On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's "Unification Church" held a press conference and admitted that the "Unification Church" was related to the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, saying that Tetsuya Yamama's mother was indeed

2024/06/2213:34:33 hotcomm 1269

On July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was stabbed (shot) to death.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

The motive behind the murder of Abe suspect, 41-year-old former Maritime Self-Defense Force member Tetsuya Yamama, was further revealed. Japanese police revealed to the media that the mountain's resentment against a "religious group" evolved into an intention to kill Abe.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's "Unification Church" held a press conference and admitted that the "Unification Church" was related to the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, saying that Tetsuya Yamama's mother was indeed a believer.

So is the "Unification Church", the "religious group" mentioned by the Japanese media, really a religious group? What is its true face?

The evil acts of the "Unification Church"

The "Unification Church", formerly known as the "World Christian Unification Spiritual Association", was later renamed the "World Federation of Peaceful Unification Families". It originated in South Korea and is headquartered in the United States. Its founder is Moon Sun-myung.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

Moon Sun-myung in his youth

Moon Sun-myung, whose original name was Moon Yong-myeong, was born in a peasant family in Jeongju County, North Pyongan Province, North Korea on February 25, 1920. When he was 10 years old, his family believed in the "Christian Presbyterian Church".

- deified image, covering up sins

Moon Sun Myung claimed that he received a revelation from the so-called "Jesus" when he climbed a hill when he was 15 years old, and he has since determined to save all mankind. Moon Sun Myung also changed his name from "Long Myung" to "Xing Ming", claiming that he would make the world "Xing Ming".

Since then, Moon Sun Myung has become the "messenger of Christ". Later, he claimed to be the incarnation of Jesus and came to the world again, and said brazenly: "I am greater than Jesus himself."

This is the married " "Messenger of Christ" forcibly married a female believer named Kim in Pyongyang, North Korea. She was reported by Kim's husband and sentenced to five and a half years in prison for bigamy. In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, Moon Sun-myung sought an opportunity to flee to South Korea. On May 1, 1954, Moon Sun-myung established the "Unification Church" in South Korea. The initial sign was "Association for the Unification of the World's Christian Churches."

In 1960, 40-year-old Moon Sun-myung married 17-year-old Han Hezi, calling themselves the "Holy Marriage".

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

Moon Sun-myung and his wife

Moon Sun-myung and his wife are called the "True Father of the Universe" and "True Mother of the Universe" by believers in the "Unification Church" and accept the worship of believers.

- "Mass Wedding", absurd farce

Moon Sun Myung often uses the "72-hour preaching method" under the guise of teaching doctrines to lock beautiful female believers in his own room and forcefully take away the virginity of female believers. He claimed that if a person wants to be saved, he must accept the pure blood of the second-coming Christ Moon Sun Myung, that is, perform a "blood conversion" with him through sexual relations; whoever maintains a physical relationship with him can give birth to the savior. Moon Sun Myung also carries The believers engage in collective fornication, saying that sexual intercourse with those of pure blood is a great obligation for personal salvation and the salvation of mankind.

The most notorious thing about the "Unification Church" is "mass weddings", that is, "matching marriages." The combination of these brides and grooms was randomly designated by Moon Sun Myung. They did not get married for love, but to give birth to children with the so-called "immaculate sin" and achieve their mission of expanding the "world of God".

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

A "mass wedding" held by the "Unification Church"

On June 5, 2017, the " Washington Post " published an article by Carla Jones, reporting that she was designated by Moon Sun Myung to "match" and join the "Unification Church" group Wedding, spent 16 years in a loveless marriage.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

Kara Jones stands in the middle, photographed at a wedding in Seoul in 1995.

Makeup artist Lani Barry grew up in a family that believed in the "Unification Church". Her parents were deeply influenced by the leader Moon Sun Myung and was led by Moon Sun Myung. Marriage is established through "marriage". Such a combination did not bring happiness to the family and children. Lanny Barry had long been deeply pained and tired of the harm the "Unification Church" had caused to herself and her family. She hated Moon Sun-myung from the bottom of her heart and was determined to get rid of "Unification Church". "Unification Church", she later wrote an article about her journey and published it on a women's voice website.

- Beguiling believers and having a bad record

Sunmoon University, founded by the "Unification Church" in 1972, has professional disciplines such as theology, humanities, and electronics. It once used the development of university education cooperation as a cover to deliberately infiltrate into Chinese universities and seduce China. Young people join the church.

What is particularly frightening is that some believers have gone to a dead end under the influence of their heresies. On the afternoon of August 22, 2013, three Japanese followers of the "Unification Church" set themselves on fire in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, resulting in one person dying on the spot and two others seriously injured. Two days later, August 24th was July 18th in the lunar calendar, which was the first anniversary of Moon Sun-myung’s death.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

3 Japanese “Unification Church” believers set themselves on fire in South Korea

During the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, the “Washington Times”, a media affiliated with the “Unification Church”, hyped up the rumor that “the COVID-19 virus was leaked from a Wuhan laboratory”, which had a negative impact.

——Crazy money-making, squeezing believers

Moon Sun Myung told believers that newcomers must bring three or more people to join the "Unification Church" in order to become "devotees." "Sacrifices" are required to donate money and materials, work for free, and are also assigned sales tasks - selling flowers, ginseng tea , honey and other items to others at prices that are several times or even ten times their value.

The "Unification Church" also fraudulently donates money and labor to believers under false pretenses. Some capable believers also use their personal connections to help Moon Sun-Ming open up the international market.

