I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me, "It's 2021, no one still believes that you can make money by swiping orders, right?" I bought an egg, and the eggshell said, "I asked you to work part-time online to swipe orders. This is not a scam. What?"

2024/06/1623:45:34 hotcomm 1813

In the past year, the soul torture that has been with us is like this -

Go out for a walk, and there is a banner in front of you, "It's 2021, no one still believes that you can make money by cheating, right?" ; Buy one Egg, printed on the eggshell, "I'm asking you to work part-time online to make money, what else is it if it's not a scam?" ; Take a bus, printed on the car body, "Ask yourself before dating online, this is a pretty and sweet-sounding lady. , gentle, handsome and rich brother, why do you still need online dating? "

Even if you turn a blind eye to these, you may still be attracted by the domineering police dog for free, and the Internet celebrity restaurant skips the queue, as long as you scan the code to download "National Anti-Fraud" Center APP".
I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

( Nanjing Metro jointly launched the anti-fraud propaganda with Blue Vest charity volunteers, scan the code to download the app, and learn anti-fraud by playing with the dog)

This is the daily life of the 2021 "Anti-Fraudster Alliance":

They do not play according to the routine , using deceit to counter deceive, and using brainwashing to counter brainwashing, staged a drama of battles of wits and courage with liars.

The various heroes in the "League" include police officers, college students, programmers, and retired people. This is an unprecedented lineup and grand occasion. Previously, anti-fraud was mainly the responsibility of the police.

What contributed to the emergence of the "Anti-Fraudster Alliance" was the rapidly advancing digital technology . Just like two sides of a coin, as digital technology has advanced in the past year or two, fraud has become more and more crazy. Heroes from all walks of life gathered together in 2021, letting people see that technology is neither good nor evil, but human nature has choices.

You lied to me, I wrote you into the script

"Uncle, I am the love ambassador of our love and elderly care workstation. My surname is Cui."

"What? Can you brag?"

Waiting for Uncle Luo in "Liar Work" "The room" sat down in confusion, and a (fake) Professor Jia with a Hong Kong accent appeared, "Mr. Luo, Thunder Monkey! You came to us today, which shows that you are very pursuing!"

This is Henan! In Provence Community in Zhengzhou, a group of elderly people are rehearsing in full swing. Some people were not fluent in Mandarin , and some memorized some lines over and over again, forgetting the actions when they remembered the lines, but everyone was in high spirits.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(The elderly members of the Provence Community Folk Art Troupe are rehearsing)

They are members of the community folk art troupe. On weekdays, the elderly in the community like to get together, sing and dance to enrich their retirement life. In March 2019, they suddenly faced a task.

Film police officer Li Min approached Zhang Siru, the leader of the art troupe, and asked if it was possible to compile an anti-fraud skit to remind the elderly. Previously, most members of the art troupe had been sold various health products, digital currency and other products, but after listening to Police Officer Li’s introduction, she realized that these were systematic and organized frauds, specifically targeting the elderly living alone. scam.

"We must do it, this is a good thing!" The art troupe took over the task. And Zhang Siru took on the responsibility of screenwriter. Over the next three years, a play exposing the scam of selling fake medicines and health care products was repeatedly performed in the local cultural center. It has been performed for more than 60 times and has been revised for more than 20 times. Zhang Siru discovered, "More and more elderly people are using smartphones, and the methods of fraud have been iterating in the past three years. New scams such as financial management, stock speculation, and digital currency speculation are emerging one after another, and we must also take advantage of them."

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Art The troupe's first work in collaboration with the local police received warm applause every time it performed)

Later, as the anti-fraud drama became popular, they began to receive more and more external invitations. Last year, volunteers from the "Blue Vest" public welfare action found the art troupe, hoping to rehearse a play specifically for the elderly. Just one shot from both sides. "Blue Vest" is an elderly care and fraud prevention campaign guided by the National Anti-Fraud Center and the Anti-Fraud Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and jointly launched by local government departments, volunteers and Alipay . It has entered more than 60 cities.

Due to their similar age and identity, the audience often places extra trust in them, but the art troupe also knows that they are not actually anti-fraud experts. Later, Zhang Siru and "Blue Vest" organized several community trainings.This is also what the "Blue Vest" is trying: allows the old people who "get up" first to exert their energy and let the "old people help the old".

There are many art troupes in the country where "old people help old people". In Beijing, there are about 50 members of the first batch of Blue Vest Senior Lecture Team, with an average age of 65. They are a group of retired elderly people who love literature and art. A 15-minute long anti-fraud melodrama "We Are All Blue Vests" was performed vividly by several elderly people. They believe that a single spark can start a prairie fire. "The examples of people around us being deceived are heartbreaking. We are willing to do our part. Maybe our reminder can prevent a family from suffering similar harm." Aunt Liu Wenming, the star of the tour group, said.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(The Beijing Senior Lecture Troupe rehearses the anti-fraud drama "We Are All Blue Vests")

But it is not only the elderly who are deceived. Recently, the public security department came again, hoping that Zhang Siru could arrange an anti-fraud drama for the college students. She has already started researching and has a clear understanding of several methods such as card loans, online dating, and part-time rebates. It just so happened that several 50-year-old new members joined the group. "If these young people hadn't come in, I really wouldn't be able to write this book!"

