TOP10. "Tokyo Ghoul" theme song:. "TKfromrin としてShigure-Unravel". He became a monster just because he had someone in his heart that he wanted to protect.

2024/05/2321:22:32 hotcomm 1680


TOP10. "Tokyo Ghoul" theme song:

"TK from Rin Shigure - Unravel"

He is weak Kaneki, he is strong Kaneki, he is naive, he is lost. He became a monster just because he had someone in his heart that he wanted to protect.


TOP 9. " Guilty Crown " ending song:

"EGOIST - Departures ~ A song of love for you"

This song comes from the hegemony show "Guilty Crown" that year. Although the animation did not become a masterpiece in the end, it left behind this god-level ED. And coinciding with reality, this song also reveals the regretful beauty from beginning to end.


TOP 8. " Detective Conan : The 14th Target" ending theme:

"ZARD - As if returning to girlhood"

Sakai Izumi , just thinking of this name makes me cry... She left us in the blink of an eye. It's been ten years. Ten years have passed, and we have all changed a lot, but her time has always stopped at that moment...


TOP 7. "Fruit Basket" theme song:

" Okazaki Ritsuko - For Fruits Basket"

in Ritsuko Under the soft voice, it seems that sadness will become transparent...


TOP 6. The theme song of the third part of " Digimon ":

" Koji Wada - The Biggest Dreamer"

"Digimon Adventure" The pinnacle of the Dragon series. The best childhood days! The best light uncle !


TOP 5. " Your Lie in April " episode:

"Yokoyama Katsura - My Lie"

What is the most intoxicating emotion related to love? Is it the joy of love or the sadness of love? April not only has "Your Lie", but also " friend A" that can never be forgotten...


TOP 4. "Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans" ending theme:

"MISIA - Orphans" "Tears"

has the worst animation ending, but has the best ending song. Gangma, give me back Olga, give me Sanming!

The song "Tears of Orphans" sung by MISIA and composed by Sagisu Shiro can be called legendary in terms of lyrics, music and singing. The "strength born out of grief" that the animation tried to express but failed to do well is all in this song - "Orphans' tears and love will bear the sorrow and become strong"....

can't see any hope The orphans who still don't give up the last bit of resistance in such a desperate situation are so heartbreaking.

The eternal iron flower ball, the immortal iron flower - this is the flower of hope that blooms from the blood-stained soil.


TOP 3. " Fullmetal Alchemist " episode:

"Oshima Mitsuru - Brothers"

Fullmetal Alchemist is really a very depressing animation.

Equivalent exchange, the human body with tragic consequences, the synthetic beast Nina , the death of Lieutenant Colonel Xiuzi... These all once made me feel extremely shocked.


Just when you are beating your chest for these plots and almost losing control of your emotions, the melody of "Brothers" suddenly sounds...


TOP 2. The theme melody of " Inuyasha ":

"Wada Kaoru - Thoughts across time and space "

This is the masterpiece of Rumiko Takahashi . This is also Wada Kaoru's most classic animation soundtrack.

can set up a story with such a cliché theme. To this extent, among the cartoonists, Rumiko Takahashi is probably the only one. And her portrayal of characters and emotions is even more divine: the optimistic and strong Kagome, the burdened Kikyo, the cursed Maitreya, the powerful yet fragile half-demon Inuyasha...


"Crossing the other side of the Forgotten River, I can't forget the people who sigh with longing for the moonlight under the ancient well."


TOP 1. "Slam Dunk" ending theme:

"WANDS - Until the end of the world "

Why do I want to cry when listening to such a burning song? !

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