, and the support rating of the Kishida government also surged to a high point. After the dust has settled, there are still m - DayDayNews

Let’s think about the last time a former prime minister was assassinated in Japan, which was the 2.26 incident launched by young Japanese military officers in 1936, which resulted in the assassination of two former prime ministers Saito Minoru and Takahashi Korekiyo . Japan launched a massacre a year after the incident. A total war of aggression against China. In this Senate election, the Liberal Democratic Party successfully won through the death of Abe. Japan is about to amend the pacifist constitution and regain the right to wage war. Therefore, I am afraid that few people will believe that there is no political motive in the Abe assassination.

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