Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence.

2024/07/0202:49:32 hotcomm 1749

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Everyone must be aware of the king Andy Lau . As a superstar, Andy Lau has become popular all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Andy Lau is respected not only because of his fame and status, but also because of his noble moral character. Andy Lau is well-known in the entertainment industry for his good popularity. It is basically never heard of him having any grudges with others. All the celebrities who have interacted with Andy Lau give Andy a thumbs up!

It is precisely because of this that Andy Lau's fame lasts forever and he is still sought after by countless beautiful fans!

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

However, there is an exception for one woman. She has unceremoniously become the person Andy Lau hates the most. She is Cecilia Cheung . So what is the reason?


Everyone is familiar with Cecilia Cheung. He debuted early and has already gained a reputation both inside and outside the industry.

In 1980, Cecilia Cheung was born in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a good place. At that time, Hong Kong was the closest to the world and was relatively open. Cecilia Cheung had been more outgoing since she was a child. She liked singing. After going to school, she was a class member. Active participants and organizers of some theatrical performances .

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

But unfortunately, when html was 39 years old, her parents divorced. Cecilia Cheung lived with her mother. Four years later, when Cecilia Cheung was 13 years old, she went to Melbourne, Australia with her mother to attend middle school, and was later admitted to the local Camberwell Girls Grammer School; while studying in Australia, she hid the secret from her family Go out and work part-time.

Increased knowledge, learned foreign languages, and was willing to endure hardships. In a few years, Cecilia Cheung changed a lot, and her abilities and qualities were also outstanding. In 1998, Cecilia Cheung returned to Hong Kong after graduating from high school in Australia.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

After returning to Hong Kong, the young Cecilia Cheung successfully attracted the attention of talent scouts because of her beauty, body and quality. Later, she took over a lemon tea commercial, officially starting her acting career. .


For Cecilia Cheung's debut, the person she needs to thank the most is Stephen Chow. In 1998, Cecilia Cheung was discovered by Stephen Chow and starred in the comedy " The King of Comedy ". For her role as Liu Piaopiao , she won the Pay attention to , and was nominated for the Best Newcomer Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards. The film became the annual box office champion in Hong Kong that year.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Cecilia Cheung, who became famous, received new film appointments one after another, and sang the song " Starry Wishes ", which attracted attention in both the film and music circles. As her career developed, Cecilia Cheung's popularity also became more and more popular. Come higher and higher!

In addition to being famous in the field of film and television, the scandal with Edison Chen made her famous even more. However, it was not a good reputation that time. Notorious may be more appropriate. Later, she and Nicholas Tse got married and had children, and then divorced. Every incident that happened successfully made the headlines, making it difficult for you not to know about her!

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Even so, Cecilia Cheung has done quite well in her private life. At least she has not done anything that violates the law. She is fundamentally different from people like Fan Bingbing and Zheng Shuang, but it is understood that Cecilia Cheung's reputation is indeed not very good. Well, the best proof of this is that she successfully made the king Andy Lau hate her!


Andy Lau once said: "I have never hated a person so much in my life." Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that Andy Lau is very popular, very famous, has both ability and political integrity, has never had any differences with anyone, and is a big player in the entertainment industry. Most people want to cooperate with him, but this time Andy Lau openly said that he hates a person. It seems that there is quite a contradiction.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Andy Lau had been helped by Xiang Huaqiang . For Andy Lau, Xiang Huaqiang was a benefactor, so no matter what the request was, he would try his best to do it, so he was invited to film the movie " Big Guy Has Great Wisdom " by Xiang Huaqiang Company, Andy Lau was the male lead, a big man with a strong body, while Cecilia Cheung was the female lead, playing a policewoman. However, during filming, Cecilia Cheung offended Andy Lau.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Because Cecilia Cheung became famous with "The King of Comedy" at that time, it can be said that she was at the peak of her debut, and Xiang Huaqiang was also admiring Cecilia Cheung, so he was very proud and willful, and did not take anyone seriously, so he didn't care when facing the king Andy Lau. , it is said that during the filming, there was a scene where Cecilia Cheung was on the phone with a friend, chatting about some trivial matters of shopping life, which lasted half an hour, and Andy Lau was wearing a wire suit weighing dozens of kilograms, and he was also hanging. For half an hour, this made Andy Lau very angry. Originally Andy was about to leave and didn't want to continue filming, but Xiang Huaqiang repeatedly tried to dissuade him. Andy had no choice. After all, Xiang Huaqiang was his benefactor, so he had to agree to finish filming the film, and then vowed not to be with the film anymore. Cooperation with Cecilia Cheung.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

Xiang Tai once took great care of Cecilia Cheung and treated her like a daughter, but he also publicly said that Cecilia Cheung had a bad character and was a habitual liar . Just listening to one side of the story, we may not believe it, because the incident between her and Andy Lau can only show that Cecilia Cheung is a big name and an arrogant person. But in variety shows, he described himself as a virtuous mother, but someone asked her son When asked about what she likes to eat, she was evasive and answered questions incorrectly. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and he would never lie. Everyone present should know that she was lying, but no one exposed her.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

But why is Cecilia Cheung like this? It may be related to her family environment. As we said before, Cecilia Cheung was born in a divorced family. Cecilia Cheung's father was a gambler and had also received a "fatal order". Her mother couldn't stand it anymore, so she raised her child when she was in elementary school. When she was a child, her parents divorced, which deeply affected her soul and caused problems with her character. The reason why she exaggerated things and told so many lies was probably just to make more people Pay attention to yourself so that she won't feel lonely and will feel safe, which can also be seen in her feelings.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

In order to be with Nicholas Tse, she also gave up her popular career and devoted herself to being with Nicholas Tse. She was also very dependent on Nicholas Tse. As a result, when Nicholas Tse was recording the show, Cecilia Cheung also kept calling her. It was a phone bombing. .

This shows that she lacks love too much. Her family of origin has had a great impact on her. She has rarely felt warmth since she was a child. After her parents divorced, her mother cared less about her. After all, there are four siblings in the family, so when she grew up, She desperately wanted to be loved, which is why she did so many things that didn't mean what she said. But that’s the thing, the more you need love, but you just can’t get it. This comes from your attitude towards love!


Today's Cecilia Cheung, since she divorced Nicholas Tse, is still single, with three children. While taking care of the children, she also has to appear in variety shows to make money, which is very pitiful.

Everyone must know about the King Andy Lau. As a superstar, Andy Lau has become famous all over the country early. Now he also has status and status in the entertainment industry, and he is a god-level existence. - DayDayNews

When she was at her peak, she was so free and unrestrained, but the current situation is like paying for herself back then. Although no one loves her now, she can love her children, and she also hopes that Cecilia Cheung will live a better and better life. The better!

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