According to Hong Kong's "China Review News" quick commentary, Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe recently visited Kinmen and proposed the construction of the "Jinxia Bridge", which led to a comprehensive encirclement and suppression by the green camp. The reaction of the blue camp was not o

2024/06/2512:55:33 hotcomm 1384
According to Hong Kong's

According to Hong Kong's "China Review Society" quick comment, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe recently visited Kinmen and proposed the construction of the " Jinxia Bridge", which attracted a full-scale siege by the green camp. The reaction of the blue camp was not one-sided, and many people questioned it. The motivation proposed by Ke Wenzhe. In Taiwan, the "Jinxia Bridge" is obviously not just a bridge that facilitates cross-sea transportation, but a "political bridge" and a bridge involving ideology .

Former Taiwanese public opinion representative and chairman of Taiwan's "Women's Federation" Lei Qian, who served as the chairman of Gin in 2008, revealed that she was invited by Kinmen County Mayor Li Bifeng, a member of the New Party, to participate in the planning of the "Jinxia Bridge". At that time, the "Jinxia Bridge" was in place in terms of funding, engineering technology and route design. Before the 2008 Taiwan region leader election, Ma Ying-jeou also promised to continue to promote this matter after being elected. However, after being elected, he changed his focus to building the cross-sea bridge between Kinmen and Little Kinmen.

From 2008 to 2016, when the Kuomintang was the ruling party and Ma Ying-jeou was in power for eight years, the "Jinxia Bridge" disappeared without a trace and has become a controversial topic to this day. A lot of information that has been uncovered recently shows that Taiwan's blue and green political parties and politicians all support or advocate crossing the "Jinxia Bridge", but it only changes with the change of the political situation. Today's me negates yesterday's me, and all I have in mind is votes and interests. .

can only say that blue and green have their own agendas, and no one has truly considered the well-being of Kinmen people and the integrated development of cross-strait relations. Ko Wenzhe raised the issue of building the "Jinxia Bridge", which not only exposed the ugly behavior of blue and green, each with its own ulterior motives, but also frightened them. The blue ones were afraid that Ko Wenzhe would "steal away the market of hope for cross-strait peace and stability", and the green ones were afraid of "drawing attention from the public." The troops enter the pass and open the way for the People's Liberation Army." The quarrel was endless.

Taiwan's "United Daily News" recently conducted an online survey with the title "Ke Wenzhe advocates the construction of a 'Jinxia Bridge' to connect Kinmen and mainland China.Xiamen. Do you support it?" As of late last night, 78% supported it and 17% did not support it. , 5% have no opinion/don’t know. Online public opinion overwhelmingly supports the construction of the "Jinxia Bridge".

As Lei Qian said, the "Jinxia Bridge" truly has symbolic significance. What is more important on the world map is the Jinxia Peace and Friendship Bridge. In Taiwan, the "Jinmen-Xiamen Bridge" has been hyped as a "political bridge" and an ideological bridge. Blue and green each get what they need, and no one really cares about the expectations and well-being of Kinmen people.

Editor in charge: Yao Sihan

According to Hong Kong's

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