You program my parents, and I program to reveal that you

are helping the elderly. On this road, there are also many young people. In October last year, a group called "Teaching Parents to Play with Mobile Phones" appeared on Douban . Soon, a small program called "Mai Ling" was launched. It uses an interactive animation to provide step-by-step instruction on the common functions of various software, from adding friends on WeChat, chatting, and using emoticons. Receive and pay via Alipay. The team members have become volunteers who advise and continuously improve this small program. Cen Qian, one of the founders of

"Mai Ling", said that her original intention when she and her friends founded this "Teaching Parents to Play Mobile Phones" group was to see if there was a demand for it in society. To their surprise, the group responded so quickly that more than 7,000 people joined in two months, enthusiastically sharing their experiences in teaching their elders to play with mobile phones, as well as some interesting stories.

They found that many people want their elders in the family to keep up with the digital age. Especially since the epidemic, newly needed functions such as health code , itinerary code, and online booking have been a great challenge to many elderly people.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Members of the "Teaching Parents to Use Mobile Phones" group used hand-drawn drawings to teach the elderly to use mobile phones)

How to teach the elderly to use mobile phones has become a hot topic in the group. What impressed Cen Qian the most about was a girl who drew several detailed drawings in order to teach the elderly at home how to use WeChat. Just like a real machine simulation, the mobile phone interface is drawn with different icons, plus a lot of notes and display wireframes, which are colorful.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Alipay Mai Ling Mini Program is online. Through robot guidance, it helps the elders overcome the age barrier and integrate into the smart era)

Many people praised the girl, and some people also pointed out that in addition to learning to use mobile phones, the elderly must also learn not to be The phone was scammed. A boy also said, "I regret teaching my dad WeChat. He either posted false information or was deceived by false information."

In this regard, Cen Qian’s view is that it is like when people learn to walk when they are young, and they always fall when we learn to walk, "But don’t adults let us walk because of wrestling?" Now the positions have been reversed, and the old man has changed to that Comparing the initial and vulnerable position, "There must be some risks in this, but I don't think it is right to knock it over and then not contact it."

Her suggestion is that young people should pay more attention to the use of mobile phones at home, and pay more attention to the use of mobile phones at home. Ask me what you have bought recently? Have you made any investments? Help with some screening. "Like my mother, most of the things I forward to her are anti-fraud cases. I send them to her when I see them."

At the beginning of the project, when "Mai Ling" was envisioning the needs of the elderly, "How to teach parents to prevent fraud" has been prioritized and placed in a prominent position. In the group, we can see that many people will share stories about their parents being "fooled" for a few eggs and two barrels of oil.A member of

shared that his mother received a call from someone claiming to be the official website of Telecom and , saying that she had won 100,000 yuan in return from a ten-year-old user. Following the request, her mother sent her ID card and bank card number, and then the other party asked her to click on the link in the text message to claim the prize. Seeing that the scammer was about to succeed, the team member quickly stopped him and said it was a scam. But not only did his mother not believe it, she even scolded him.

couldn't persuade him, so he could only run here for help. Members of the group were very enthusiastic and offered many methods. Some suggested that parents install the National Anti-Fraud Center APP; others shared similar experiences and said they could find some scam videos and send them to their elders. However, this method did not work. After constant persuasion, my mother still insisted on redeeming the prize. Another netizen suggested that he call the police directly. After the police intervened, my mother finally believed it.

Many times, people are faced with such realistic and heavily packaged scams. In the future, Cen Qian also hopes to add some thematic courses to bring together some officially released anti-fraud information or real cases so that people can obtain it more conveniently and improve anti-fraud awareness.

A liar who can write a script meets a policeman who can write a script

The "big brother" in the anti-fraud world - the policeman, has also begun to change his style. Among the anti-fraud figures who have appeared in the past year, policeman Lao Chen can be regarded as the most dazzling one. On September 3 this year, his six-hour live broadcast attracted 120 million netizens and once caused the network to paralyze. At the beginning of the

live broadcast, there are iconic opening remarks, such as good-looking anchors, pk anchors, singing and dancing anchors... After watching it too much, Lao Chen also learned, "Hello, I am an anti-fraud anchor. What kind of anchor are you?"

In the picture, he is wearing a police uniform, with a majestic face and speaking slowly; on the other side is the "Eunuch Xichang" wearing heavy makeup, wearing beads, and leading a group of followers. Seeing Lao Chen, "father-in-law" suddenly frowned, lost his momentum, and said in a panic, "I'm funny, brother, I didn't commit anything!"

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Police officer Lao Chen online Lianmai, picture From the Internet)

The other scene is more dramatic. Lao Chen just introduced the classic online chat scam of men dressing up as women. The face of the long-haired "loli" opposite him changed. He hurriedly squatted on the ground, pulled off the wig, changed back to a male voice, and said in a crying voice, "Brother, big brother, I am I didn’t know you were in this business.”

