Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman

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Procurement plan management

1. The purpose of formulating a procurement plan

Procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and management activities made by the enterprise for the procurement management activities of materials and other items during the planning period based on the market supply and demand situation, the enterprise's production and operation capacity and material consumption rules, etc. deploy.

The procurement plan mainly determines the quantity, time and method of procurement.

2. The role of formulating a procurement plan

- to maintain the normal operation of production and operations and avoid supply interruptions that affect production and marketing activities;

- to avoid excessive storage of materials and occupying funds;

- to cooperate with the realization of the enterprise's production and operation plan;

- to enable procurement The department prepares in advance and selects favorable opportunities to purchase materials;

—Determine the consumption standards of items in order to control the quantity and cost of material purchase.

3. Basis for formulating purchasing plans

(1) Annual sales plan and production plan

Sales plan and production plan are the main reference basis for enterprises to formulate purchasing plans; at the same time, whether the sales plan is formulated scientifically and reasonably will directly affect the production plan and The scientificity and feasibility of the procurement plan.

(2) Bill of materials

The BOM table is drawn up by the R&D department or product design department. The bill of materials lists the materials that various products are made of or combined. According to the bill of materials, the exact quantity of various materials required for the manufacture of each product can be accurately calculated. The consumption listed in the material list is commonly known as the standard consumption, which can be compared with the actual consumption as the basis for material control.

(3) Inventory control card

If the materials are in stock, the purchased materials must be determined in conjunction with the existing inventory status. Specifically, purchasing personnel generally calculate the correct purchase quantity based on the material demand quantity listed in the bill of materials, existing inventory, and considering the procurement operation time and safety stock level, and then issue a purchase requisition.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

(4) Production efficiency

The level of production efficiency will cause errors between the expected material demand and actual consumption. Increased production efficiency will lead to a decrease in the unit consumption of materials, causing the purchase quantity in the procurement plan to exceed production needs; conversely, a decrease in production efficiency will increase the unit consumption of materials, causing the purchase quantity in the procurement plan to be insufficient. to meet production needs. Therefore: when production efficiency changes, the purchasing plan must be adjusted accordingly to avoid material shortages or excesses.

4. Preparation of the procurement plan

The preparation of the procurement plan mainly includes two parts: the preparation of the procurement certification plan and the preparation of the purchase order plan. The specific process can be divided into eight links, namely, prepare certification plan, assess certification demand, calculate certification capacity, formulate certification plan, prepare order plan, assess order demand, calculate order capacity, and formulate order plan.

5. Determination of purchase quantity

(1) Regular ordering method - Carry out inventory and order at a fixed time, such as once a month, quarterly or weekly. This method is suitable for important materials that require frequent adjustments to production or purchase quantities.

The characteristics of the regular ordering method are: the purchasing cycle is fixed; the purchasing batch size is not fixed.

Purchase batch size = average daily demand × purchasing cycle + insurance reserve amount (safety stock amount) - actual inventory amount

(2) Quantitative ordering method - continuous inventory of inventory, once the inventory level drops to the predetermined minimum inventory quantity (purchase requisition point), a procurement method that immediately orders replenishment according to a fixed order quantity, also known as the requisition point method. It is suitable for the purchase of items with a small number of varieties but occupying a large amount of funds.

Control factors: requisition point = average daily demand

Step 3: Analyze historical data

Step 4: Conduct market analysis

Step 5: Form a raw material purchasing plan

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

2. Prepare an equipment purchasing plan

Step 1: Determine equipment purchasing needs

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

Step 2: Investigate equipment purchasing Market

Step 3: Select the equipment procurement method

Step 4: Fill in the "Equipment Procurement Plan"

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

Step 5: Submit an equipment purchase application

3. Decompose the procurement plan

Purchasing personnel can arrange production schedules, funds and inventory according to the year According to changes, formulate corresponding semi-annual, quarterly or monthly purchasing plans.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

4. Adjust the procurement plan

Determine the adjustment method: Purchasing personnel can modify or adjust the procurement plan in a timely manner based on changes in the company's internal and external procurement environment or adjustments in competitors' competitive strategies.

Adjustment plan content: Total quantity adjustment - Purchasing personnel make total adjustments to the procurement budget amount or procurement quantity in the original procurement plan as needed. Structural adjustment - Purchasing personnel adjust the categories, varieties, specifications, etc. of purchased goods in the original purchasing plan as needed.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

3 Order management

1. Preparation of purchase orders

(1) Clarify the order content: According to the actual production and operation needs of the enterprise and the procurement plan requirements, purchasing personnel should prepare purchase orders regularly, generally including monthly purchase orders, temporary purchase orders, etc.

The contents of the monthly purchase order: the name, variety, model, and specification of the purchased product; the total order quantity, installment delivery number and order number; packaging and transportation, arrival location, accompanying documents and acceptance method; conditions for the order to be effective and arrival Handling warehouse disputes, etc.

Contents of the temporary purchase order: name, variety, model and specification of the purchased product; purchase quantity and requirements, arrival time, etc.

(2) Formulate a purchase order

Step 1: Prepare a draft order

Step 2: Submit it to the supervisor for review

Step 3: Form a formal order

2. Issue a purchase order

(1) Issue a purchase order

Purchasing personnel are selecting suppliers The following three factors should be considered: Is it a long-term supplier? What is its reputation and product quality? Are the supplier's product prices the most appropriate and competitive in the market? Can the supplier guarantee on-time delivery?

