Huang Xiaoming Studio’s official Weibo just shared a piece of good news: I want to share a happy moment with you: This morning, @angelababy gave birth to a son naturally in Hong Kong, and Xiaoming’s brother @黄晓明 and his family were with him throughout the whole process.

2024/07/0204:04:33 hotcomm 1443

Huang Xiaoming Studio’s official Weibo just shared a piece of good news: I want to share a happy moment with you: This morning, @angelababy gave birth to a son naturally in Hong Kong, and Xiaoming’s brother @黄晓明 and his family were with him throughout the whole process. The AH couple have a beautiful continuation of love together. From then on, 1+1=3, this is probably what happiness looks like [心]

Huang Xiaoming Studio’s official Weibo just shared a piece of good news: I want to share a happy moment with you: This morning, @angelababy gave birth to a son naturally in Hong Kong, and Xiaoming’s brother @黄晓明 and his family were with him throughout the whole process. - DayDayNews

The most lamentable thing about Angelababy after she became pregnant is that she only gained weight in her belly but not in her body. This time, the baby was born naturally. It seems that Angelababy does a lot of exercise to keep in shape. Sure enough, pregnant women who insist on exercising to only fatten their belly but not their body are more conducive to a natural birth!

Huang Xiaoming Studio’s official Weibo just shared a piece of good news: I want to share a happy moment with you: This morning, @angelababy gave birth to a son naturally in Hong Kong, and Xiaoming’s brother @黄晓明 and his family were with him throughout the whole process. - DayDayNews

Pregnant mothers, get moving, you can do it too!

I am pregnant, can I exercise?

The uterus is located deep in the abdominal cavity of the human body. When a woman is pregnant, the uterus expands. Not only does the burden on the body become heavier, but it also squeezes the upper and lower organs, such as the intestines and stomach. Therefore, many pregnant women suffer from flatulence or constipation; because The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, and some pregnant women have problems with frequent urination and leakage. The process of pregnancy for women is very hard, so many pregnant mothers are accustomed to not moving as much as possible.

However, because the location of the uterus happens to be where the "core muscle groups" of the human body are located, if a woman who has been "immobile" and does not exercise for many years will lack core muscle groups such as abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, back muscles, etc. Exercising without strength will make pregnancy and even childbirth more difficult!

Teacher Li Nianzhi, executive director of Taiwan Hongyue Pilates Classroom, believes based on her many years of experience as a physical therapist and Pilates teaching: Pregnant women also need to exercise! Strong muscle strength can reduce back pain, lower limb edema and other discomforts during pregnancy. After 8 months of pregnancy, late pregnancy , when delivery is about to take place, it is more important to exercise the strength of the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles at this time, because the muscles in these two parts help to exert force during delivery and will The baby pushes out of the birth canal, reducing the risk of delayed labor.

4 to 7 months is the golden period for exercise during pregnancy.

Teacher Li Nianzhi suggested that in the first three months of pregnancy, because the pregnancy is still unstable, it is suitable to focus on breathing exercises and slow, gentle, and non-tiring light exercise at this time. Do not do strenuous exercise. The 4th to 7th month of pregnancy is the golden period for exercise during pregnancy, but be careful not to do exercises where you lie on your back for too long to avoid stressing your back and causing discomfort. After the 8th month of pregnancy, the intensity of exercise should be slowed down, focusing on walking, climbing stairs and other exercises to exercise the lower limbs. Do not do strenuous exercise to avoid premature birth.

Pregnant mothers are very suitable for Pilates!

Pilates was an exercise developed during World War I to help rehabilitate wounded soldiers. It blended Eastern and Western sports medicine and emphasized correct movement control. Therefore, many athletes will do Pilates. Adjustment for sports injuries. Because Pilatis has the characteristics of strengthening muscle strength and softness, it is especially suitable for pregnant women. It can improve the discomfort caused by pregnancy and help facilitate smooth delivery.

Natural birth exercise let's go

Teacher Li Nianzhi said that if pregnant mothers feel tired when doing exercise, they can take a break before doing it again, and it does not have to be done in one go. ; If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to pause and do not force it. It is recommended to do the following exercises every morning and evening for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. You can continue to do them even after giving birth to strengthen the core muscles of the body and help shape your body after childbirth.