The contrasting and absurd scene attracted a lot of attention and discussion among netizens. Lao Chen's live broadcast became a hot search, and the "National Anti-Fraud Center APP" he promoted became the number one download in the software mall.

Outside the camera, Lao Chen’s identity is actually Chen Guoping, a policeman from the Qinhuangdao Harbor Bureau. Long before he started working in self-media, he had been working as a member of the criminal police team in 2017 to combat telecommunications fraud.

During this process, he soon discovered that the police were in a very passive position. scammers use the Internet to wrap their true identities in a lot of fog. They are often not in the same city as the victim, and they "shoot and change places." At that time, Lao Chen and his colleagues were always flying around the country, chasing clues, and were very tired. What’s more, in the end the stolen money often cannot be recovered, and the victims’ losses cannot be fully compensated.

Ordinary people can hardly imagine the elaborate scams that anti-fraud police face every day. Recently, Lao Chen told a joke in a New Year's Eve talk show, "Fraud syndicates attach great importance to the industry of screenwriters. There are many PhDs in psychology who study scripts and are well versed in human weaknesses."

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Police seized at the scammer's den The scam tactics manual lists in detail how scammers screen victims and induce them to join the scam)

With the popularity of talk shows and scripts, scammers are also forced to "innovate" and use the latest methods to influence more young people.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(Shanghai Elderly Help and Anti-Fraud Exhibition, Chen Wei’s talk show has won the favor of many uncles and aunts)

“Online dating is best when you meet offline. I am not guiding you to fall in love. The main thing is that you meet offline. , it is very convenient for us to catch them." In Shanghai Huangpu , anti-fraud policeman Chen Wei transformed into a "joke maker" and made witty remarks. Each "case" turned into a "joke", "It is our job to prevent everyone from being deceived. The ultimate goal. "

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

(The anti-fraud script "A Thousand Machines and Hundreds of Scams" is online)

Fraudsters have more and more "tricks" and the scams are gradually becoming "scripted". The Anti-Fraud Center of Zhejiang Province launched "Anti-Fraud Script Killer" , which embeds typical scams into the script killer and guides "players" to expose the common "talking skills" of fraudsters in the layer-by-layer reasoning of the plot. Anti-Fraud Center The police said, "Scammers customize various scripts and use sweet words to brainwash victims. We are also exploring more interesting and effective anti-fraud propaganda methods to help them protect their money bags."

What is even more interesting is that with the nationwide anti-fraud campaign, With the improvement of fraud awareness, many of the anchors who were originally connected to Lao Chen, whether they were comedians, salespeople, or singers, have also taken over this mission and began to voluntarily promote anti-fraud knowledge to their fans.

Later, one time "Eunuch Xichang" unexpectedly connected to "Long-haired Lolita" online. In his live broadcast room, the "father-in-law" called for downloading the "National Anti-Fraud Center APP"; before he finished speaking, "Lori" took out a self-made anti-fraud APP promotional sign from the side and shouted loudly. The live PK, which was originally full of gunpowder, suddenly turned into a distant contest of anti-fraud propaganda.

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

It’s already 2022. Doesn’t anyone still believe that you can make money by cheating?

With such intense nationwide mobilization, it is becoming increasingly difficult for scammers to do this.

In the second half of last year, the number of telecom fraud cases across the country dropped for six consecutive months year-on-year; the police intercepted billions of fraudulent calls, preventing tens of millions of people from being deceived. Alipay data also shows that 90% of the elderly who received fraud calls were dissuaded and were not deceived. In Lujiazui Street, Shanghai, after daily prevention and guidance by the police, and the introduction of blue vest anti-fraud classes to the community, data from the Meiyuan Xincun Police Station in the territory showed that the number of telecom network fraud alarms dropped by 28.12%, and the number of completed telecom network fraud dropped by 36.28%.

Behind this, from offline to online, and then from online to offline, there are independent individuals who are like beating drums to spread flowers, using their 18 skills to spread anti-fraud propaganda to their surrounding relatives and friends, and to their own circle of influence. radiation.

During the epidemic, a sentence touched many people, "Because I have been caught in the rain, I want to hold an umbrella for others." In the matter of anti-fraud, self-help and helping others also go hand in hand. On Douban, the topic #interesting anti-fraud experience# has more than 10,000 followers and nearly 100 million views. Netizens enthusiastically shared their experiences in battling with scammers, and some people asked for help or exposed the accounts that killed pigs.

"By participating in anti-fraud propaganda, not only do we contribute to the society, but the society also gives us a very fulfilling sense of satisfaction." Zhang Siru concluded.

Finally, to apply the slogan on the opening banner, "It's 2022, no one still believes that you can make money by cheating, right?"

I went out for a walk and saw a banner in front of me,

End the Fraud Original production

Some pictures are from the Internet and are only used for public welfare

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