After being hit by this round of epidemic, Shanghai finally received some good news recently. On May 17, all 16 districts in Shanghai have achieved social clearance. On May 29, Shanghai announced the "Action Plan for Revitalizing the Economy" to promote economic revitalization. O

2024/06/3022:38:32 hotcomm 1222

After being hit by this round of epidemic, Shanghai finally received some good news recently.

5 On 17th, all 16 districts in Shanghai have achieved social clearance.

5 on 29th, Shanghai announced the "Action Plan for Revitalizing the Economy" to promote economic revitalization.

6 1st, Shanghai has lifted the temporary regional restrictions Traffic control measures,

The vitality of this city of 25 million people is gradually recovering.

Focusing on both epidemic prevention and development,

In accordance with the guiding spirit of the Shanghai Municipal Government on the resumption of work and production, Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance has fully implemented the requirements for resumption of work and production since June 1, on the premise of ensuring production safety, personnel safety, and site safety. Do a good job in returning to work.

Since the outbreak of the current epidemic in Shanghai, Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance has always adhered to the original intention of "customers first" to serve the overall anti-epidemic work. Under the leadership of the general manager's office, all employees of the company are confident of victory, maintain efficient operation and innovative vitality, and guard the "Shanghai" relay with warm power.

1. Focus on the origin of insurance with "heart"

As an insurance company in Shanghai, Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Shanghai Branch are guided by the requirements of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and superior units. For cooperative hospitals in Shanghai where the company has underwritten medical liability insurance, Customize its exclusive free COVID-19 insurance plan for medical personnel; use online tools to provide customers with omni-channel barrier-free services, and proactively help customers protect their rights and interests in accordance with epidemic prevention policies. At the same time, we paid attention to the actual needs of middle-aged and elderly people, and launched the "one-click manual transfer function" during the epidemic to solve the difficulty of the elderly living alone in using intelligent technology; when the elderly living alone fell into the dilemma of lack of supplies, we worked side by side with the community committee to help the elderly and elderly people living alone. Elderly people with limited mobility.

After being hit by this round of epidemic, Shanghai finally received some good news recently. On May 17, all 16 districts in Shanghai have achieved social clearance. On May 29, Shanghai announced the

(On April 15, the company delivered packaged material gift packages to the doorsteps of elderly people living alone in some communities on Gonghexin Street overnight)

2. Dedicate oneself to volunteer services

Faced with the severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, Cathay Products Many employees of the insurance company voluntarily serve as community volunteers, taking the initiative to fulfill their responsibilities. Become a "propagandaist", "courier" and "commander" and fulfill your responsibilities in volunteer positions.

[In order to prevent cross-infection in nucleic acid testing, the community where employee Xiao Tang (pseudonym) lives decided to conduct nucleic acid monitoring at designated points based on buildings. Xiao Tang took the initiative to apply to serve as a "commander" at the nucleic acid monitoring point to maintain order and patiently help the first time. Residents who are exposed to nucleic acid code monitoring understand the monitoring procedures. 】

【In order to avoid contact with residents to the greatest extent, employee Xiao Li (pseudonym) fully sorted out the situation of each household in the building before the community nucleic acid test, and notified residents one by one according to the progress of the nucleic acid test; in the material support work, he was responsible for the disinfection, sorting and distribution of materials. Work. 】

After being hit by this round of epidemic, Shanghai finally received some good news recently. On May 17, all 16 districts in Shanghai have achieved social clearance. On May 29, Shanghai announced the

【In order to fully listen to the actual needs of residents, employee Xiao Wu (pseudonym) conducted a person-to-one visit under the guidance of community epidemic prevention work, and worked side by side with the community neighborhood committee to fully explore the residents, focusing on listening to the actual needs of the elderly group. 】


3. Warm the “heart” and solve employee problems

The management of Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance pays great attention to the living conditions of employees at home in Shanghai, and does a good job in ensuring employees’ life security. At the same time, in order to relieve the pressure of employees at home, it has launched home fitness and psychological coping Online micro courses guide employees to maintain a positive and sunny attitude.

A glimmer of light can turn into a sea of ​​stars, and persistence will lead to victory.

Cathay Property & Casualty is resolutely implementing the Party Central Committee’s general strategy of “preventing external imports and domestic rebound” and the general policy of “scientific, accurate, and dynamic clearing” to fulfill the social responsibilities of insurance companies, while also doing a good job in prevention and control and operation, and constantly improving digitalization. Service level and business innovation capabilities are required by the Shanghai Municipal Government to resume work and production.

1. Go all out to "recover" and strictly organize

According to the work requirements of the Shanghai Pneumonia Prevention and Control Office, the company formulated a return-to-work plan with the guiding ideology of "step-by-step and in batches": strictly implement workplace disinfection, organize employees during the transition period A series of tasks including returning to work under a rotating duty system and making every effort to provide life support services. In order to reduce the cross-contact of personnel, in accordance with the "three-piece suit, five-necessary" requirements, we are required to strictly abide by the "three non-essential don'ts" discipline requirements during the resumption of work: that is, no gatherings, no gatherings, and no travel unless necessary. It is advocated to use digital service tools to restore work order "without meeting, without barriers, and with high efficiency".

2. Go all out for "recovery" and base on innovation

In order to serve the overall economic development, Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance has implemented the spirit of the "Action Plan to Revitalize the Economy", based on the coverage of customer rights protection, and regarded business innovation as the lifeline of development to comprehensively promote the resumption of work and production.

On the one hand, it improves efficiency through in-depth services , and strengthens product and service innovation based on the actual conditions of the service groups to provide customers with better and more comprehensive risk protection. For example, we should seize the strategic opportunities of China's "Healthy China", explore a health insurance business model suitable for China's national conditions, and accelerate the internal development of "insurance + services". On the other hand, we use case collection to increase vitality , and launch a nationwide collection of "excellent innovation cases" around the requirements of innovation work to guide employees across the jurisdiction to shoulder their responsibilities and missions, stimulate employees' spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, and create good innovation environment.

Cathay Property & Casualty Insurance will focus more on building a multi-level social security system, continue to improve digital service capabilities, meet the diverse security needs of customers, and strive to serve the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

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