(2) Confirm the purchase order

Purchasing personnel should promptly confirm with the supplier whether they have received the purchase order through telephone communication or other methods. If the other party does not express acceptance, the purchase order issued does not constitute a contract and the purchase matter is invalid. In addition, only when acceptance of the purchase order is confirmed can the purchaser be confident that the supplier will deliver the goods on the agreed date.

Usually, after the supplier accepts the conditions of the order, it must issue a so-called "acceptance letter" to the purchasing department of the purchaser to confirm the purchase, and start stocking up and executing the order. Therefore, purchasing personnel must communicate and confirm with suppliers in a timely manner after issuing purchase orders.

(3) Prepare purchasing records

After the purchase order is confirmed and accepted, the purchasing personnel should prepare purchasing records for the goods and materials purchased during the same period and fill in the purchasing record form so that the purchase order can be checked against the purchase order when the supplier delivers the goods.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

3. Tracking purchase orders

The purpose of procurement is to obtain materials that meet the company's production and operation requirements in a timely manner, so purchasing personnel must track orders to prompt suppliers to deliver goods in time.

Order tracking is for purchasing personnel to track and inspect the entire process of purchase order execution to ensure the normal fulfillment of the purchase order. It has three main purposes: to promote the normal execution of the contract, to meet the material needs of the enterprise's production and operation, and to maintain reasonable inventory. level.

(1) Tracking before order execution

During the procurement process, there may be several suppliers to choose from for the same material or goods. Although each supplier has an allocation ratio, unexpected situations may be encountered during specific operations. If the supplier proposes to change the "certification contract terms" (including price, quality, delivery date, etc.), the purchasing personnel should fully communicate with the supplier after the order is issued to confirm the suppliers available for this purchase. Of course, if it is really difficult for the supplier to accept the order, there is no need to force it. You can choose another supplier in the procurement environment and ask certification personnel to assist when necessary.

(2) Order execution process tracking

After the supplier confirms the purchase order, the purchase order will have legal effect, so purchasing personnel should fully track it. When changes are really needed, the supplier's consent must be obtained, and the two parties can negotiate and resolve.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

(3) Tracking after the execution of the contract

4, order archiving management

The contract signed by the purchasing staff and the supplier, the issued purchase order and related documents and materials must be archived in a timely manner for future reference.

attaches great importance to archive management. The role of archive management has three aspects:

(1) Each procurement project is archived separately for easy use and inquiry;

(2) The historical performance data of suppliers is useful for order placement and contract tracking. It is an important reference value. Procurement personnel should first pay attention to the historical situation of the supplier, and then decide what kind of supervision method to implement;

(3) If the supplier breaches the contract or needs to resort to law for dispute resolution, the complete information is Get a strong guarantee of winning your case.

Order Archive Management

Archive Creation - The principle of archiving orders is that they can be found easily and quickly when needed. Purchasing personnel can use one of the following two methods when creating order files: ① Create files in order of purchase order numbers; ② Create files in alphabetical order of supplier names.

Order archiving and storage

Purchasing personnel should pay attention to the classification and storage of various experience data such as purchase orders, such as moisture-proof and insect-proof storage. If conditions permit, a computer software management system can be used to manage orders. At the same time, relevant data can be scanned and converted into electronic versions and stored in the computer for easy reference at any time.

Procurement plan management 1. The purpose of formulating the procurement plan. The procurement plan is the foreseeable arrangement and deployment of the procurement management activities of materials and other items within the planning period based on the market supply and deman - DayDayNews

4 Order exception handling

1, Delivery exception handling

Purchasing personnel need to track the order situation in a timely manner after placing the order, obtain the order delivery progress in a timely manner, and contact the supplier to be informed of the delivery abnormality in a timely manner;

After the purchasing personnel learns of the exception, Information should be fed back to the manager and the purchase requisition department in a timely manner for timely remediation or adjustment;

purchasing personnel need to take active measures to recover losses as much as possible, use follow-up methods to urge the delivery of goods, and can also change purchase orders or replace suppliers according to specific circumstances;

The purchasing department should actively contact relevant departments to assess the loss costs and make claims to the supplier as appropriate.

2. Quality exception handling

When the supplier discovers quality abnormalities that cannot be solved by itself, it should feedback the problem to the purchasing personnel in writing.Purchasing personnel should promptly feedback the problem to the purchasing department manager and ask for solutions;

The purchasing department and the requisitioning department shall negotiate and decide whether to carry out special procurement. If necessary, the purchasing personnel shall summon the requisitioning department to the supplier's production site to negotiate and resolve the exception;

If If rework or rejection due to quality problems affects the company's normal production, the purchasing department should organize relevant departments to assess the loss costs and claim compensation from the supplier as appropriate.

3. Order exception handling

If the purchasing personnel find that the order and other documents have not been issued in time, they should contact the ordering personnel immediately;

If the purchasing department places the wrong order, the purchasing personnel should negotiate with the supplier whether to cancel the order, and try to avoid Stay scrapped while placing the correct order. If the order cannot be canceled, the purchasing department should communicate with the relevant departments whether the problematic order can be digested internally;

If the order cannot be canceled or digested internally, the responsible department should bear the loss and expenses, and the responsible department should be punished in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the enterprise. .

4. Sudden exception handling

A major accident or natural disaster that causes the supplier to be unable to resume production in a short period of time, or an accident that causes a serious shortage of raw materials, is a sudden exception;

When an unexpected exception occurs, purchasing personnel should Report to the purchasing manager in a timely manner and understand market conditions through multiple channels to strive to reduce losses;

When sudden abnormalities affect normal production, purchasing personnel should confirm with the requisitioning department whether they can allocate at a high price or use other methods to reduce the company's losses for processing.

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