Living in a bustling city, people seem to have forgotten to look up at the stars in the sky and look down for the glimmer of light around them. In fact, not far from the hustle and bustle, there is a place like this in Hangzhou that can take you to find memories exclusive to summ

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2018-07-02 07:22 | Zhejiang News Client | Reporters Hua Wei Ke Wei

Living in a bustling city, people seem to have forgotten to look up at the stars in the sky and look down for the glimmer of light around them. In fact, not far from the hustle and bustle, there is a place like this in Hangzhou that can take you to find memories exclusive to summ - DayDayNews

When was the last time you saw fireflies? Living in a bustling city, people seem to have forgotten to look up at the stars in the sky and look down for the glimmer of light around them.

is actually not far from the hustle and bustle. There is such a place in Hangzhou that can take you to find memories of summer nights. Some netizens broke the news to reporters that fireflies can be seen in this place by the West Lake these two nights.

This place is at the southern foot of Wuyun Mountain, Yunqi Bamboo Trail, one of the ten new scenic spots in West Lake.

In the black bamboo forest

the fluorescence is clearly visible.

Passing through the archway at the entrance of Yunqi Bamboo Trail beside Meiling South Road, you can see a small parking lot. From the moment you step into the parking lot, you feel like you have entered a forest, with an invisible wall separating you from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Walking north along the parking lot, there is a brick and stone walking trail hidden in the lush bamboo forest. There are no lights on both sides of the road, and the walking trail looks darker and darker on a rainy night.

It was Xiao Zhang, the parking attendant of the parking lot, who led the reporter deeper into the tourist trail.

"Look deep into the bamboo forest. Did you see it? All those things are glowing." We followed Xiao Zhang's hand and found that in the dark bamboo forest, the flickering fluorescence was clearly visible. There were not many of them. " Because it rained today and it wasn’t hot enough, there were relatively few fireflies.”

Although there were not many fireflies, looking at the fireflies flying around gave me a dreamy feeling. Xiao Zhang, the parking manager of the

parking lot, said that this year’s fireflies on Yunqi Bamboo Trail began to appear in early June. During the three days from June 26th to 28th, due to the hot weather, there were so many fireflies that they were everywhere in the bamboo forest and on the trails.

Living in a bustling city, people seem to have forgotten to look up at the stars in the sky and look down for the glimmer of light around them. In fact, not far from the hustle and bustle, there is a place like this in Hangzhou that can take you to find memories exclusive to summ - DayDayNews

Guests called B&B :

Can we see fireflies this year?

There is a B&B only a few hundred meters away from Yunqi Bamboo Trail. The owner's surname is Guo, a native of Zhuji, born in the 1980s. This B&B opened in early 2017. In mid-to-late July last year, many guests who came to stay at the hotel talked about fireflies. "Most of the customers who come to our store are locals from Hangzhou. They come to a place with a better environment to relax on weekends or holidays." Boss Guo said that the guests saw fireflies by chance last year and were particularly moved.

In June this year, Boss Guo has already received several calls from regular customers from last year, asking when they can see fireflies this year.

The staff of another B&B located three minutes’ walk from Yunqi Bamboo Trail said that they also have many customers who come here specifically to see the fireflies. "Some bring professional photography equipment to take pictures, and some are parents who bring their children."

Why can we see a large number of fireflies on the Yunqi Bamboo Trail?

Liu Liwei, an insect expert at the Zhejiang Natural Museum , told reporters that fireflies generally Choose an environment with good natural environment, less light pollution, and humid environment near water. Yunqi Scenic Area is far away from residential areas and is not affected by many pollutants. There is water in the scenic area and it is relatively humid. There is no interference from street lights and other light sources at night, so there will be more fireflies.

"In addition to Yunqi Bamboo Trail, fireflies are also distributed in places such as the Botanical Garden and Xixi Wetland in Hangzhou. However, the small area environment in each place is different, so the number of fireflies may vary." Liu Liwei introduced .

Living in a bustling city, people seem to have forgotten to look up at the stars in the sky and look down for the glimmer of light around them. In fact, not far from the hustle and bustle, there is a place like this in Hangzhou that can take you to find memories exclusive to summ - DayDayNews

[Zhejiang News+]

How to take dreamy photos

The photographer gives you tips

The reporter contacted Ke Wei, the photographer who took this series of photos. These suggestions from Ke Wei may be helpful to you.

First, bring a high-sensitivity SLR camera and a tripod. After arriving at the scene, observe the area where fireflies are densely populated with the naked eye, set up a tripod, and then adjust the SLR to M (full manual mode). Taking Ke Wei's parameters when taking pictures as an example, the shutter time is set to 30 seconds, and the aperture is set to 30 seconds. 2.0, sensitivity (ISO) 3200.

"If you set the shutter time longer, you can capture more fireflies flashing together and make the fireflies' tracks more obvious. The key is to have a large aperture. The larger the aperture, the more light will enter the lens. If you can have a 1.4 The aperture is even better.”


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