In addition to the above extraction methods, believers must also hand over all their income in the first three years after joining the church to the church, and pay tithes after three years. The "Unification Church" tells believers that as long as they pay money or help the church raise funds, they can atone for their sins.

For example, the "21st Century Friends", a derivative group of the "Unification Church", consists of about 30 believers. Within the organization, believers are required to live together according to certain rules, and are forced to pay fines and impose corporal punishment on believers. Believers are not only subject to mind control, they are also squeezed out of money and subjected to long-term violence.

According to a report on December 15, 2015 by Japan's "Nikkan Cult News" website (Yukkan Kurato News), the top leaders of the "Unification Church" have been amassing money crazily, and believers "have been donating to the church even if they borrow money since they were children." A Korean-American "Unification Church" believer couldn't bear it and mailed a threatening package to the senior "Unification Church" in Seoul, South Korea, and was arrested by the Japanese police.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

Through various names, the "Unification Church" has amassed huge wealth; Moon Sun-myung invested this money in the industrial, commercial and financial fields, providing himself with a steady stream of ill-gotten gains to maintain his luxurious life.

According to the " New York Times " report, Moon Sun-myung's children each have a monthly pocket money of up to 9,000 US dollars; and they can get 40,000 US dollars a month after marriage. One of Moon Sun-myung's daughters likes to ride horses, so he spent tens of millions of dollars to build an equestrian center in the UK for her daughter's amusement.

It was this "Unification Church" that defrauded Shan Shan's mother of her life savings and rich family property, leading to family breakdown and difficulty in life, which made Shan Toru feel resentful.

Moon Sun Myung died of illness in South Korea in September 2012. Currently, the organization is divided into several factions.

Is the "Unification Church" a religious group?

The so-called "religious group" status of the "Unification Church" has always been questioned. As early as January 9, 1976, Robert Doyle, a member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, wrote to the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, revealing that the "Unification Church" is not a purely religious organization, but a mind control agency whose main purpose is to gain wealth. and power; Moon Sun-myung personally lives a luxurious life relying on wealth donated by believers. Therefore, the “Unification Church” should not receive tax exemptions for religious groups. The Internal Revenue Service launched an investigation into the Unification Church. In 1981, the U.S. Department of Justice found that Sun Myung Moon and his gang were guilty of tax evasion, conspiracy to commit perjury, and obstruction of justice. Moon Sun Myung was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined US$25,000. It also denied that the Unification Church was a religious group.

The Japanese Christian community believes that the "Unification Church" is a cult organization. In May 2017, the Japanese Christian News website published a special article "How to Face Heresies and Cults?" 》. According to the report, the teachings of the "Unification Church" include compulsory service, compulsory donations, and the absolute power of pastors. These are all characteristics of cult groups.During the interview, Mitsuki Meio and two other pastors believed that the "Unification Church" is a cult organization with some anti- ideology and anti-social movement nature.

The "Unification Church" has been cracked down and investigated by many governments. In the late 1970s, some local governments in the United States began to investigate the illegal activities of the "Unification Church". In 1981 and 1982, they twice accused Moon Sun-myung of tax evasion and creating false documents. In 1982, the French police carried out simultaneous operations in eight major cities including Paris and arrested more than 60 key members of the church. The governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway and other countries also took vigilant measures against the church. On August 7, 2013, the Kyrgyz Supreme Court upheld the preliminary and retrial judgments and banned the "Moon Myung Unification Church" from operating in Kyrgyzstan . The Supreme Court also made a judgment to ban the "World Peace", a hidden branch of the "Unification Church" Family Alliance”.

On the issue of the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe related to the "Unification Church", China Anti-Cult Network conducted an interview on July 12 with members of the Standing Committee of the National Christian Two Conferences , director-general and vice-president of the Beijing Christian Two Conferences, and senior pastor of Christian Haidian Church Wu Weiqing.

On the afternoon of July 11, the Japanese branch of South Korea's

Pastor Wu believes that although members of the "Unification Church" claim to be "Christians" and use the banner of religion, in fact, what their leader Moon Sun-myung preaches is not in line with the basic teachings of Christianity. For example, the "Unification Church" regards "Principles of Theory" (a collection of Moon Sun-myung's remarks) as a classic and replaces the status of the " Bible ", denies the belief in the "Trinity", and distorts the "Trinity" as only "God's Plan", Moon Sun-myung fabricated the plan as a combination of God, Moon Sun-myung (true father) and "true mother" (Moon Sun-myung's wife Han Hezi). These are gross distortions of fundamental Christian teachings. The "Unification Church" requires believers to donate a large amount of money, which is a means to strengthen its control over believers and defraud money to make money; the Christian church will not force believers to donate, and believers' donations are completely voluntary. The church will also remind believers to do what they can, and the church will receive income from donations. It is completely used for the church's own operation and social welfare activities. The so-called "Unification Church" founded by Sun Myung Moon is not an orthodox religious organization, let alone a Christian group, but an out-and-out cult organization. We hope that ordinary people in society and the broad masses of religious believers will be more vigilant and pay attention to discrimination.

It can be seen that although the "Unification Church" uses the banner of Christianity, its various behaviors and crimes behind it have been recognized by more and more people, and many governments have also launched crackdowns and investigations on its illegal activities.

This time, as the assassination of Shinzo Abe continues to unfold, the cult organization "Unification Church" has been pushed to the world and has become the focus of attention. I believe that its true face and past misdeeds will be further discovered and exposed. We hope that the general public can recognize this in time and be vigilant.

Some sources of information: Global Network , CCTV Network , China Anti-Cult Network, Kaifeng Network, etc.

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