Zhengyi.com, Linfen, July 10th. In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated by the Ministry of Commerce as a "Comprehensive Demonstration County for E-commerce into Rural Areas." In the past two years, Xi County has found a new path to alleviate poverty through e-commerce.

2024/07/0103:59:32 hotcomm 1231

Justice Network Linfen July 10th (Trainee reporter Shan Ge) In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated as a "comprehensive demonstration county of e-commerce in rural areas" by the Ministry of Commerce. In the past two years, Xi County has developed an e-commerce industry A new path out of poverty.

As the "e-commerce poverty alleviation" vigorously promoted by the government, how is it implemented among farmers? With questions, on the 7th, during the "Decisive Fight against Poverty and a Decisive Victory in Comprehensive Moderately Prosperous" online theme event in Shanxi, the reporter went to Xi County to find out Answer.

"Uncle Internet Celebrity" live broadcast selling agricultural products

Zhengyi.com, Linfen, July 10th. In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated by the Ministry of Commerce as a

Wang Mingming, a villager in Zhugan Village, Yangtousheng Township, Xi County, live broadcasts picking apricots on his mobile phone to attract viewers to buy agricultural products. Photo by Su Hang

Zhengyi.com, Linfen, July 10th. In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated by the Ministry of Commerce as a

The abundant harvest of apricots hangs on the branches. Photo by Su Hang

While setting up the ladder and preparing to pick apricots, Wang Mingming opened his live broadcast room. "Today's live broadcast is about picking apricots. Look at how beautiful this bunch of apricots is." As he said this, he showed the apricots in his hand to the camera.

Wang Mingming, who lives in Zhugan Village, Yangtousheng Township, Xi County, is a "celebrity" that even the local county magistrate knows. In recent years, Wang Mingming responded to the government's call and started e-commerce, embarking on the road to wealth. "In the past, our agricultural products were harvested and waited for others to harvest them, which was very passive. Now through e-commerce, we can market them independently, and those who 'eat apples' have connected with those who 'grow apples,'" he said.

"There are relatively few live broadcasts during this period. When there are many, more than 10,000 people have watched the live broadcast." Wang Mingming told reporters. In addition to promoting his own products, Wang Mingming also helps surrounding poor households sell their products.

The reporter noticed that there were more than ten foam boxes placed under the tree. Wang Mingming told the reporter that they contained packed apricots, and these 20 boxes of apricots needed to be shipped before twelve o'clock.

"How are these apricots sold?"

"A box of 5 kilograms is 39 yuan."

"What is the profit per box?"

"After the cost, you can earn 10 yuan per box."

These apricots , some of them are grown by Wang Mingming himself. If his own apricots are not enough, he will buy apricots grown by poor households in the village and sell them to customers from other places. "We charge 1 yuan for a pound of apricots, which is much higher than the retail price for poor households." Wang Mingming said.

"Wucheng Yeyatou" relies on social e-commerce to open a store of agricultural products. Photographed by Su Hang

Zhengyi.com, Linfen, July 10th. In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated by the Ministry of Commerce as a

Wang Yuanfang showed Yinchen tea to reporters. Photo by Su Hang

"Everyone, wait a minute, let me take a short video for you first." As soon as he entered the store of Ye Yatou Yinchen Tea agricultural products, Wang Yuanfang greeted the reporters and walked to the camera.

Wang Yuanfang from Wucheng Village in Xi County Wucheng Town Wang Yuanfang was labeled as a poor household due to the series of changes in his family. She is so strong that she wants to make her way on her own.

It happened that the county held an e-commerce training class, and the village signed up for Wang Yuanfang. With the attitude of giving it a try, she entered the training class. "It was this training that liberated my mind, broadened my horizons, and became wild. I wanted to get rid of poverty and become rich with this mobile phone." Wang Yuanfang told reporters. At the beginning of

, Wang Yuanfang sold whatever he had at home, but the effect was not good. "After doing some market research, I found that the market is in great need of original ecological health products, so I tried to make some Yinchen tea and put it on the e-commerce platform. Unexpectedly, the effect was good, and the sales in two months reached After paying 6,000 yuan, I also received the first pot of gold," Wang Yuanfang said.

Having tasted the benefits, Wang Yuanfang established a cooperative with the support of the town and recruited 11 poor households to participate. The town also allocated 100,000 yuan to them as industrial poverty alleviation funds and helped the cooperative solve factory problems. .

has gradually expanded its scale of e-commerce platforms and cooperatives and made a name for itself. Today, the cooperative has driven 40 poor households to work in the cooperative, and has driven more than 60 poor households to operate as distributors through the e-commerce platform. Last year, the sales volume of Yinchen tea reached about 8,000 boxes, and the turnover reached 230,000 yuan. In this way, not only did Wang Yuanfang escape poverty, but Wang Yuanfang also led a group of people in the village to embark on the road to escape poverty and become rich.

Zhengyi.com, Linfen, July 10th. In 2017, Xi County, Shanxi Province was designated by the Ministry of Commerce as a

In Xi County, signs saying “E-commerce promotes villages” can be seen everywhere.Photo by Su Hang

“E-commerce poverty alleviation has made the Internet a tool for rural people’s production and life. It has promoted the sales of agricultural products and promoted the spread of brands. It has also changed farmers’ production and lifestyles, allowing farmers to embark on a path to wealth. roads." Wang Xiaobin, the county magistrate of Xi County, commented on this.

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