Source: Global Network [Reported by Global Network Reporter Zhao Youping] "Is the plan to attack Taiwan exposed?" The green media who love to pick up the numbers are here again. Taiwan's "Sanli News Network" reported today (30th) that the "mysterious" military training base in Ga

2024/07/0306:05:32 hotcomm 1985

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report Reporter Zhao Youping] "Is the plan to attack Taiwan exposed?" The green media who love to pick up the numbers are here again. Taiwan's "Sanli News Network" reported today (30th) that the "mysterious" military training base in Gansu's Gobi Desert "actually mimics Taiwan's Qingquangang Base 1:1."

Source: Global Network [Reported by Global Network Reporter Zhao Youping]

Taiwan's "Sanli News Network" report screenshot

Taiwan's "Sanli News Network" cited Japanese media reports on the 30th that according to the latest satellite photos, mysterious scenes appeared in the desert areas of Gansu, mainland China, and the US military at Okinawa, Japan Kadena Air Force Base The runway is similar and is suspected to be a target used by the People's Liberation Army for missile shooting training. However, "Sanli News Network" said that if you look closely, the pattern is more similar to the Air Force Qingquangang Base in Taiwan, Taichung. "It is actually a 1:1 simulation of our Qingquangang Base." Former Navy Captain Lu Lishi also It is called Qingquangang Base. The

report claimed that the exposed satellite photos were of the "Dingxin Base" in the Gobi Desert of Gansu Province. The People's Liberation Army holds military exercises here every year to simulate raids and bombing drills against Taiwan. Several areas are used for "precision strike" exercises, and the ground is more Leave a hole for hitting the target.

Source: Global Network [Reported by Global Network Reporter Zhao Youping]

"Sanli News Network" claims that the mainland's "Dingxin Base" is a 1:1 replica of the Qingquangang Base. Picture from "Sanli News Network"

This is not the first time that a green media has made a mark. As early as August 2015, the island's media was hyping up the People's Liberation Army's " Zhuri and Military Exercises" by showing images of physical buildings suspected to be Taiwan's "Presidential Office", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and Taipei No. 1 Girls' High School. It is speculated that Beiyi Women's Playground is the first choice for parking PLA helicopters. At that time, Li Fei, deputy director of the Taiwan Studies Center of Xiamen University, said in an interview with the Global Times that it coincided with Taiwan's "general election" and that the Taiwanese media's remarks reflected political factions deliberately creating topics to win over voters.

Green media on the island have been hyping up the tense atmosphere in recent times. Recently, a scholar on the island listed "eight evidences" and said that "the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have entered a quasi-war state." In response, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 28th that we have noticed relevant reports. The DPP authorities have colluded with "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and external forces to step up provocations for "independence". This is the root cause of the current complex and severe situation across the Taiwan Strait. I just want to reiterate that our will to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is rock-solid and will never leave any room for any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities.

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