Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life.

2024/05/2123:28:33 hotcomm 1372

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online]

Cherish it and wait for a reunion. The three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end and they are about to start a new journey in life.

html On July 1, Jiaxing Construction Industry School held a grand graduation ceremony for the class of 2022 in the form of a main branch venue. All school leaders, directors and deputy directors of professional departments, graduating class teachers, parent representatives, and outstanding graduates hosted the ceremony. Participants attended the ceremony at the venue, and other graduates watched the live video in each classroom.

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life. - DayDayNews

A heart-warming review, the dream-seeking school founding ceremony

kicked off with the solemn national anthem.

At the ceremony, a retrospective video carefully produced by the school for the graduates was played. Picture after picture and shot after shot, the memories were brought back to the past three years. The video showed the students' transformation from strangers to familiarity, from youth to innocence. to the mature years of youthful growth.

Vice President Qian Qinmei read out the "Decision on Commending Outstanding School-Level Graduates of 2022" and encouraged the commended students to cherish the honor, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and make persistent efforts and pioneer and innovate. Gong Lei, deputy secretary of the Party branch, and vice presidents Chen Weiming and Qian Qinmei presented awards to outstanding graduates. Zhang Shiyi from Class 1 of

19 Decoration College took the stage to speak on behalf of all the graduates. She thanked the school for the three years of training and promised to fulfill the oath of youth and bravely shoulder the mission of the times.

In the three years of study and life, the class teacher has always accompanied the students to grow up. Representatives of each class came to the stage to present flowers to the class teacher and thank the class teacher for their hard work.

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life. - DayDayNews

Bravely take responsibility and build your dreams now.

The ceremony also specially designed a simple yet solemn "Eighteen-year-old Coming of Age Ceremony". All graduates faced the national flag and solemnly swore: "...with my ambition and passion, build Chinese characteristics Socialist society; with my wisdom and sweat, I dedicate myself to the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "

The clank oath is sonorous and powerful, and the solemn commitment is loud and clear. This is what youth should look like. Six directors of professional departments came to the stage to wear adult hats for the student representatives. These 18-year-old youths have not only graduated, but they will also assume all the responsibilities entrusted by the constitution and open a new chapter in their life growth. Xin Xiaohong, the head teacher of Class 2 of

19 Cost College, sent a message to the graduating students on behalf of all the teachers: Don’t abandon knowledge, understand yourself correctly, take responsibility, and learn to love and tolerate. Parent representative Ms. Ma Guiling, mother of Ma Lankui from Class 2 of Luban Experimental Class 19, expressed her gratitude to the school for the three years of training on behalf of the parents of graduates, and hoped that the children would remember: No matter how high the mountain is, if you climb up, you will always reach the top; no matter how far the road is, keep moving forward. Will definitely arrive.

Four representatives of teachers and students recited the poem "A strong school has me, building a dream for China", "A strong school has me, youth builds dreams; youth builds dreams, a strong country has me." This is the common oath of teachers and students.

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life. - DayDayNews

Sail forward and pursue dreams for the future

Fan Xiaochun, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of the school, issued graduation certificates to the representatives of each class and took a group photo. Fan Xiaochun sent an affectionate message to the graduating students:

Create a youthful foundation with self-confidence, grow talents and skills at work, increase knowledge and temper character in study; polish the true nature of youth with struggle, and only work hard and practice diligently. Only by being lazy can you live up to your time and the times;

sharpen your youth with responsibility. While pursuing the personal self, you must also have a big self in your heart. Even in difficulties, you must have a "mind building the world and aspiration to build the world." ” ambition.

Fan Xiaochun hopes that all graduates will forge ahead, fly to higher places, and see a broader world! Set foot on a new track and keep moving forward!

At the ceremony, the graduates who had won the title of "Top Ten Singers on Campus" also performed the songs "Remembrance" and "Goodbye" for the ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, all teachers, students and parent representatives sang the school song "Construction!" "Contribution", "Be brave in taking responsibility, work hard and innovate, build tall buildings from the ground, and build a hometown that is famous all over the world; build a business with morality, be willing to learn and practice, build thousands of buildings, and build a prosperous and strong motherland." These are the founders of the school. Pursuing a common mission.

This year, the school also specially designed and built four check-in points on campus. After the ceremony, the graduates rushed to take photos at each check-in point, capturing three years of beautiful memories in youthful photos.

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life. - DayDayNews

Under the starry sky, between the mountains and the sea, walk towards the light and go on an expedition. I believe that all graduates, even if the road ahead is long and far away, will be smooth sailing and move forward indomitably. With the school's watch and blessings, they will find their own unique life path in the broad background of the times, and become people who live up to their time and bravely shoulder their missions. New era youth.

(Picture provided by Jiaxing Construction Industry School)

Source: [Jiaxing Daily-Jiaxing Online] Saying treasure and waiting for a reunion, the three years of school establishment and study for the 785 students of the class of 2022 have come to a successful end, and they are about to start a new journey in life. - DayDayNews

Nanhu Evening News Education Accompanying the Road to Growth

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