This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home.

2024/07/0220:20:32 hotcomm 1526

Leaving aside many historical reasons, although going to Kinmen is a bit troublesome, it is still worth going. This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

Actually, I first learned about Kinmen because people wanted to shop here and asked for help. He said with a curious face, "When I go too, I am often asked if I have the relevant documents. If not, I can't go right away." At that time, I thought how could this place, which is only 30 minutes by boat from Xiamen, Fujian, be so troublesome?

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

Kinmen is only 1,800 meters away from the land. When the weather is good, you can directly overlook the Xiamen Guanyin Mountain CBD on the other side. Therefore, for the residents of Xiamen, this island that relies on Quanzhou for drinking water is not very "distant". It is more like a suburb of Xiamen. If a bridge is built across it, it seems to be the same distance from the island to and in Xiang'an District. In fact, many Kinmen people own real estate in Xiamen. Some of the younger generation of Kinmen people study in Xiamen, live and work in peace and contentment, and rarely go back.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

After obtaining the relevant documents, you can purchase a ferry ticket to Kinmen through Wutong Pier in Xiamen, Fujian Province, or Shijing Port in Quanzhou, and then set off. Remember to exchange a certain amount of Taiwan dollars at the pier to facilitate shopping in Kinmen, because many local stores do not support mobile payment or RMB payment.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

When I first entered Kinmen, a strong atmosphere of southern Fujian hit my face. Although no high-rise buildings can be seen rising from the ground, various places of worship in southern Fujian style can be seen everywhere. Especially the Wind Lion God that can be seen everywhere, all showing the devout prayers of the people of Kinmen for a happy life.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

Kinmen County is not big. Just check in a few major attractions and it’s actually about the same. The first is Kinmen Island . As the main island of the county, it looks like a butterfly with fluttering wings. The island not only has excellent natural island scenery, but also has many ancient buildings to visit and appreciate, such as Western-style buildings and ancient houses. There are countless scenery on this small island.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

The most famous attractions: Juguang Tower , a three-story castle-like building, is designed for tourists to climb up and enjoy the panoramic view of Houpu. I have to say that this stop offers a panoramic view of the scenery. It can be said that if you don’t go to Juguang Tower when you come to Kinmen, your visit is simply in vain.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

But based on my experience, these ancient houses in southern Fujian are hardly attractive to Fujian people. Even if there are some historical documents and cultural relics on display, I think most people will smile knowingly and keep silent. Picture here Just fresh. However, I have some special feelings for some of my fathers, especially the veterans and their descendants. But from a landscape perspective, it really doesn't have much appeal. Therefore, many Taiwanese tour guides are often very relaxed, because tourists who come to Kinmen will urge them to go shopping!

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

jiangongyu. It is only a little over 500 meters away from Kinmen Island, but it is not something you can go just if you want to. You have to wait until the sea water recedes to clear the way to the island before you can get to the island. So before going here, it’s best to know the specific time of the tide.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

In addition, the architectural style of Shuitou Settlement with a history of more than 700 years is also one of the must-visit attractions. There are many ways to play in Kinmen. You can play slowly in three or two days, or you can play it all in one day and leave. But no matter how you play, shopping in the store must be a must-have.

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

Some people say that the things bought in Kinmen are easy to use and cheap, while others say that there are fakes. No matter how you consume, you must be rational, buy what you should buy, and don't cause waste. In fact, in addition to tourists, Kinmen tourists also often went to Xiamen on weekends to spend money, such as watching movies and shopping, checking in at Gulangyu , and eating something good.Whenever the sun sets and dusk, looking at the prosperity on the other side of Xiamen, many people also secretly mutter: It is developing so fast and so beautiful!

This trip itself is cost-effective, but for shopping experts, it is simply a waste of money. Once you visit various duty-free shops, you may even forget the time to go home. - DayDayNews

Overall, the scenic spots in Kinmen have a strong battlefield feel, and the local humanities and customs are typical of southern Fujian culture. Therefore, tourists from Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou have the intuition that they have not traveled to Kinmen, as if they are at their doorstep. Of course, historically, they have always been One body. Local residents, middle-aged and elderly tourists are more lovely. If tourists come from southern Fujian, they will inevitably say hello happily in southern Fujian dialect. Relatively speaking, some people of the younger generation are a little arrogant, even if you are a customer.

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