Inclined sitting and leg raising

Suitable for training parts during pregnancy and right after giving birth: abdominal muscles and thigh strength.

Effect: Improve edema and smooth production.

1. Sit in a reclining position with your knees bent, inhale to prepare, make sure your feet are parallel and the soles of your feet are even.

2. Press your stomach slightly, exhale, lift your right leg and straighten it, stay for 2 to 3 seconds, be careful not to hold your breath, keep your knees straight and try not to bend them.

3. Put it down, change feet and do it again, repeating 3 to 5 times on each foot.

Note: The lower back must be leaned against.

Hip lifting exercise

4 to 7 months, and two months after childbirth, it is also suitable for

training parts: abdominal muscles, back muscles, gluteal muscles , and pelvic floor muscles.

Effect: Improve constipation, frequent urination, and back pain.

1. Sit with your knees bent and lean forward. Inhale to prepare. Make sure your feet are parallel and the insteps of your feet are even.

2. Press your belly slightly, exhale, and lift your buttocks one by one from the tail vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae.

3. Lower your buttocks one by one from the thoracic, lumbar, and coccygeal vertebrae.

Repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.

Notes: When performing movements, pay attention to tailbone curling (forcing the abdominal muscles) and clamping the gluteal muscles (contracting the anus)

Spinal rotation

4 to 7 months, also applicable 2 to 2 months after delivery

Training parts: back muscles, upper arms muscle.

Effect: It can relax the hips, thoracic vertebrae, and lumbar vertebrae, improve back pain, and enhance arm strength.

1. Sit sideways, with your knees at 90 degrees, your feet stacked up and down on the ground, your left hand on the ground, and your arms as straight as possible. Inhale, pull your right hand upward and to the right.

2. Exhale, move your right hand downward toward the left armpit, rotate your body, and stay there for about 5 to 10 seconds.

3. Swap the left and right hands and repeat 3 to 5 times on each side.

Hand and foot raising training is also suitable for 4 to 7 months and 2 to 2 months after delivery.

Training parts: back muscles and abdominal muscles.

Effect: Increase the stability of the pelvis and shoulder blades, and improve back pain.

1. Support the ground with both hands, bend your knees and kneel down, keep your back as straight as possible, and inhale to prepare.

2. Exhale, lift your right hand and left foot off the ground at the same time, stretch your hands forward and your feet back, try to stand as straight as possible without bending, for about 2 to 3 seconds. Pay attention to supporting the back muscles, not tilting the body, and not raising the buttocks.

3. Breathe in and let go. Change your left hand and right foot to leave the ground, do the same as step 2. Repeat 3 to 5 times on each side.

Precautions: Do not sag your lumbar spine when doing the movement; if your hands and feet are weak, you do not need to lift off the ground in step 2. You only need to make a posture with your hands forward and your feet back. Note that your back should still be straight.

Rolling ball exercise

It is especially suitable for the entire pregnancy, just after giving birth, and after 8 months

Training parts: lower limb muscle strength.

can relax the hips and back, improve back pain, and make production smooth.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, leaning against the wall with your back against the resistance ball. Place the resistance ball approximately at the waist and hip position of your back. Inhale to prepare.

2. Exhale, squat down slightly and contract your anus, bend your knees forward but not beyond the tips of your toes, and feel the resistance ball sliding and massaging your back for about 5 to 10 seconds.

3. Stand up and repeat all actions 3 to 5 times.

Notes: Don’t keep your feet in a splayed or splayed shape.

Pregnant women should pay attention when doing exercises!

1. It is not advisable to do strenuous exercise in the first three months of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage.

2. If you feel tired during exercise, you can rest before doing it; if you feel uncomfortable, stop exercising.

3. After the 8th month of pregnancy, the intensity of exercise should be slowed down to avoid premature birth.

4. In the later stages of pregnancy, walking, climbing stairs and other exercises to exercise the lower limbs will help facilitate smooth delivery.

(Expert in this issue: Teacher Li Nianzhi/Executive Director of Taiwan Hongyue Pilates Classroom)

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