As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke: "If you don't have money to marry a wife, just spend money to buy a Vietnamese wife." It seems like a jo

2024/06/2019:59:33 hotcomm 1063

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices.

It is difficult to buy a house, but it is even harder to marry a wife...

I wonder if you have ever heard this joke: "If you don't have money to marry a wife, just spend money to buy a Vietnamese daughter-in-law." It seems like a joke, but it reflects the inner thoughts of many people.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Why do you want to marry a Vietnamese wife?

As we all know, Vietnam is one of the poorest countries in Asia. In recent years, China's economic strength has continued to attract more and more Vietnamese to come to China to make money.

In the eyes of Vietnamese girls, single young men in China have become their golden key to a better life. Many Vietnamese girls look forward to marrying Chinese men to improve their lives.

It is precisely because of this demand that some people are targeting this industry.


There are some intermediaries in Vietnam who are responsible for "matchmaking". After success, they will receive a part of the commission.

Parents of Vietnamese girls usually "marry" their daughters to China through these intermediaries, then let their daughters earn money in China and then send them back to support their families.

In order to "marry" these Vietnamese girls to China as soon as possible, the intermediaries will even post "guaranteed virginity, innocent virginity", "guaranteed to marry home within 3 months", "will return if the bride runs away within a year" A series of slogans such as “You will lose one” are used to attract the attention of Chinese men.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

During this process, the intermediaries will provide a full set of services. They will not only "bargain" with the girl's parents, but will also act as translators throughout the process, help with passport application, help with weddings, etc. From "choosing a wife" to getting married, the entire process only takes five days at the fastest.

Rather than marrying, it is better to say selling.

Because the intermediaries will "clearly mark the price" of Vietnamese girls, if there is a buyer's inquiry, the intermediaries will bring the girls together and let the men choose. As long as the money is in place, the wedding can be held directly in Vietnam, and girls are the fundamental No choice.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Such “buying and selling”, which may seem ethically unacceptable, is actually very common in some parts of China.

Most of the people who choose Vietnamese brides are older or physically handicapped men. It is difficult for them to find wives in China, so they can only marry Vietnamese wives in this way to continue the family line.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Data shows that there are currently more than 100,000 Vietnamese brides in my country who have married abroad. Especially in Taiwan, local residents have been marrying Vietnamese brides for at least 30 years.

In 2019, director Wu Yuying directed and filmed a documentary called "Azi".

This documentary uses the story of a Vietnamese bride who married in Taiwan to reveal a gray industrial chain of Vietnamese bride trading.


The protagonist of this documentary is a Vietnamese girl named Azi.

She has always hoped to make her parents live a better life through her own efforts. But the irony is that her parents are thinking about how to realize Azi's greatest value.

So Azi’s parents “married” their daughter to China through an agency. Azi's husband is a disabled person suffering from polio.

In the eyes of Ah Zi's parents, Ah Zi is already "happy" to be able to marry such a man. After all, this man can walk with a cane. But the neighbor's daughter was sold to a man who could only crawl on the ground.

Ah Zi’s father also said that whether Ah Zi lives well or not depends on her life.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Ah Zi’s husband’s family is not considered wealthy. In order to marry Ah Zi, her mother-in-law spent her life savings. On weekdays, the family barely survives on garlic and rice, and they also owe a lot of debt.

Although Ah Zi’s mother-in-law is very strong and often scolds Ah Zi. But fortunately, Ah Zi's husband is quite considerate to her. He will not let his elder brother order his wife to work at will. He even secretly saves money for Ah Zi to send back to Vietnam to help Ah Zi's parents subsidize the family and cover the expenses. new house.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

In order to support her parents' family, she was not even willing to save money for her two daughters to go to school.The child is growing up day by day, but Azi does not focus on the child.

"After helping my parents build a house and buying a motorcycle, I needed money to build a house for my brother's family." Azi's husband also found it very hard. The family quarreled every now and then, and there was never a peaceful day.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

In Azi's view, she was just sold to China to make money, and she has no concept of home in Taiwan.

In the eyes of many Vietnamese, daughters are naked commodities that can be cashed in. They spent the money they earned from selling their daughters, but instead said it was their lives.

These girls, who are deeply influenced by patriarchy, not only do not realize the error of this kind of thinking and behavior, but when they are in a foreign country, they always think about how to supplement their parents' families. At the end of the

documentary, Ah Zi’s mother took Ah Zi’s cousin to an agency, waiting to be bought by a Chinese man.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Another similar story is about to happen.


There are many Vietnamese girls like Ah Zi who cannot get out of the vicious circle.

When marriage slowly turns into a business, it is not only a tragedy for a certain person, but also a tragedy for a certain group, or even a certain era.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that huge profits have spawned more black intermediaries.

They don't even conduct physical examinations on "brides". Therefore, some Vietnamese brides not only married people, but also brought AIDS to China.

It has been reported that more than 10,000 foreign HIV-infected people have been found in China, and the number of cases increases by thousands every year. Among them, "Southeast Asian brides" in border areas have the highest infection rate.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

In fact, from the day the illegal Vietnamese bride industry chain was born, it meant that many "brides" would enter the country illegally. And they are a mixed bag, with all kinds of "origins", and there are even many sex workers.

According to statistics, there are approximately 200,000 full-time or part-time sex workers in Vietnam, and 40% of the women are HIV positive.

They carry the virus without knowing it, and when they enter the countryside, we have no way of knowing how many people they will infect.

Where there are huge profits, there will be crime.

In the eyes of human traffickers, "Vietnamese brides" are walking banknotes.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Since the vast majority of Vietnamese girls have never seen the outside world, they can easily be coaxed and controlled. Therefore, human trafficking is also rampant in Vietnam.

These "Vietnamese brides" who were trafficked to rural areas in China spend their entire lives looking for ways to escape.

A young man from Shaanxi bought a Vietnamese bride through an intermediary. Less than a month later, his "wife" excused herself to go out for a walk, so she ran away with the help of her accomplices.

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

As prices rise in China, wages never seem to keep up with prices. Buying a house is difficult, but marrying a wife is even harder... I wonder if you have ever heard this joke:

Picture source: Chinese Business News

Some brides also proposed to go back to their parents’ home after getting married. When the newlyweds returned to Vietnam, the bride disappeared. Later, the groom learned that his wife had already been married in Vietnam and had a child. , in anger, the groom stabbed the black agent to death and fled to Cambodia .

There are many more news similar to this "Vietnamese bride running away". In fact, for those rural bachelors who spend money to buy wives, is it not a tragedy that half of their life savings are lost when their wives run away?

Those objectified feelings and marriages based on lies and money will never go far.

Those black intermediaries who have lost their conscience in order to make profits will also be morally condemned and punished by law. text/Axiaonuo

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